Archivos de Diario para abril 2018

10 de abril de 2018

Some historical iNat statistics

I am adding this because the southern African (iSpot) data will be inserted into the iNat data and these statistics will not be recoverable: the southern African data will be intruded into it.

Observer Statistics:

10 April 2018 - up to 500 observations (observations, species

1 tonyrebelo 5,723 1,225
2 gawie 3,089 993
3 colin25 2,146 350
4 calebcam 2,144 115
5 tonybenn 2,060 255
6 i_c_riddell 1,817 770
7 johnnybirder 1,764 757
8 joachim 1,660 680
9 vynbos 1,632 731
10 markuslilje 1,547 1,106

11 magdastlucia 1,491 453
12 shauns 1,482 542
13 nicky 1,458 780
14 florem 1,304 399
15 ricky_taylor 1,289 567
16 nanofishology 1,288 220
17 bushboy 1,226 402
18 zanskar 1,216 579
19 henrydelange 923 424
20 happyasacupcake 895 406

21 csavy 858 427
22 muir 830 360
23 snidge 819 341
24 sallyslak 786 321
25 tapaculo99 762 420
26 flower_girl 682 286
27 waterkloof 646 176
28 outramps 637 365
29 alexanderr 595 228
30 andrew_hankey 590 295

31 graeme 581 292
32 fubr 545 226
33 jaheymans 544 300
34 robert_taylor 540 290
35 lucstrydom 515 253
36 botaneek 510 426
37 peterrwarren 510 367
38 cheekychew 507 163
39 marcoschmidtffm 504 202

Dec 2017 - top 10 observers per year (observations, species)
tonyrebelo 4,765 986
gawie 2,517 931
calebcam 2,010 105
johnnybirder 1,661 704
joachim 1,522 631
markuslilje 1,506 1,079
i_c_riddell 1,344 607
nanofishology 1,288 220
zanskar 1,216 579
florem 1,064 345

Dec 2016
johnnybirder 1,364 599
i_c_riddell 851 430
muir 830 360
snidge 800 337
csavy 749 405
joachim 657 428
graeme 581 292
carmelo_lopez 485 443
tapaculo99 383 278
jimsteamer 309 114

Dec 2015
johnnybirder 864 457
muir 829 360
snidge 800 337
i_c_riddell 702 356
graeme 581 292
csavy 548 320
joachim 499 357
carmelo_lopez 468 430
tiggrx 295 247
jimsteamer 214 90

Dec 2014
snidge 720 323
muir 584 310
graeme 581 292
carmelo_lopez 468 430
i_c_riddell 393 228
joachim 354 282
tiggrx 285 237
csavy 258 188
jimsteamer 211 88
greglasley 201 150

Identifiers Statistics:

10 April 2018 - up to 1000 IDs

1 johnnybirder 18,246
2 jakob 16,241
3 tonyrebelo 10,737
4 calebcam 8,769
5 colin25 6,515
6 ldacosta 5,052
7 alexdreyer 3,771
8 henrydelange 3,527
9 wildnothos 3,287
10 rjpretor 3,122

11 beetledude 3,022
12 vynbos 2,751
13 karoopixie 2,749
14 alexanderr 2,543
15 shauns 2,524
16 bushboy 2,206
17 john8 2,153
18 robertarcher397 2,044
19 alanhorstmann 1,845
20 wouterteunissen 1,662

21 adriaan_grobler 1,469
22 martingrimm 1,436
23 joachim 1,363
24 robert_taylor 1,334
25 outramps 1,297
26 kokhuitan 1,280
27 rjq 1,198
28 prix_burgoyne 1,129
29 botaneek 1,079
30 nicovr 1,071
31 fubr 1,034

Species statistics (from Observations):

See the latest:

10 April 2018

11,135 SPECIES



825 Loxodonta africanaSavannah Elephant FIRST MAMMAL
532 Giraffa camelopardalisGiraffe SECOND MAMMAL
494 Aepyceros melampusImpala THIRD MAMMAL
445 Equus quaggaPlains Zebra

351 Alopochen aegyptiacaEgyptian Goose FIRST BIRD
346 Panthera leoLion

339 Phacochoerus africanusCommon Warthog

334 Tragelaphus strepsicerosGreater Kudu

266 Hippopotamus amphibiusHippopotamus

259 Connochaetes taurinusCommon Wildebeest

258 Papio ursinusChacma Baboon

240 Numida meleagrisHelmeted Guineafowl SECOND BIRD
226 Kobus ellipsiprymnusWaterbuck

223 Syncerus cafferAfrican Buffalo

219 Stigmochelys pardalisLeopard Tortoise FIRST REPTILE
216 Ceratotherium simumWhite Rhinoceros

205 Crocodylus niloticusNile Crocodile SECOND REPTILE
204 Chlorocebus pygerythrusVervet Monkey

190 Lycaon pictusAfrican Wild Dog
183 Crocuta crocutaSpotted Hyena

182 Panthera pardusLeopard

181 Tragelaphus angasiiNyala

177 Haliaeetus vociferAfrican Fish-Eagle THIRD BIRD
174 Struthio camelusCommon Ostrich

173 Procavia capensisRock Hyrax

172 Agama atraSouthern Rock Agama THIRD REPTILE
171 Hyperolius marmoratusPainted Reed Frog FIRST FROG
165 Coracias caudatusLilac-breasted Roller

160 Bostrychia hagedashHadada Ibis

157 Vanellus armatusBlacksmith Lapwing

154 Tragelaphus scriptusBushbuck

152 Antidorcas marsupialisSpringbok

150 Canis mesomelasBlack-backed Jackal

149 Chersina angulataAngulate Tortoise

149 Streptopelia senegalensisLaughing Dove

147 Oryx gazellaGemsbok

145 Gyps africanusWhite-backed Vulture

142 Spheniscus demersusAfrican Penguin

139 Raphicerus campestrisSteenbok

138 Acinonyx jubatusCheetah

131 Ardea cinereaGrey Heron

126 Tockus leucomelasSouthern Yellow-billed Hornbill

124 Trachylepis striataAfrican Striped Skink

123 Scopus umbrettaHamerkop

120 Alcelaphus buselaphusHartebeest

117 Acanthocercus atricollisBlack-necked Agama

114 Ploceus velatusSouthern Masked-Weaver

111 Pycnonotus barbatusCommon Bulbul

111 Lygodactylus capensisCape Dwarf Gecko

110 Amietia fuscigulaCape River Frog SECOND FROG
108 Lanius collarisSouthern Fiscal

103 Corythaixoides concolorGrey Go-Away-Bird

103 Trithemis arteriosaRed-veined Dropwing

102 Microcarbo africanusReed Cormorant

100 Ceryle rudisPied Kingfisher

98 Terathopius ecaudatusBateleur

98 Bucorvus leadbeateriSouthern Ground-Hornbill

96 Bitis arietansPuff Adder

96 Paraxerus cepapiSmith's Bush Squirrel

95 Halcyon albiventrisBrown-hooded Kingfisher

94 Threskiornis aethiopicusSacred Ibis

93 Onychognathus morioRed-winged Starling

92 Arctocephalus pusillusBrown Fur Seal FIRST MARINE NON-BIRD
92 Tragelaphus oryxEland

91 Streptopelia capicolaCape Turtle Dove

91 Damaliscus pygargusBontebok/Blesbok

91 Oreotragus oreotragusKlipspringer

91 Diceros bicornisBlack Rhinoceros

91 Varanus niloticusNile Monitor

91 Buphagus erythrorhynchusRed-billed Oxpecker

90 Anhinga rufaAfrican Darter

90 Dicrurus adsimilisFork-tailed Drongo

88 Dendrocygna viduataWhite-faced Whistling-Duck

88 Trachylepis margaritiferaRainbow Skink

87 Aquila rapaxTawny Eagle

87 Melierax canorusPale Chanting-Goshawk

87 Chamaeleo dilepisFlap-necked Chameleon

86 Merops bullockoidesWhite-fronted Bee-Eater

86 Phalacrocorax carboGreat Cormorant

86 Actophilornis africanusAfrican Jacana

85 Ardeotis koriKori Bustard

85 Chiromantis xerampelinaGrey Foam-nest Treefrog THIRD FROG
84 Tockus rufirostrisSouthern Red-billed Hornbill

83 Larus dominicanusKelp Gull

83 Ephippiorhynchus senegalensisSaddle-billed Stork

81 Merops pusillusLittle Bee-Eater

81 Milvus migransBlack Kite

81 Sylvicapra grimmiaBush Duiker

80 Mycteria ibisYellow-billed Stork

80 Bubulcus ibisCattle Egret

79 Ardea goliathGoliath Heron

78 Hemidactylus mabouiaTropical House Gecko

78 Orthetrum juliaJulia Skimmer FIRST INSECT
77 Uraeginthus angolensisBlue Waxbill

76 Egretta garzettaLittle Egret

76 Polemaetus bellicosusMartial Eagle

76 Upupa epopsCommon Hoopoe

75 Euplectes orixSouthern Red Bishop

75 Sclerophrys capensisRaucous Toad

74 Coracias garrulusEuropean Roller

74 Corvus albusPied Crow

74 Apis melliferaWestern Honey Bee SECOND INSECT
74 Protea cynaroidesKing Protea FIRST PLANT
73 Promerops caferCape Sugarbird

73 Lamprotornis nitensCape Starling

73 Pseudaspis canaMole Snake

73 Hippotragus nigerSable Antelope

72 Motacilla capensisCape Wagtail

71 Charadrius tricollarisThree-banded Plover

71 Haematopus moquiniAfrican Black Oystercatcher

71 Saxicola torquatusAfrican Stonechat

71 Papilio demodocusCitrus Swallowtail THIRD INSECT
71 Adansonia digitataBaobab SECOND PLANT
71 Zonocerus elegansElegant Grasshopper

