Nature Nova Scotia's Big Tree Project

This iNaturalist project is part of the effort by Nature N.S. to create a database of the largest trees of all native species that grow in the province. The project started in 2005 and has collected about 60 tree measurements before this iNaturalist project was created. The ( webpage has information on tree measurement as well as all the tree data and pictures for those large trees.

The NatureNS project was an addition to the Nova Scotia Forest Technician's Association ( selection of the annual biggest tree contest.

Publicado el 18 de enero de 2020 a las 10:08 PM por ldbogan ldbogan


Hi Larry -- thanks for setting this up. And very timely. Two of our native trees are now under attack by non-native invasive species and the worst case scenario is that they could be eliminated from our forests. Eastern Hemlock is threatened by the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, recently discovered in western Nova Scotia and all species of Ash are threatened by the Emerald Ash Borer. We all hope that the actual trees are around for a long time and that pictures become all we have to remember them by.

Anotado por myacadianforest hace mas de 4 años

nsfta has blocked me from their website for Big Trees: "Sorry, has been banned."

Anotado por jackpine22 hace cerca de 3 años

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