Archivos de Diario para julio 2017

02 de julio de 2017

5000+ species in DC Metro

Around the same time the whole site hit 5M observations, DC-area iNaturalists reached their own milestone last week as the 5000th species was recorded and IDed within the Washington Metropolitan Area. The community crossed the 5k threshold on 26-June-17, and currently sits at 5,024. (Note that here and elsewhere, I am referring to verifiable observations of non-captive species.) This overall count can fluctuate independent of new additions as species identifications are corrected/changed.

A few iNat stats from our area:

Annual iNat observations and taxa have increased every year since 2011, with the biggest jumps (~5-fold increase in observations) from 2011 to 2012, and 2015 to 2016. From 2012 to 2015, the number of observations steadily increased by about a third each year.

Overall, @treichard has recorded the most observations (n=3,697) within the DC metro, and @peggyo the most species (n=889). In terms of most species recorded in 12 months (= Big Year, all species version), @krosenthal IDed 430 species in 2016, but incredibly @judygva, in only the first six months of 2017, has smashed that previous high with 519 species so far. Compare the leaderboards below, and you can see that judygva is not the only newcomer having a big impact: 80% of the top five spots, for both species and observations, have turned-over from 2011-2016 to 2017.

Observation Leaderboard 2011-2016
(1) treichard [3,215 obs]; (2) muir [2,921]; (3) @calopteryx [2,629]; (4) @treegrow [2,608]; (5) rosenthal [2,383]
Species Leaderboard 2011-2016
(1) calopteryx [845 spp]; (2) treegrow [736]; (3) @drkilmer [731]; (4) treichard [704]; (5) krosenthal [698]

Observation Leaderboard 2017 (up to 1-July)
(1) @belyykit [1,289 obs]; (2) @elliotgreiner [1,168]; (3) @mellis [972]; (4) judygva [775]; (5) treegrow [666]
Species Leaderboard 2017
(1) judygva [519 spp]; (2) mellis [427]; (3) peggyo [325]; (4) krosenthal [257]; (5) elliotgreiner [242]

A couple more musings:

(1) In the context of iNat activity, the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, might suggest that 80% of iNat observations should be expected to come from 20% of the observers. Since 2012, the DC-area iNat community has been even more imbalanced, averaging 10% of observers contributing 80% of annual observations. I don't know how that compares to other places, or what it might indicate.

(2) We're at the year's halfway mark, so allow me to try to predict what happens in the second half of 2017 in the DC-area:

In previous years, the first half's observations accounted for about 49% of the year's final total, and 58% of the species. Extrapolating that to 2017 would mean 22,632 second-half observations, or 44,639 total 2017 observations (range: 39,729 - 50,888), and 4,183 species (range: 3,890 - 4,602), or about a 150% and 120% increase from 2016, respectively. How many of those species would be new records for the DC Metro area? A rough estimate is that, based on 2011-2016 trends, a new species for the DC Metro is recorded about every 30 observations. So, if I estimate 22,632 observations will be added in the second half of 2017, that would suggest 700 new species will be added (range: 550 - 890).

Publicado el 02 de julio de 2017 a las 03:35 AM por muir muir | 10 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de julio de 2017

DC-area meet-up: Sunday July 23 @ Meadowood

Group photo (names in no particular order): Amy, Jen, Matt, Carrie, Ashley, Judy, Michael, Lee, Natalie, Marshall, Holden

Calling all DC-area iNaturalists -- it is time for a mid-summer gathering.

After previously meeting up in suburban Maryland (see @carrieseltzer 's journal post) and Rock Creek Park (see @treegrow 's journal post), let's try Northern Virginia. Near Woodbridge, Meadowood Recreation Area is one of few Bureau of Land Management lands east of the Mississippi, and houses an adoption program for a few wild horses and burros moved from public rangelands in the West. It also has a great mix of habitats and trails with over 450 species recorded so far by the iNat community (over half by @judygva alone!).

The plan is to meet at the Hidden Pond Trailhead parking area on Belmont Blvd. In the trail map linked above, it is near the bottom in the middle. I will try to arrive around 9am, and will wander to the pond and in the immediate vicinity, including the milkweed Judy references in the comments, for those arriving later. Please add a comment below if you need a ride, or can provide a ride, and we will try to carpool to the extent possible.

If you haven't attended one of these gatherings before, you are welcome! They are loosely organized and fun, very informal, and people can come and go as they please. The group usually spreads out and moves at a naturalist's pace. Impromptu picnics are known to occur. I don't think any of us are axe-murderers.

Here is the iNat project created to compile observations from these DC-area field trips.

Tagging recently active users & participants from previous field trips. Please tag and invite others freely.
@treegrow @carrieseltzer @calopteryx @peggyo @jhammock @briangratwicke @judygva @botanygirl @belyykit @ashley_bradford @elliotgreiner @mellis @achang @jgingold @krosenthal @tminatbe @mmn_noriko @mdnaturalist @treichard @kestrelsparverius @gwh @lorax32 @lynnparsons @tkirk304 @lucareptile @jacobogre @kellykrechmer @annagypsy @kisaacson @etotin @yogagalen @eglaeser @mkoenig @nicocampalans @klthomasart @ecologyelise

Publicado el 16 de julio de 2017 a las 02:24 AM por muir muir | 59 comentarios | Deja un comentario