70 Crocothemis erythraeaBroad Scarlet

70 Trachyphonus vaillantiiCrested Barbet

69 Ciconia episcopusWoolly-necked Stork

69 Vanellus coronatusCrowned Lapwing

69 Mungos mungoBanded Mongoose

68 Leptoptilos crumeniferMarabou Stork

67 Turtur chalcospilosEmerald-spotted Wood-Dove

67 Ardea melanocephalaBlack-headed Heron

67 Sclerophrys gutturalisGuttural Toad

67 Aloidendron dichotomumQuiver Tree THIRD PLANT
66 Cynictis penicillataYellow Mongoose

66 Xerus inaurisGround Squirrel

65 Lybius torquatusBlack-collared Barbet

64 Plectropterus gambensisSpur-winged Goose

64 Quelea queleaRed-billed Quelea

64 Sagittarius serpentariusSecretarybird

64 Corythornis cristatusMalachite Kingfisher

63 Plocepasser mahaliWhite-browed Sparrow-Weaver

63 Naja niveaCape Cobra

63 Phoenicopterus roseusGreater Flamingo

62 Colius striatusSpeckled Mousebird

62 Elanus caeruleusBlack-shouldered Kite

61 Erica cerinthoidesFire Heath

60 Ploceus capensisCape Weaver

60 Bubo africanusSpotted Eagle-Owl

59 Tringa glareolaWood Sandpiper

59 Burhinus vermiculatusWater Thick-Knee

59 Motacilla aguimpAfrican Pied Wagtail
59 Protea repens

59 Leucadendron salignumCommon Sunshine Conebush

58 Merops apiasterEuropean Bee-Eater

58 Buteo rufofuscusJackal Buzzard

58 Cossypha caffraCape Robin-Chat

58 Vidua macrouraPin-tailed Whydah

58 Bradypodion damaranumKnysna Dwarf Chameleon

58 Danaus chrysippusPlain Tiger

58 Passer diffususSouthern Grey-headed Sparrow
58 Brachythemis leucostictaBanded Groundling

57 Anastomus lamelligerusAfrican Openbill

57 Cercomela familiarisFamiliar Chat

56 Terpsiphone viridisAfrican Paradise-Flycatcher

56 Lamprotornis chalybaeusGreater Blue-eared Starling

56 Megaceryle maximaGiant Kingfisher

56 Anthropoides paradiseusBlue Crane

56 Buteo buteoCommon Buzzard

55 Halcyon senegalensisWoodland Kingfisher

55 Himantopus himantopusBlack-winged Stilt

55 Polyboroides typusAfrican Harrier-Hawk

55 Passer melanurusCape Sparrow

55 Acacia mearnsiiBlack Wattle FIRST ALIEN PLANT
55 Zosterops capensisCape White-Eye

54 Centropus superciliosusWhite-browed Coucal

54 Streptopelia semitorquataRed-eyed Dove

54 Necrosyrtes monachusHooded Vulture

54 Nectarinia famosaMalachite Sunbird

54 Dispholidus typusBoomslang

54 Anthobaphes violaceaOrange-breasted Sunbird

53 Platalea albaAfrican Spoonbill

53 Phalacrocorax capensisCape Cormorant

53 Prinia subflavaTawny-flanked Prinia

53 Varanus albigularisRock Monitor

53 Eupodotis afraoidesNorthern Black Korhaan
53 Merops nubicoidesSouthern Carmine Bee-Eater

53 Gallinula chloropusCommon Moorhen

52 Anas undulataYellow-billed Duck

52 Damaliscus lunatusTsessebe

52 Amietia delalandiiCommon River Frog

51 Corvinella melanoleucaMagpie Shrike

50 Columba guineaSpeckled Pigeon

50 Charadrius marginatusWhite-fronted Plover

50 Schismaderma carensRed Toad

50 Helogale parvulaCommon Dwarf Mongoose

50 Hystrix africaeaustralisCape Porcupine

50 Junonia hiertaYellow Pansy

50 Junonia oenoneBlue Pansy

50 Chroicocephalus hartlaubiiHartlaub's Gull

49 Philetairus sociusSociable Weaver

49 Bubo lacteusVerreaux's Eagle-Owl

49 Chondrodactylus turneriTurner's Thick-toed Gecko

49 Pelusios sinuatusSerrated Hinged Terrapin

49 Equus zebraMountain Zebra

49 Eupodotis ruficristaRed-crested Korhaan

49 Dendroperdix sephaenaCrested Francolin

49 Pternistis natalensisNatal Francolin

49 Pternistis swainsoniiSwainson's Spurfowl

49 Mimetes cucullatusCommon Pagoda

48 Pternistis capensisCape Spurfowl

47 Vanellus senegallusAfrican Wattled Lapwing
47 Ploceus cucullatusVillage Weaver

47 Herpestes sanguineusSlender Mongoose

47 Cotyledon orbiculataPig's Ear

47 Pelomedusa subrufaHelmeted Turtle

47 Cinnyris chalybeusSouthern Double-collared Sunbird
47 Protea nitidaWagon Tree

46 Circaetus cinereusBrown Snake-Eagle

46 Erica plukenetii

45 Burhinus capensisSpotted Thick-Knee

45 Hirundo smithiiWire-tailed Swallow

45 Brunsvigia orientalisCandelabra Lily

45 Lophoceros nasutusAfrican Grey Hornbill

45 Crithagra mozambicaYellow-fronted Canary

44 Rhabdomys pumilioStriped Fieldmouse

44 Vanessa carduiPainted Lady

44 Afrogecko porphyreusMarbled Leaf-toed Gecko

44 Cecropis abyssinicaLesser Striped Swallow
43 Lanius collurioRed-backed Shrike

43 Pycnonotus capensisCape Bulbul

43 Trachylepis variaVariable Skink

43 Mellivora capensisHoney Badger

43 Ceriagrion glabrumCommon Citril

43 Ardea albaGreat Egret

43 Turdus libonyanaKurrichane Thrush

43 Bicyclus safitzaCommon Bush Brown

42 Torgos tracheliotosLappet-faced Vulture

42 Laniarius atrococcineusCrimson-breasted Shrike

42 Pycnonotus nigricansAfrican Red-eyed Bulbul

42 Cordylus nigerBlack Girdled Lizard

42 Ischnura senegalensisCommon Bluetail

42 Prionops plumatusWhite Helmetshrike

42 Pterocles bicinctusDouble-banded Sandgrouse

42 Dictyophorus spumansKoppie Foam Grasshopper
42 Hedydipna collarisCollared Sunbird

42 Acraea hortaGarden Acraea

42 Zapornia flavirostraBlack Crake

41 Fulica cristataRed-knobbed Coot

41 Nycticorax nycticoraxBlack-crowned Night Heron

41 Crotaphopeltis hotamboeiaRed-lipped Snake

41 Sympetrum fonscolombiiRed-veined Darter

41 Phaenocoma proliferaCape Everlasting

40 Tauraco porphyreolophusPurple-crested Turaco

40 Cinnyricinclus leucogasterViolet-backed Starling

40 Oxalis obtusaYelloweye Woodsorrel

40 Haemanthus sanguineusApril-Fool

39 Rostratula benghalensisGreater Painted-Snipe

39 Lophaetus occipitalisLong-crested Eagle

39 Pytilia melbaMelba Finch

39 Dendropicos fuscescensCardinal Woodpecker

39 Phoeniculus purpureusGreen Woodhoopoe

39 Suricata suricattaMeerkat

39 Boophone distichaPoison-Bulb

38 Ardeola ralloidesSquacco Heron

38 Dryoscopus cublaBlack-backed Puffback

38 Andropadus importunusSombre Greenbul

38 Lamprotornis australisBurchell's Starling

38 Harmonia axyridisHarlequin Lady Beetle

38 Precis archesiaGarden Inspector

38 Turdus olivaceusOlive Thrush

38 Pelomedusa galeataCape Terrapin

37 Guttera pucheraniCrested Guineafowl

37 Oriolus larvatusBlack-headed Oriole

37 Amblyospiza albifronsThick-billed Weaver

37 Anaplectes rubricepsRed-headed Weaver

37 Cercopithecus mitisBlue Monkey

37 Zantedeschia aethiopicaArum Lily

37 Python natalensisSouthern African Python

37 Spermestes cucullataBronze Mannikin

37 Aseroe rubraStar Stinkhhorn FIRST FUNGUS
36 Bradypodion pumilumCape Dwarf Chameleon

36 Redunca arundinumSouthern Reedbuck

36 Lantana camaraCommon Lantana

36 Herpestes pulverulentusCape Grey Mongoose

36 Pelargonium capitatumRose-scented Geranium

36 Helicoverpa armigeraAfrican Bollworm

36 Nesciothemis farinosaEastern Blacktail

36 Hieraaetus wahlbergiWahlberg's Eagle

36 Bycanistes bucinatorTrumpeter Hornbill

36 Probergrothius angolensisWelwitschia Bug

36 Syncarpha vestitaCape Snow

35 Sarkidiornis melanotosComb Duck

35 Prinia maculosaKaroo Prinia

35 Xenopus laevisAfrican Clawed Frog

35 Duberria lutrixCommon Slug-Eater

35 Chalcomitra senegalensisScarlet-chested Sunbird

35 Protea neriifoliaBlue Sugarbush

35 Vachellia karrooSweetthorn

34 Urocolius indicusRed-faced Mousebird

34 Pelecanus onocrotalusGreat White Pelican
34 Telophorus zeylonusBokmakierie

34 Eurocephalus anguitimensSouthern White-crowned Shrike

34 Lamprotornis mevesiiMeves's Starling

34 Mylothris agathinaEastern Dotted Border

34 Trithemis kirbyiKirby's Dropwing

34 Pelargonium cucullatumWild Mallow

34 Chroicocephalus cirrocephalusGrey-headed Gull

34 Leucospermum conocarpodendronTree Pincushion

33 Tachybaptus ruficollisLittle Grebe

33 Anas erythrorhynchaRed-billed Teal

33 Lagonosticta senegalaRed-billed Firefinch

33 Chlorocichla flaviventrisYellow-bellied Greenbul

33 Turdoides jardineiiArrow-marked Babbler

33 Otocyon megalotisBat-eared Fox

33 Connochaetes gnouBlack Wildebeest

