BIO 114: Journal #5

So today I realized I was quite behind on my keying and thought I would go on a nice adventure through my neighborhood to find some trees to identify. I geared up with my book, paper, and a pen and set out. A few houses down from mine I found a pretty cool tree but was having a lot of trouble keying it. As I awkwardly stood on the sidewalk examining this random persons tree in the blazing sun, I thought to myself "wait a minute, I have quite a few trees in my yard. maybe ill start there to get some more practice before I go adventuring through the neighborhood chillin in front of other peoples houses". So I ventured back to my house and lo and behold there was a ton of different kinds of trees in my backyard and they were all fairly easy to key. And now you're thinking "but bro those trees look pretty far away and tall no way you could see that closely". You're right, for the ones were closer on the slope I climbed up there and took a good look, but I also got out some binoculars and that helped a lot. If I got really stuck on any of them I would flip through the book, find the tree, and then go backwards to try and better understand what it was. I definitely feel like I have more of a grip on keying now and hope to expand my horizons to new parts of the neighborhood soon.

Queen Palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana)
1', 2 palms: 1', 2, 3', 7', 8', 9', 10

Eucalyptus (Swamp Mahogany: E. robusta)
1', 2', 3', 5', 8', 9', 13 group 8: 1', 3', 4', 16', 18', 19, 20. eucalyptus: 1, 2', 7, 8'

Publicado el 22 de mayo de 2020 a las 09:56 PM por nataliemitchell nataliemitchell


Fotos / Sonidos


Palmera Pindó (Syagrus romanzoffiana)


Mayo 22, 2020 a las 02:33 PM PDT


palm tree in my back yard, used key guide to figure out what type

Fotos / Sonidos


Eucaliptos (Género Eucalyptus)


Mayo 22, 2020 a las 02:33 PM PDT


tree on my back slope, used key guide to figure out which type


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