Curious about how we are using your data?

The data you submit to the Oregon Wildlife Conservation iNaturalist Project is being used to help support ongoing conservation projects, like the Oregon Connectivity Assessment and Mapping Project (OCAMP). OCAMP aims to link landscapes for wildlife by identifying habitat connectivity throughout the state for 54 of Oregon’s native wildlife species. Northern red-legged frog is one of these species, and there are over 500 observations of northern red-legged frog in Oregon logged in iNaturalist! 101 of these observations have already been shared directly with our iNaturalist project.

There’s just one challenge: iNaturalist automatically obscures the locations of observations of sensitive species like northern red-legged frog (distinguished as "taxon geoprivacy"). You can share your data for sensitive species that are obscured by adding them to our project. By sharing your data with our iNaturalist project, you share the actual location of where you saw the animal with us. That information allows us to develop wildlife research and conservation plans. The 101 observations of northern red-legged frogs you have already shared with our iNaturalist project will be used to help validate connectivity maps developed for OCAMP. If you have observations of any of the 54 OCAMP species, it’s not too late to share them with our project!

Publicado el 06 de febrero de 2021 a las 01:07 AM por oregonconservationstrategy oregonconservationstrategy


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