33 Clathrus archeriDevil's-Fingers SECOND FUNGUS
33 Agama aculeataGround Agama

33 Emberiza capensisCape Bunting

33 Melaenornis silensFiscal Flycatcher

33 Boaedon capensisCape House Snake

32 Oena capensisNamaqua Dove

32 Circaetus pectoralisBlack-breasted Snake-Eagle

32 Trachylepis sulcataWestern Rock Skink

32 Hippotragus equinusRoan Antelope

32 Carpobrotus edulisEdible Sourfig

32 Junonia natalicaNatal Pansy

32 Cyligramma latonaCream-striped Owl

32 Palpopleura luciaLucia Widow

32 Tricholaema leucomelasAcacia Pied Barbet

32 Cinnyris aferGreater Double-collared Sunbird
32 Euphorbia mauritanica

32 Erica viscariaRoughpetal Heath Complex
31 Merops hirundineusSwallow-tailed Bee-Eater

31 Batis molitorChinspot Batis

31 Muscicapa adustaAfrican Dusky Flycatcher

31 Passer domesticusHouse Sparrow

31 Scotopelia peliPel's Fishing-Owl

31 Platysaurus intermediusCommon Flat Lizard

31 Atilax paludinosusMarsh Mongoose

31 Disa unifloraRed Disa

31 Chalcomitra amethystinaAmethyst Sunbird

31 Cinnyris talatalaWhite-breasted Sunbird

31 Falco rupicolusRock Kestrel

31 Erica coccinea

30 Actitis hypoleucosCommon Sandpiper

30 Hirundo albigularisWhite-throated Swallow

30 Philothamnus semivariegatusSpotted Bush Snake

30 Cordylus cordylusCape Girdled Lizard

30 Acacia cyclopsRedeye Wattle

30 Acraea encedonCommon Acraea

30 Precis octaviaGaudy Commodore

30 Zizeeria knysnaSooty Blue

30 Erica discolor

30 Hycleus oculatusCMR Bean Beetle

30 Senegalia melliferaKaoko Black Thorn

30 Pillansia templemannii

29 Ploceus ocularisSpectacled Weaver

29 Ploceus intermediusLesser Masked-Weaver

29 Trachylepis capensisCape Skink

29 Cephalophus natalensisNatal Red Duiker

29 Butorides striataStriated Heron

29 Argiope australis FIRST CHELICERATE
29 Trithemis sticticaJaunty Dropwing

29 Dodonaea viscosaAkeake

29 Aquila spilogasterAfrican Hawk-Eagle

29 Coracias naeviusRufous-crowned Roller

29 Cassytha ciliolataDevils Tresses

29 Pternistis adspersusRed-billed Spurfowl

29 Lophoceros alboterminatusCrowned Hornbill

28 Phoeniconaias minorLesser Flamingo

28 Falco amurensisAmur Falcon

28 Vanellus albicepsWhite-headed Lapwing

28 Corvus albicollisWhite-necked Raven

28 Glaucidium perlatumPearl-spotted Owlet

28 Psammophylax rhombeatusRhombic Skaapsteker

28 Kobus lecheLechwe

28 Acacia salignaPort Jackson Wattle

28 Trachylepis punctatissimaSpeckled Rock Skink

28 Pterocles namaquaNamaqua Sandgrouse

28 Gloriosa superbaFlame Lily

28 Catopsilia florellaAfrican Migrant

28 Belenois creonaAfrican Common White

28 Saltera sarcocollaSalter

28 Leucadendron xanthoconus

27 Halcyon chelicutiStriped Kingfisher

27 Tringa nebulariaCommon Greenshank

27 Ciconia ciconiaWhite Stork

27 Camaroptera brachyuraGrey-backed Camaroptera

27 Cossypha heugliniWhite-browed Robin-Chat

27 Psophocichla litsitsirupaGroundscraper Thrush

27 Estrilda astrildCommon Waxbill

27 Bubalornis nigerRed-billed Buffalo-Weaver

27 Strongylopus grayiiGray's Stream Frog

27 Genetta tigrinaCape Genet

27 Caracal caracalCaracal

27 Latrodectus geometricusBrown Widow

27 Aloe arborescensCandelabra Aloe

27 Tylecodon paniculatusBotterboom

27 Cheilomenes lunataLunate Lady Beetle

27 Grewia occidentalisCrossberry

27 Crithagra gularisStreaky-headed Seedeater

27 Chnootriba hirta

26 Chrysococcyx capriusDideric Cuckoo

26 Laniarius ferrugineusSouthern Boubou

26 Batis capensisCape Batis

26 Emberiza flaviventrisGolden-breasted Bunting

26 Myrmecocichla formicivoraSouthern Anteater-Chat

26 Monticola rupestrisCape Rock-Thrush

26 Sporopipes squamifronsScaly-feathered Finch

26 Macronyx croceusYellow-throated Longclaw

26 Psammophis subtaeniatusStripe-bellied Sand Snake

26 Lycodonomorphus rufulusCommon Brown Water Snake
26 Acraea natalicaNatal Acraea

26 Wachendorfia paniculataSpider-Flower

26 Crassula muscosaBootlaces

26 Phymateus leprosus

26 Micronisus gabarGabar Goshawk

26 Leucadendron argenteumCape Silver Tree

26 Papilio nireusGreen-banded Swallowtail

26 Miomantis caffraSouth African Mantis

26 Circellium bacchusCape Flightless Dung Beetle
26 Camponotus niveosetosusHairy Sugar Ant
26 Lamprotornis bicolorAfrican Pied Starling

26 Tritoniopsis triticea

25 Falco biarmicusLanner Falcon

25 Recurvirostra avosettaPied Avocet

25 Trigonoceps occipitalisWhite-headed Vulture

25 Melaenornis pammelainaSouthern Black-Flycatcher

25 Macronyx capensisCape Longclaw

25 Dasypeltis scabraEgg-eating Snake

25 Agama kirkiiKirk's Rock Agama

25 Cisticola chinianaRattling Cisticola

25 Kigelia africanaSausage Tree

25 Homopus areolatusParrot-beaked Tortoise

25 Hippodamia variegataVariegated Ladybeetle

25 Lissotis melanogasterBlack-bellied Bustard

25 Thalasseus bergiiSwift Tern

25 Crassula coccineaRochea

25 Leucadendron spissifolium

24 Treron calvusAfrican Green Pigeon

24 Charadrius pecuariusKittlitz's Plover

24 Tauraco corythaixKnysna Loerie

24 Ploceus xanthopsHolub's Golden-Weaver

24 Euplectes capensisYellow Bishop

24 Genetta maculataCentral African Large-spotted Genet
24 Civettictis civettaAfrican Civet

24 Otolemur crassicaudatusBrown Greater Galago

24 Hypolimnas misippusCommon Diadem

24 Pteridium aquilinumCommon Bracken

24 Acacia melanoxylonBlackwood

24 Kniphofia uvariaRed Hot Poker

24 Pantala flavescensWandering Glider

24 Cassionympha cassiusRainforest Brown

24 Pycnoporus sanguineus

24 Crematogaster peringueyiBlack Cocktail Ant
24 Pachnoda sinuataGarden Fruit Chafer

24 Erica mammosa

23 Plegadis falcinellusGlossy Ibis

23 Falco rupicoloidesGreater Kestrel

23 Lanius minorLesser Grey Shrike

23 Cossypha natalensisRed-capped Robin-Chat

23 Campethera abingoniGolden-tailed Woodpecker

23 Pseudocordylus melanotusDrakensberg Crag Lizard

23 Eubalaena australisSouthern Right Whale SECOND MARINE NON-BIRD
23 Pelea capreolusGrey Rhebok

23 Welwitschia mirabilisWelwitschia

23 Trithemis annulataViolet Dropwing

23 Leonotis leonurusWild Dagga

23 Widdringtonia nodifloraMountain Cedar

23 Paraserianthes lophanthaStinkbean

23 Bugeranus carunculatusWattled Crane

23 Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventrisMocking Cliff-Chat

23 Cercotrichas paenaKalahari Scrub-Robin

23 Hakea sericeaSilky Needlebush

23 Apalis thoracicaBar-throated Apalis

23 Haemanthus coccineus

23 Chironia bacciferaChristmas Berry

23 Pternistis aferRed-necked Francolin

23 Sclerophrys garmaniGarman's Toad

23 Ornithogalum dubium

22 Balearica regulorumGrey Crowned Crane

22 Ardea purpureaPurple Heron

22 Aquila verreauxiiVerreaux's Eagle

22 Cisticola tinniensLevaillant's Cisticola

22 Serinus canicollisCape Canary

22 Hirundo rusticaBarn Swallow

22 Hyperolius parallelusAngolan Reed Frog

22 Leptopelis natalensisNatal Forest Tree Frog
22 Taphozous mauritianusMauritian Tomb Bat
22 Nephila fenestrata Hairy Golden Orb-weaving Spider SECOND CHELICERATE
22 Hamanumida daedalusGuineafowl

22 Boscia albitruncaShepherd's Tree

22 Crocothemis sanguinolentaLittle Scarlet

22 Trachylepis variegataVariegated Skink

22 Buphagus africanusYellow-billed Oxpecker

22 Belenois aurotaPioneer White

22 Cinnyris venustusVariable Sunbird

22 Pontia heliceMeadow White

22 Scadoxus puniceusPaintbrush Lily

22 Vidua paradisaeaEastern Paradise-Whydah

22 Vachellia xanthophloeaFever Tree

22 Camponotus fulvopilosusKaroo Balbyter Ants

22 Protea laurifolia

22 Mausoleopsis amabilisWhite-spotted Fruit Chafer

22 Dicerothamnus rhinocerotisRenosterbush

22 Colpoon compressum

22 Crithagra flaviventrisYellow Canary

22 Erica corifolia

22 Lanaria lanataLambstail


December 2017




378 Loxodonta africanaSavannah Elephant FIRST MAMMAL
239 Giraffa camelopardalisGiraffe SECOND MAMMAL
231 Equus quaggaPlains Zebra THIRD MAMMAL
225 Aepyceros melampusImpala

190 Panthera leoLion

172 Tragelaphus strepsicerosGreater Kudu

156 Lycaon pictusAfrican Wild Dog
152 Phacochoerus africanusCommon Warthog

148 Ceratotherium simumWhite Rhinoceros

146 Hippopotamus amphibiusHippopotamus

142 Connochaetes taurinusCommon Wildebeest

138 Papio ursinusChacma Baboon

129 Alopochen aegyptiacaEgyptian Goose FIRST BIRD
124 Struthio camelusCommon Ostrich SECOND BIRD
116 Numida meleagrisHelmeted Guineafowl THIRD BIRD
113 Acinonyx jubatusCheetah

112 Syncerus cafferAfrican Buffalo

109 Crocodylus niloticusNile Crocodile FIRST REPTILE
108 Chlorocebus pygerythrusVervet Monkey

105 Panthera pardusLeopard

100 Haliaeetus vociferAfrican Fish-Eagle

99 Tragelaphus angasiiNyala

97 Spheniscus demersusAfrican Penguin

96 Oryx gazellaGemsbok

95 Procavia capensisRock Hyrax

94 Kobus ellipsiprymnusWaterbuck

92 Antidorcas marsupialisSpringbok

91 Coracias caudatusLilac-breasted Roller

91 Crocuta crocutaSpotted Hyena

86 Canis mesomelasBlack-backed Jackal

81 Bostrychia hagedashHadada Ibis

77 Gyps africanusWhite-backed Vulture

77 Tockus leucomelasSouthern Yellow-billed Hornbill

77 Stigmochelys pardalisLeopard Tortoise SECOND REPTILE
74 Alcelaphus buselaphusHartebeest

70 Vanellus armatusBlacksmith Lapwing

66 Tragelaphus scriptusBushbuck

65 Raphicerus campestrisSteenbok

62 Arctocephalus pusillusBrown Fur Seal

62 Damaliscus pygargusBontebok/Blesbok

61 Ploceus velatusSouthern Masked-Weaver

60 Terathopius ecaudatusBateleur

58 Ardeotis koriKori Bustard

58 Actophilornis africanusAfrican Jacana

58 Corythaixoides concolorGrey Go-Away-Bird

58 Pycnonotus barbatusCommon Bulbul

57 Agama atraSouthern Rock Agama THIRD REPTILE
56 Tragelaphus oryxEland

55 Melierax canorusPale Chanting-Goshawk

54 Bucorvus leadbeateriSouthern Ground-Hornbill

53 Onychognathus morioRed-winged Starling

52 Halcyon albiventrisBrown-hooded Kingfisher

52 Scopus umbrettaHamerkop

51 Merops bullockoidesWhite-fronted Bee-Eater

51 Ardea cinereaGrey Heron

50 Anhinga rufaAfrican Darter

49 Ceryle rudisPied Kingfisher

49 Chersina angulataAngulate Tortoise

49 Varanus niloticusNile Monitor

49 Streptopelia senegalensisLaughing Dove

48 Oreotragus oreotragusKlipspringer

47 Larus dominicanusKelp Gull

47 Aquila rapaxTawny Eagle

47 Dicrurus adsimilisFork-tailed Drongo

46 Chamaeleo dilepisFlap-necked Chameleon

46 Tockus rufirostrisSouthern Red-billed Hornbill

45 Trachylepis margaritiferaRainbow Skink

45 Paraxerus cepapiSmith's Bush Squirrel

44 Diceros bicornisBlack Rhinoceros

44 Lanius collarisSouthern Fiscal

43 Buphagus erythrorhynchusRed-billed Oxpecker

42 Bitis arietansPuff Adder

42 Cynictis penicillataYellow Mongoose

42 Sagittarius serpentariusSecretarybird

41 Vanellus coronatusCrowned Lapwing

41 Corvus albusPied Crow

41 Acanthocercus atricollisBlack-necked Agama

40 Merops pusillusLittle Bee-Eater

40 Ephippiorhynchus senegalensisSaddle-billed Stork

40 Hippotragus nigerSable Antelope

40 Xerus inaurisGround Squirrel

40 Adansonia digitataBaobab FIRST PLANT
40 Leptoptilos crumeniferMarabou Stork

40 Microcarbo africanusReed Cormorant

40 Threskiornis aethiopicusSacred Ibis

39 Phalacrocorax carboGreat Cormorant

39 Polemaetus bellicosusMartial Eagle

39 Uraeginthus angolensisBlue Waxbill

39 Trachylepis striataAfrican Striped Skink

38 Lamprotornis nitensCape Starling

38 Upupa epopsCommon Hoopoe

38 Mungos mungoBanded Mongoose

38 Phoenicopterus roseusGreater Flamingo

37 Streptopelia capicolaCape Turtle Dove

37 Phalacrocorax capensisCape Cormorant

37 Ardea goliathGoliath Heron

37 Lygodactylus capensisCape Dwarf Gecko

36 Turtur chalcospilosEmerald-spotted Wood-Dove

36 Anastomus lamelligerusAfrican Openbill

36 Trachyphonus vaillantiiCrested Barbet

35 Haematopus moquiniAfrican Black Oystercatcher

35 Dendrocygna viduataWhite-faced Whistling-Duck

35 Chroicocephalus hartlaubiiHartlaub's Gull

34 Mycteria ibisYellow-billed Stork

34 Motacilla aguimpAfrican Pied Wagtail
34 Probergrothius angolensisWelwitschia Bug FIRST INSECT
33 Lamprotornis chalybaeusGreater Blue-eared Starling

33 Equus zebraMountain Zebra

33 Eupodotis afraoidesNorthern Black Korhaan
32 Streptopelia semitorquataRed-eyed Dove

32 Colius striatusSpeckled Mousebird

32 Egretta garzettaLittle Egret

32 Merops nubicoidesSouthern Carmine Bee-Eater

32 Lybius torquatusBlack-collared Barbet

31 Ciconia episcopusWoolly-necked Stork

31 Promerops caferCape Sugarbird

31 Chiromantis xerampelinaGrey Foam-nest Treefrog FIRST FROG
31 Sylvicapra grimmiaBush Duiker

31 Eupodotis ruficristaRed-crested Korhaan

31 Anthropoides paradiseusBlue Crane

30 Burhinus vermiculatusWater Thick-Knee

30 Bubulcus ibisCattle Egret

30 Buteo rufofuscusJackal Buzzard

30 Helogale parvulaCommon Dwarf Mongoose

30 Suricata suricattaMeerkat

29 Elanus caeruleusBlack-shouldered Kite

29 Plocepasser mahaliWhite-browed Sparrow-Weaver

29 Junonia hiertaYellow Pansy

29 Megaceryle maximaGiant Kingfisher

29 Corythornis cristatusMalachite Kingfisher

29 Anthobaphes violaceaOrange-breasted Sunbird

28 Centropus superciliosusWhite-browed Coucal

28 Cordylus nigerBlack Girdled Lizard

28 Bubo africanusSpotted Eagle-Owl

27 Hirundo smithiiWire-tailed Swallow

27 Damaliscus lunatusTsessebe

27 Saxicola torquatusAfrican Stonechat

26 Columba guineaSpeckled Pigeon

26 Ardea melanocephalaBlack-headed Heron

26 Cercomela familiarisFamiliar Chat

26 Philetairus sociusSociable Weaver

26 Euplectes orixSouthern Red Bishop

26 Pycnonotus nigricansAfrican Red-eyed Bulbul

26 Platysaurus intermediusCommon Flat Lizard

26 Trithemis arteriosaRed-veined Dropwing

26 Bycanistes bucinatorTrumpeter Hornbill

25 Charadrius tricollarisThree-banded Plover

25 Circaetus cinereusBrown Snake-Eagle

25 Milvus migransBlack Kite

25 Torgos tracheliotosLappet-faced Vulture

25 Corvinella melanoleucaMagpie Shrike

25 Dendroperdix sephaenaCrested Francolin

25 Pternistis capensisCape Spurfowl

25 Pternistis swainsoniiSwainson's Spurfowl

24 Pelecanus onocrotalusGreat White Pelican
24 Charadrius marginatusWhite-fronted Plover

24 Himantopus himantopusBlack-winged Stilt

24 Cossypha caffraCape Robin-Chat

24 Motacilla capensisCape Wagtail

24 Ploceus capensisCape Weaver

24 Otocyon megalotisBat-eared Fox

24 Danaus chrysippusPlain Tiger

24 Junonia oenoneBlue Pansy SECOND INSECT
24 Papilio demodocusCitrus Swallowtail THIRD INSECT
24 Herpestes sanguineusSlender Mongoose

24 Zosterops capensisCape White-Eye

23 Halcyon senegalensisWoodland Kingfisher

23 Platalea albaAfrican Spoonbill

23 Necrosyrtes monachusHooded Vulture

23 Passer melanurusCape Sparrow

23 Bubo lacteusVerreaux's Eagle-Owl

23 Chondrodactylus turneriTurner's Thick-toed Gecko

23 Hedydipna collarisCollared Sunbird

23 Cinnyris chalybeusSouthern Double-collared Sunbird
22 Merops hirundineusSwallow-tailed Bee-Eater

22 Ardeola ralloidesSquacco Heron

22 Polyboroides typusAfrican Harrier-Hawk

22 Plectropterus gambensisSpur-winged Goose

22 Prinia subflavaTawny-flanked Prinia

22 Eurocephalus anguitimensSouthern White-crowned Shrike

22 Dendropicos fuscescensCardinal Woodpecker

22 Schismaderma carensRed Toad SECOND FROG
22 Varanus albigularisRock Monitor

22 Crocothemis erythraeaBroad Scarlet

22 Cecropis abyssinicaLesser Striped Swallow
22 Chalcomitra senegalensisScarlet-chested Sunbird

22 Falco rupicolusRock Kestrel

22 Pternistis adspersusRed-billed Spurfowl

21 Fulica cristataRed-knobbed Coot

21 Guttera pucheraniCrested Guineafowl

21 Lophaetus occipitalisLong-crested Eagle

21 Anas undulataYellow-billed Duck

21 Laniarius atrococcineusCrimson-breasted Shrike

21 Quelea queleaRed-billed Quelea

21 Kobus lecheLechwe

21 Passer diffususSouthern Grey-headed Sparrow
21 Turdus libonyanaKurrichane Thrush

21 Euchrysops malathanaCommon Smoky Blue

21 Lophoceros nasutusAfrican Grey Hornbill

20 Halcyon chelicutiStriped Kingfisher

20 Phoeniconaias minorLesser Flamingo

20 Anas erythrorhynchaRed-billed Teal

20 Tauraco porphyreolophusPurple-crested Turaco

20 Oriolus larvatusBlack-headed Oriole

20 Telophorus zeylonusBokmakierie

20 Nectarinia famosaMalachite Sunbird

20 Andropadus importunusSombre Greenbul

20 Glaucidium perlatumPearl-spotted Owlet

20 Pseudaspis canaMole Snake

20 Mellivora capensisHoney Badger

20 Cephalophus natalensisNatal Red Duiker

20 Hippotragus equinusRoan Antelope

20 Cercopithecus mitisBlue Monkey

20 Vanessa carduiPainted Lady

20 Welwitschia mirabilisWelwitschia

20 Prionops plumatusWhite Helmetshrike

20 Zapornia flavirostraBlack Crake

19 Urocolius indicusRed-faced Mousebird

19 Tachybaptus ruficollisLittle Grebe

19 Sporopipes squamifronsScaly-feathered Finch

19 Vidua macrouraPin-tailed Whydah

19 Turdoides jardineiiArrow-marked Babbler

19 Phoeniculus purpureusGreen Woodhoopoe

19 Taphozous mauritianusMauritian Tomb Bat
19 Redunca arundinumSouthern Reedbuck

19 Hamanumida daedalusGuineafowl

19 Zonocerus elegansElegant Grasshopper

19 Pterocles bicinctusDouble-banded Sandgrouse

19 Pterocles namaquaNamaqua Sandgrouse

19 Precis archesiaGarden Inspector

19 Ardea albaGreat Egret

19 Buteo buteoCommon Buzzard

19 Pternistis natalensisNatal Francolin

18 Coracias garrulusEuropean Roller

18 Oena capensisNamaqua Dove

18 Vanellus senegallusAfrican Wattled Lapwing
18 Cossypha heugliniWhite-browed Robin-Chat

18 Pytilia melbaMelba Finch

18 Pycnonotus capensisCape Bulbul

18 Trachylepis variaVariable Skink

18 Epomophorus crypturusPeters's Epauletted Fruit Bat
18 Cyligramma latonaCream-striped Owl

18 Python natalensisSouthern African Python

18 Dictyophorus spumansKoppie Foam Grasshopper
18 Chroicocephalus cirrocephalusGrey-headed Gull

18 Emberiza capensisCape Bunting

17 Tringa glareolaWood Sandpiper

17 Burhinus capensisSpotted Thick-Knee

17 Batis molitorChinspot Batis

17 Ploceus intermediusLesser Masked-Weaver

17 Cinnyricinclus leucogasterViolet-backed Starling

17 Hyperolius marmoratusPainted Reed Frog THIRD FROG
17 Hyperolius parallelusAngolan Reed Frog

17 Dispholidus typusBoomslang

17 Rhabdomys pumilioStriped Fieldmouse

17 Hypolimnas misippusCommon Diadem

17 Pelomedusa subrufaHelmeted Turtle

17 Acraea oncaeaWindow Acraea

17 Bicyclus safitzaCommon Bush Brown

17 Hycleus oculatusCMR Bean Beetle

17 Crithagra mozambicaYellow-fronted Canary

16 Treron calvusAfrican Green Pigeon

16 Falco biarmicusLanner Falcon

16 Sarkidiornis melanotosComb Duck

16 Corvus albicollisWhite-necked Raven

16 Lanius collurioRed-backed Shrike

16 Ploceus ocularisSpectacled Weaver

16 Lagonosticta senegalaRed-billed Firefinch

16 Macronyx capensisCape Longclaw

16 Lamprotornis mevesiiMeves's Starling

16 Eubalaena australisSouthern Right Whale

16 Connochaetes gnouBlack Wildebeest

16 Acraea natalicaNatal Acraea

16 Hemidactylus mabouiaTropical House Gecko

16 Acanthoplus discoidalisCorn Cricket

16 Cisticola chinianaRattling Cisticola

16 Micronisus gabarGabar Goshawk

16 Cinnyris talatalaWhite-breasted Sunbird

16 Gallinula chloropusCommon Moorhen

16 Catopsilia florellaAfrican Migrant

16 Lophoceros alboterminatusCrowned Hornbill

16 Lamprotornis bicolorAfrican Pied Starling

16 Melaenornis silensFiscal Flycatcher

16 Aloidendron dichotomumQuiver Tree

15 Calidris ferrugineaCurlew Sandpiper

15 Thalassarche chlororhynchosYellow-nosed Albatross

15 Pelecanus rufescensPink-backed Pelican

15 Vanellus albicepsWhite-headed Lapwing

15 Trigonoceps occipitalisWhite-headed Vulture

15 Laniarius ferrugineusSouthern Boubou

15 Muscicapa adustaAfrican Dusky Flycatcher

15 Ploceus cucullatusVillage Weaver

15 Ploceus xanthopsHolub's Golden-Weaver

15 Amadina erythrocephalaRed-headed Finch

15 Chlorocichla flaviventrisYellow-bellied Greenbul

15 Agama planicepsNamib Rock Agama

15 Eidolon helvumStraw-colored Fruit Bat
15 Junonia natalicaNatal Pansy

15 Mylothris agathinaEastern Dotted Border

15 Agama aculeataGround Agama

15 Bugeranus carunculatusWattled Crane

15 Coracias naeviusRufous-crowned Roller

15 Calendulauda sabotaSabota Lark

15 Cercotrichas paenaKalahari Scrub-Robin

15 Cinnyris aferGreater Double-collared Sunbird
15 Granatina granatinaViolet-eared Waxbill

15 Turdus olivaceusOlive Thrush

15 Belenois creonaAfrican Common White

15 Spermestes cucullataBronze Mannikin

15 Sclerophrys gutturalisGuttural Toad

14 Balearica regulorumGrey Crowned Crane

14 Falco rupicoloidesGreater Kestrel

14 Recurvirostra avosettaPied Avocet

14 Kaupifalco monogrammicusLizard Buzzard

14 Dryoscopus cublaBlack-backed Puffback

14 Bradornis mariquensisMarico Flycatcher

14 Myrmecocichla formicivoraSouthern Anteater-Chat

14 Vidua regiaShaft-tailed Whydah

14 Anaplectes rubricepsRed-headed Weaver

14 Lamprotornis australisBurchell's Starling

14 Sphenoeacus aferCape Grassbird

14 Naja niveaCape Cobra

14 Agama kirkiiKirk's Rock Agama

14 Chamaeleo namaquensisNamaqua Chameleon

14 Otolemur crassicaudatusBrown Greater Galago

14 Melanitis ledaCommon Evening Brown

14 Ischnura senegalensisCommon Bluetail

14 Proteles cristataAardwolf

14 Pterocles burchelliBurchell's Sandgrouse

14 Protea cynaroidesKing Protea

14 Aquila spilogasterAfrican Hawk-Eagle

14 Smutsornis africanusDouble-banded Courser

14 Thalasseus bergiiSwift Tern

14 Acridotheres tristisCommon Myna

14 Acraea hortaGarden Acraea

14 Apalis thoracicaBar-throated Apalis

14 Amietia delalandiiCommon River Frog

14 Crithagra flaviventrisYellow Canary

13 Merops apiasterEuropean Bee-Eater

13 Calidris minutaLittle Stint

13 Charadrius pecuariusKittlitz's Plover

13 Aquila verreauxiiVerreaux's Eagle

13 Circaetus pectoralisBlack-breasted Snake-Eagle

13 Anas capensisCape Teal

13 Prinia maculosaKaroo Prinia

13 Batis capensisCape Batis

13 Emberiza flaviventrisGolden-breasted Bunting

13 Oenanthe monticolaMountain Wheatear

13 Psophocichla litsitsirupaGroundscraper Thrush

13 Melaenornis pammelainaSouthern Black-Flycatcher

13 Psammophis subtaeniatusStripe-bellied Sand Snake

13 Trachylepis sulcataWestern Rock Skink

13 Pelusios sinuatusSerrated Hinged Terrapin

13 Nycteris thebaicaEgyptian Slit-faced Bat
13 Genetta maculataCentral African Large-spotted Genet
13 Apis melliferaWestern Honey Bee
13 Trithemis kirbyiKirby's Dropwing

13 Hieraaetus wahlbergiWahlberg's Eagle

13 Lissotis melanogasterBlack-bellied Bustard

13 Calandrella cinereaRed-capped Lark

13 Byblia anvataraCommon Joker

13 Eupodotis rueppeliiRüppell's Korhaan

13 Parahyaena brunneaBrown Hyena

12 Columba arquatrixAfrican Olive Pigeon

12 Actitis hypoleucosCommon Sandpiper

12 Procellaria aequinoctialisWhite-chinned Petrel

12 Tadorna canaSouth African Shelduck

12 Camaroptera brachyuraGrey-backed Camaroptera

12 Terpsiphone viridisAfrican Paradise-Flycatcher

12 Hirundo albigularisWhite-throated Swallow

12 Cossypha natalensisRed-capped Robin-Chat

12 Monticola rupestrisCape Rock-Thrush

12 Bubalornis nigerRed-billed Buffalo-Weaver

12 Turdoides bicolorSouthern Pied-Babbler

12 Felis silvestrisWildcat

12 Raphicerus sharpeiSharpe's Grysbok

12 Ourebia ourebiOribi

12 Kigelia africanaSausage Tree SECOND PLANT
12 Trachylepis punctatissimaSpeckled Rock Skink

12 Trithemis furvaNavy Dropwing

12 Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventrisMocking Cliff-Chat

12 Cercotrichas leucophrysWhite-browed Scrub Robin

12 Acraea encedonCommon Acraea

12 Precis octaviaGaudy Commodore

12 Papilio nireusGreen-banded Swallowtail

12 Vachellia xanthophloeaFever Tree

12 Lentinus sajor-caju

12 Colophospermum mopane THIRD PLANT
12 Cercotrichas coryphoeusKaroo Scrub-Robin

12 Crithagra gularisStreaky-headed Seedeater

12 Spatula smithiiCape Shoveler

11 Morus capensisCape Gannet

11 Ciconia nigraBlack Stork

11 Passer domesticusHouse Sparrow

11 Macronyx croceusYellow-throated Longclaw

11 Onychognathus nabouroupPale-winged Starling

11 Poicephalus meyeriMeyer's Parrot

11 Strix woodfordiiAfrican Wood-Owl

11 Scotopelia peliPel's Fishing-Owl

11 Xenopus laevisAfrican Clawed Frog

11 Pyxicephalus adspersusAfrican Bullfrog

11 Pelea capreolusGrey Rhebok

11 Carcharodon carchariasWhite Shark

11 Butorides striataStriated Heron

11 Amietia fuscigulaCape River Frog

11 Brachythemis leucostictaBanded Groundling

11 Nesciothemis farinosaEastern Blacktail

11 Platycypha caligataDancing Jewel

11 Buphagus africanusYellow-billed Oxpecker

11 Tricholaema leucomelasAcacia Pied Barbet

11 Belenois aurotaPioneer White

11 Chalcomitra amethystinaAmethyst Sunbird

11 Anthus cinnamomeusGrassveld Pipit

11 Chersomanes albofasciataSpike-heeled Lark

11 Ixobrychus minutusLittle Bittern

11 Acraea eponinaOrange Acraea

11 Euphorbia mauritanica

11 Sclerophrys capensisRaucous Toad

11 Laniarius majorTropical Boubou

10 Neotis denhamiDenham's Bustard

10 Chrysococcyx capriusDideric Cuckoo

10 Eurystomus glaucurusBroad-billed Roller

10 Tringa nebulariaCommon Greenshank

10 Rostratula benghalensisGreater Painted-Snipe

10 Polihierax semitorquatusPygmy Falcon

10 Ardea purpureaPurple Heron

10 Tockus monteiriMonteiro's Hornbill

10 Serinus canicollisCape Canary

10 Cercomela tractracTractrac Chat

10 Euplectes capensisYellow Bishop

10 Euplectes progneLong-tailed Widowbird

10 Amblyospiza albifronsThick-billed Weaver

10 Petronia superciliarisYellow-throated Petronia

10 Campethera abingoniGolden-tailed Woodpecker

10 Agapornis roseicollisRosy-faced Lovebird

10 Philothamnus semivariegatusSpotted Bush Snake

10 Cordylus cordylusCape Girdled Lizard

10 Karusasaurus polyzonusKaroo Girdled Lizard

10 Epomophorus wahlbergiWahlberg's Epauletted Fruit Bat
10 Civettictis civettaAfrican Civet

10 Vulpes chamaCape Fox

10 Madoqua kirkiiKirk's Dik-Dik

10 Hystrix africaeaustralisCape Porcupine

10 Nephila senegalensisBanded-legged Golden Orb-web Spider
10 Cotyledon orbiculataPig's Ear

10 Aloe arborescensCandelabra Aloe

10 Crotaphopeltis hotamboeiaRed-lipped Snake

10 Crocothemis sanguinolentaLittle Scarlet

10 Orthetrum juliaJulia Skimmer

10 Phalanta phalanthaCommon Leopard

10 Dichrostachys cinereaAroma

10 Gloriosa superbaFlame Lily

10 Cinnyris venustusVariable Sunbird

10 Coccopygia melanotisSwee Waxbill

10 Leucospermum conocarpodendronTree Pincushion

10 Millettia stuhlmanniiPanga-Panga

10 Euphaedra neophronGold Banded Forester

10 Tarucus sybarisDotted Blue

10 Charaxes varanesKarkloof Emperor

10 Pternistis aferRed-necked Francolin

10 Phaenocoma proliferaCape Everlasting

10 Crithagra sulphurataBrimstone Canary

10 Crithagra tottaCape Siskin

10 Lessertia frutescens

9 Centropus senegalensisSenegal Coucal

9 Halcyon leucocephalaGrey-headed Kingfisher

9 Streptopelia decipiensAfrican Mourning Dove

9 Columba liviaRock Dove

9 Plegadis falcinellusGlossy Ibis

9 Sterna hirundoCommon Tern

9 Rynchops flavirostrisAfrican Skimmer

9 Falco amurensisAmur Falcon

9 Ciconia ciconiaWhite Stork

9 Gypohierax angolensisPalm-nut Vulture

9 Mirafra africanaRufous-naped Lark

9 Prinia flavicansBlack-chested Prinia

9 Corvus capensisCape Crow

9 Tchagra australisBrown-crowned Tchagra

9 Oenanthe pileataCapped Wheatear

9 Estrilda astrildCommon Waxbill

9 Creatophora cinereaWattled Starling

9 Bradypodion damaranumKnysna Dwarf Chameleon

9 Homopholis walbergiiWahlberg's Velvet Gecko

9 Trachylepis capensisCape Skink

9 Canis adustusSide-striped Jackal

9 Herpestes pulverulentusCape Grey Mongoose

9 Lestes plagiatusCommon Spreadwing

9 Sympetrum fonscolombiiRed-veined Darter

9 Trithemis annulataViolet Dropwing

9 Hyobanche sanguineaScarlet Catsnails

9 Tylecodon paniculatusBotterboom

9 Cheilomenes lunataLunate Lady Beetle

9 Cassionympha cassiusRainforest Brown

9 Charaxes brutusWhite-barred Emperor

9 Brunsvigia orientalisCandelabra Lily

9 Leonotis leonurusWild Dagga

9 Tagiades flesusClouded Skipper

9 Acraea caldarenaBlack Tip Acraea

9 Calendulauda africanoidesFawn-colored Lark

9 Cecropis semirufaRufous-chested Swallow

December 2016




165 Loxodonta africana Savannah Elephant FIRST MAMMAL
138 Lycaon pictus African Wild Dog SECOND MAMMAL
118 Giraffa camelopardalis Giraffe THIRD MAMMAL
117 Equus quagga Plains Zebra

105 Panthera leo Lion

103 Aepyceros melampus Impala

99 Hippopotamus amphibiusHippopotamus

92 Tragelaphus strepsicerosGreater Kudu

88 Ceratotherium simumWhite Rhinoceros

86 Acinonyx jubatusCheetah

82 Phacochoerus africanusCommon Warthog

80 Papio ursinusChacma Baboon

76 Syncerus cafferAfrican Buffalo

75 Struthio camelusCommon Ostrich FIRST BIRD
72 Connochaetes taurinusCommon Wildebeest

70 Spheniscus demersusAfrican Penguin SECOND BIRD
69 Crocodylus niloticusNile Crocodile FIRST REPTILE
63 Panthera pardusLeopard

58 Crocuta crocutaSpotted Hyena

58 Chlorocebus pygerythrusVervet Monkey

56 Numida meleagrisHelmeted Guineafowl THIRD BIRD
56 Kobus ellipsiprymnusWaterbuck

55 Haliaeetus vociferAfrican Fish-Eagle

54 Alopochen aegyptiacaEgyptian Goose

52 Procavia capensisRock Hyrax

50 Canis mesomelasBlack-backed Jackal

48 Coracias caudatusLilac-breasted Roller

48 Antidorcas marsupialisSpringbok

47 Tockus leucomelasSouthern Yellow-billed Hornbill

46 Oryx gazellaGemsbok

45 Tragelaphus angasiiNyala

43 Stigmochelys pardalisLeopard Tortoise SECOND REPTILE
41 Bostrychia hagedashHadada Ibis

38 Gyps africanusWhite-backed Vulture

38 Arctocephalus pusillusBrown Fur Seal

37 Terathopius ecaudatusBateleur

35 Actophilornis africanusAfrican Jacana

35 Vanellus armatusBlacksmith Lapwing

35 Onychognathus morioRed-winged Starling

34 Ploceus velatusSouthern Masked-Weaver

34 Damaliscus pygargusBontebok/Blesbok

33 Corythaixoides concolorGrey Go-Away-Bird

32 Halcyon albiventrisBrown-hooded Kingfisher

32 Chamaeleo dilepisFlap-necked Chameleon THIRD REPTILE
32 Bucorvus leadbeateriSouthern Ground-Hornbill

31 Agama atraSouthern Rock Agama

30 Anhinga rufaAfrican Darter

30 Alcelaphus buselaphusHartebeest

30 Varanus niloticusNile Monitor

29 Ephippiorhynchus senegalensisSaddle-billed Stork

29 Anastomus lamelligerusAfrican Openbill

29 Pycnonotus barbatusCommon Bulbul

29 Tragelaphus scriptusBushbuck

28 Merops bullockoidesWhite-fronted Bee-Eater

28 Ceryle rudisPied Kingfisher

28 Ardea cinereaGrey Heron

28 Trachylepis striataAfrican Striped Skink

28 Raphicerus campestrisSteenbok

28 Chroicocephalus hartlaubiiHartlaub's Gull

28 Streptopelia senegalensisLaughing Dove

28 Leptoptilos crumeniferMarabou Stork

27 Scopus umbrettaHamerkop

27 Phoenicopterus roseusGreater Flamingo

27 Tragelaphus oryxEland

27 Threskiornis aethiopicusSacred Ibis

26 Larus dominicanusKelp Gull

26 Bitis arietansPuff Adder

26 Dicrurus adsimilisFork-tailed Drongo

25 Ardeotis koriKori Bustard

25 Merops pusillusLittle Bee-Eater

25 Melierax canorusPale Chanting-Goshawk

25 Polemaetus bellicosusMartial Eagle

25 Lygodactylus capensisCape Dwarf Gecko

24 Phalacrocorax capensisCape Cormorant

24 Mycteria ibisYellow-billed Stork

24 Corvus albusPied Crow

24 Diceros bicornisBlack Rhinoceros

24 Merops nubicoidesSouthern Carmine Bee-Eater

24 Sagittarius serpentariusSecretarybird

23 Dendrocygna viduataWhite-faced Whistling-Duck

23 Chiromantis xerampelinaGrey Foam-nest Treefrog FIRST FROG
23 Mungos mungoBanded Mongoose

23 Hippotragus nigerSable Antelope

23 Tockus rufirostrisSouthern Red-billed Hornbill

22 Burhinus vermiculatusWater Thick-Knee

22 Chersina angulataAngulate Tortoise

22 Paraxerus cepapiSmith's Bush Squirrel

22 Junonia oenoneBlue Pansy

22 Buphagus erythrorhynchusRed-billed Oxpecker

22 Trachyphonus vaillantiiCrested Barbet

22 Bubo africanusSpotted Eagle-Owl

21 Egretta garzettaLittle Egret

21 Lamprotornis chalybaeusGreater Blue-eared Starling

21 Cynictis penicillataYellow Mongoose

21 Adansonia digitataBaobab FIRST PLANT
21 Lanius collarisSouthern Fiscal

21 Euchrysops malathanaCommon Smoky Blue

20 Haematopus moquiniAfrican Black Oystercatcher

20 Aquila rapaxTawny Eagle

20 Upupa epopsCommon Hoopoe

20 Trachylepis margaritiferaRainbow Skink

20 Helogale parvulaCommon Dwarf Mongoose

20 Junonia hiertaYellow Pansy

20 Microcarbo africanusReed Cormorant

19 Ardea goliathGoliath Heron

19 Cordylus nigerBlack Girdled Lizard

19 Oreotragus oreotragusKlipspringer

19 Eupodotis afraoidesNorthern Black Korhaan
19 Trithemis arteriosaRed-veined Dropwing

19 Anthropoides paradiseusBlue Crane

19 Anthobaphes violaceaOrange-breasted Sunbird

18 Milvus migransBlack Kite

18 Philetairus sociusSociable Weaver

18 Lamprotornis nitensCape Starling

18 Suricata suricattaMeerkat

18 Xerus inaurisGround Squirrel

18 Epomophorus crypturusPeters's Epauletted Fruit Bat
18 Eupodotis ruficristaRed-crested Korhaan

18 Lybius torquatusBlack-collared Barbet

17 Streptopelia capicolaCape Turtle Dove

17 Phalacrocorax carboGreat Cormorant

17 Bubulcus ibisCattle Egret

17 Torgos tracheliotosLappet-faced Vulture

17 Motacilla aguimpAfrican Pied Wagtail
17 Uraeginthus angolensisBlue Waxbill

17 Acanthocercus atricollisBlack-necked Agama

17 Kobus lecheLechwe

17 Papilio demodocusCitrus Swallowtail

17 Megaceryle maximaGiant Kingfisher

16 Turtur chalcospilosEmerald-spotted Wood-Dove

16 Colius striatusSpeckled Mousebird

16 Charadrius marginatusWhite-fronted Plover

16 Ardeola ralloidesSquacco Heron

16 Plectropterus gambensisSpur-winged Goose

16 Promerops caferCape Sugarbird

16 Ploceus capensisCape Weaver

16 Euplectes orixSouthern Red Bishop

16 Schismaderma carensRed Toad FIRST FROG
16 Hyperolius parallelusAngolan Reed Frog SECOND FROG
16 Taphozous mauritianusMauritian Tomb Bat
16 Equus zebraMountain Zebra

16 Python natalensisSouthern African Python

16 Acraea oncaeaWindow Acraea FIRST INSECT
15 Platalea albaAfrican Spoonbill

15 Vanellus coronatusCrowned Lapwing

15 Necrosyrtes monachusHooded Vulture

15 Motacilla capensisCape Wagtail

15 Pycnonotus nigricansAfrican Red-eyed Bulbul

15 Varanus albigularisRock Monitor

15 Eidolon helvumStraw-colored Fruit Bat
15 Mellivora capensisHoney Badger

15 Cercopithecus mitisBlue Monkey

15 Corvinella melanoleucaMagpie Shrike

15 Cecropis abyssinicaLesser Striped Swallow
15 Dendroperdix sephaenaCrested Francolin

15 Bycanistes bucinatorTrumpeter Hornbill

14 Centropus superciliosusWhite-browed Coucal

14 Columba guineaSpeckled Pigeon

14 Pelecanus onocrotalusGreat White Pelican
14 Passer melanurusCape Sparrow

14 Vidua macrouraPin-tailed Whydah

14 Hyperolius marmoratusPainted Reed Frog THIRD FROG

14 Dispholidus typusBoomslang

14 Damaliscus lunatusTsessebe

14 Danaus chrysippusPlain Tiger

14 Herpestes sanguineusSlender Mongoose

14 Hedydipna collarisCollared Sunbird

14 Zosterops capensisCape White-Eye

13 Tachybaptus ruficollisLittle Grebe

13 Lophaetus occipitalisLong-crested Eagle

13 Oriolus larvatusBlack-headed Oriole

13 Cossypha heugliniWhite-browed Robin-Chat

13 Plocepasser mahaliWhite-browed Sparrow-Weaver

13 Glaucidium perlatumPearl-spotted Owlet

13 Phoeniculus purpureusGreen Woodhoopoe

13 Platysaurus intermediusCommon Flat Lizard

13 Nycteris thebaicaEgyptian Slit-faced Bat
13 Cephalophus natalensisNatal Red Duiker

13 Redunca arundinumSouthern Reedbuck

13 Sylvicapra grimmiaBush Duiker

13 Cinnyris chalybeusSouthern Double-collared Sunbird
13 Pternistis swainsoniiSwainson's Spurfowl

13 Sclerophrys gutturalisGuttural Toad

12 Merops hirundineusSwallow-tailed Bee-Eater

12 Treron calvusAfrican Green Pigeon

12 Calidris ferrugineaCurlew Sandpiper

12 Phoeniconaias minorLesser Flamingo

12 Himantopus himantopusBlack-winged Stilt

12 Circaetus cinereusBrown Snake-Eagle

12 Batis molitorChinspot Batis

12 Cossypha caffraCape Robin-Chat

12 Cercomela familiarisFamiliar Chat

12 Cinnyricinclus leucogasterViolet-backed Starling

12 Dendropicos fuscescensCardinal Woodpecker

12 Trachylepis variaVariable Skink

12 Junonia natalicaNatal Pansy

12 Bugeranus carunculatusWattled Crane

12 Cinnyris talatalaWhite-breasted Sunbird

12 Turdus libonyanaKurrichane Thrush

12 Buteo buteoCommon Buzzard

12 Belenois creonaAfrican Common White

12 Pternistis adspersusRed-billed Spurfowl

12 Zapornia flavirostraBlack Crake

11 Fulica cristataRed-knobbed Coot

11 Guttera pucheraniCrested Guineafowl

11 Streptopelia semitorquataRed-eyed Dove

11 Polyboroides typusAfrican Harrier-Hawk

11 Elanus caeruleusBlack-shouldered Kite

11 Anas undulataYellow-billed Duck

11 Prinia subflavaTawny-flanked Prinia

11 Quelea queleaRed-billed Quelea

11 Anaplectes rubricepsRed-headed Weaver

11 Chlorocichla flaviventrisYellow-bellied Greenbul

11 Turdoides jardineiiArrow-marked Babbler

11 Bubo lacteusVerreaux's Eagle-Owl

11 Chondrodactylus turneriTurner's Thick-toed Gecko

11 Hypolimnas misippusCommon Diadem SECOND INSECT
11 Saxicola torquatusAfrican Stonechat

11 Hamanumida daedalusGuineafowl

11 Acraea natalicaNatal Acraea THIRD INSECT
11 Pterocles namaquaNamaqua Sandgrouse

11 Dictyophorus spumansKoppie Foam Grasshopper
11 Chalcomitra senegalensisScarlet-chested Sunbird

11 Cinnyris aferGreater Double-collared Sunbird
11 Acraea encedonCommon Acraea

11 Subfamily Asilinae (????)
11 Bicyclus safitzaCommon Bush Brown

11 Pternistis capensisCape Spurfowl

11 Spermestes cucullataBronze Mannikin

11 Falco rupicolusRock Kestrel

11 Lophoceros nasutusAfrican Grey Hornbill

10 Coracias garrulusEuropean Roller

10 Halcyon senegalensisWoodland Kingfisher

10 Oena capensisNamaqua Dove

10 Burhinus capensisSpotted Thick-Knee

10 Trigonoceps occipitalisWhite-headed Vulture

10 Tauraco porphyreolophusPurple-crested Turaco

10 Telophorus zeylonusBokmakierie

10 Laniarius atrococcineusCrimson-breasted Shrike

10 Terpsiphone viridisAfrican Paradise-Flycatcher

10 Hirundo smithiiWire-tailed Swallow

10 Eurocephalus anguitimensSouthern White-crowned Shrike

10 Muscicapa adustaAfrican Dusky Flycatcher

10 Ploceus ocularisSpectacled Weaver

10 Ploceus intermediusLesser Masked-Weaver

10 Pseudaspis canaMole Snake

10 Agama planicepsNamib Rock Agama

10 Trachylepis sulcataWestern Rock Skink

10 Otocyon megalotisBat-eared Fox

10 Melanitis ledaCommon Evening Brown

10 Proteles cristataAardwolf

10 Agama aculeataGround Agama

10 Pelomedusa subrufaHelmeted Turtle

10 Prionops plumatusWhite Helmetshrike

10 Pterocles bicinctusDouble-banded Sandgrouse

10 Precis archesiaGarden Inspector

10 Ardea albaGreat Egret

10 Corythornis cristatusMalachite Kingfisher

10 Catopsilia florellaAfrican Migrant

10 Acraea eponinaOrange Acraea

10 Millettia stuhlmanniiPanga-Panga

10 Tarucus sybarisDotted Blue

10 Byblia anvataraCommon Joker

10 Lophoceros alboterminatusCrowned Hornbill

10 Aloidendron dichotomumQuiver Tree SECOND PLANT
10 Crithagra mozambicaYellow-fronted Canary

9 Halcyon chelicutiStriped Kingfisher

9 Morus capensisCape Gannet

9 Thalassarche chlororhynchosYellow-nosed Albatross

9 Pelecanus rufescensPink-backed Pelican

9 Vanellus senegallusAfrican Wattled Lapwing
9 Recurvirostra avosettaPied Avocet

9 Circaetus pectoralisBlack-breasted Snake-Eagle

9 Kaupifalco monogrammicusLizard Buzzard

9 Anas erythrorhynchaRed-billed Teal

9 Sarkidiornis melanotosComb Duck

9 Emberiza flaviventrisGolden-breasted Bunting

9 Lanius collurioRed-backed Shrike

9 Ploceus cucullatusVillage Weaver

9 Sporopipes squamifronsScaly-feathered Finch

9 Pytilia melbaMelba Finch

9 Vidua regiaShaft-tailed Whydah

9 Amadina erythrocephalaRed-headed Finch

9 Pycnonotus capensisCape Bulbul

9 Lamprotornis australisBurchell's Starling

9 Poicephalus meyeriMeyer's Parrot

9 Xenopus laevisAfrican Clawed Frog

9 Chamaeleo namaquensisNamaqua Chameleon

9 Eubalaena australisSouthern Right Whale

9 Hippotragus equinusRoan Antelope

9 Vanessa carduiPainted Lady

9 Amietia fuscigulaCape River Frog

9 Hemidactylus mabouiaTropical House Gecko

9 Passer diffususSouthern Grey-headed Sparrow
9 Nesciothemis farinosaEastern Blacktail

9 Platycypha caligataDancing Jewel

9 Belenois aurotaPioneer White

9 Gloriosa superbaFlame Lily

9 Lissotis melanogasterBlack-bellied Bustard

9 Thalasseus bergiiSwift Tern

9 Papilio nireusGreen-banded Swallowtail

9 Acridotheres tristisCommon Myna

9 Emberiza capensisCape Bunting

9 Leptotes pirithousCommon Zebra Blue

9 Afzelia quanzensisPod-Mahogany

9 Pternistis natalensisNatal Francolin

9 Parahyaena brunneaBrown Hyena

9 Sclerophrys capensisRaucous Toad

9 Amietia delalandiiCommon River Frog

8 Balearica regulorumGrey Crowned Crane

8 Merops apiasterEuropean Bee-Eater

8 Eurystomus glaucurusBroad-billed Roller

8 Calidris minutaLittle Stint

8 Tringa nebulariaCommon Greenshank

8 Falco biarmicusLanner Falcon

8 Falco rupicoloidesGreater Kestrel

8 Ciconia episcopusWoolly-necked Stork

8 Charadrius tricollarisThree-banded Plover

8 Buteo rufofuscusJackal Buzzard

8 Hirundo albigularisWhite-throated Swallow

8 Nectarinia famosaMalachite Sunbird

8 Lagonosticta senegalaRed-billed Firefinch

8 Lamprotornis mevesiiMeves's Starling

8 Psammophis subtaeniatusStripe-bellied Sand Snake

8 Dendroaspis polylepisBlack Mamba

8 Naja niveaCape Cobra

8 Otolemur crassicaudatusBrown Greater Galago

8 Carcharodon carchariasWhite Shark

8 Ischnura senegalensisCommon Bluetail

8 Mylothris agathinaEastern Dotted Border

8 Kigelia africanaSausage Tree THIRD PLANT
8 Crocothemis erythraeaBroad Scarlet

8 Zonocerus elegansElegant Grasshopper

8 Trithemis kirbyiKirby's Dropwing

8 Trithemis sticticaJaunty Dropwing

8 Tricholaema leucomelasAcacia Pied Barbet

8 Charaxes zoolinaClub-tailed Emperor

8 Chroicocephalus cirrocephalusGrey-headed Gull

8 Cercotrichas paenaKalahari Scrub-Robin

8 Cercotrichas leucophrysWhite-browed Scrub Robin

8 Colotis ioneBushveld Purple Tip
8 Turdus olivaceusOlive Thrush

8 Calandrella cinereaRed-capped Lark

8 Leucospermum conocarpodendronTree Pincushion

8 Euphaedra neophronGold Banded Forester

8 Melaenornis silensFiscal Flycatcher

7 Chrysococcyx capriusDideric Cuckoo

7 Columba arquatrixAfrican Olive Pigeon

7 Urocolius indicusRed-faced Mousebird

7 Actitis hypoleucosCommon Sandpiper

7 Vanellus albicepsWhite-headed Lapwing

7 Gypohierax angolensisPalm-nut Vulture

7 Anas capensisCape Teal

7 Corvus albicollisWhite-necked Raven

7 Dryoscopus cublaBlack-backed Puffback

7 Serinus canicollisCape Canary

7 Cossypha natalensisRed-capped Robin-Chat

7 Oenanthe monticolaMountain Wheatear

7 Psophocichla litsitsirupaGroundscraper Thrush

7 Cercomela tractracTractrac Chat

7 Bubalornis nigerRed-billed Buffalo-Weaver

7 Andropadus importunusSombre Greenbul

7 Onychognathus nabouroupPale-winged Starling

7 Scotopelia peliPel's Fishing-Owl

7 Phrynomantis bifasciatusRed-Banded Rubber Frog

7 Pyxicephalus adspersusAfrican Bullfrog

7 Philothamnus semivariegatusSpotted Bush Snake

7 Genetta maculataCentral African Large-spotted Genet
7 Connochaetes gnouBlack Wildebeest

7 Rhabdomys pumilioStriped Fieldmouse

7 Apis melliferaWestern Honey Bee
7 Welwitschia mirabilisWelwitschia

7 Hippocampus fuscusSea Pony

7 Lestes plagiatusCommon Spreadwing

7 Buphagus africanusYellow-billed Oxpecker

7 Pterocles burchelliBurchell's Sandgrouse

7 Lampides boeticusPea Blue

7 Brunsvigia orientalisCandelabra Lily

7 Tagiades flesusClouded Skipper

7 Acraea caldarenaBlack Tip Acraea

7 Micronisus gabarGabar Goshawk

7 Hieraaetus wahlbergiWahlberg's Eagle

7 Smutsornis africanusDouble-banded Courser

7 Ispidina pictaAfrican Pygmy-Kingfisher

7 Coracias naeviusRufous-crowned Roller

7 Calendulauda sabotaSabota Lark

7 Calendulauda africanoidesFawn-colored Lark

7 Coccopygia melanotisSwee Waxbill

7 Granatina granatinaViolet-eared Waxbill

7 Precis octaviaGaudy Commodore

7 Heteropsis perspicuaEyed Bush Brown

7 Tuxentius caliceWhite Pie

7 Bromophila caffra

7 Senna petersianaEared Senna

7 Vachellia xanthophloeaFever Tree

7 Crudaria leromaSilver-spotted Grey

6 Clamator jacobinusPied Cuckoo

6 Cuculus solitariusRed-chested Cuckoo

6 Geronticus calvusSouthern Bald Ibis

6 Rynchops flavirostrisAfrican Skimmer

6 Ardea purpureaPurple Heron

6 Ardea melanocephalaBlack-headed Heron

6 Nettapus auritusAfrican Pygmy-Goose

6 Cisticola tinniensLevaillant's Cisticola

6 Prinia flavicansBlack-chested Prinia

6 Prinia maculosaKaroo Prinia

6 Laniarius ferrugineusSouthern Boubou

6 Batis capensisCape Batis

6 Bradornis mariquensisMarico Flycatcher

6 Myrmecocichla formicivoraSouthern Anteater-Chat

6 Euplectes progneLong-tailed Widowbird

6 Petronia superciliarisYellow-throated Petronia

6 Turdoides bicolorSouthern Pied-Babbler

6 Poicephalus cryptoxanthusBrown-headed Parrot

6 Agapornis roseicollisRosy-faced Lovebird

6 Strix woodfordiiAfrican Wood-Owl

6 Breviceps adspersusCommon Rain Frog

6 Telescopus semiannulatusCommon Tiger Snake

6 Naja mossambicaMozambique Spitting Cobra

6 Agama kirkiiKirk's Rock Agama

6 Homopholis walbergiiWahlberg's Velvet Gecko

6 Pedioplanis lineoocellataSpotted Sand Lizard

6 Mochlus sundevalliSundevall's Writhing Skink

6 Pelusios sinuatusSerrated Hinged Terrapin

6 Caracal caracalCaracal

6 Vulpes chamaCape Fox

6 Butorides striataStriated Heron

6 Cisticola chinianaRattling Cisticola

6 Smutsia temminckiiTemminck's Ground Pangolin

6 Scadoxus multiflorusBloodlily

6 Crotaphopeltis hotamboeiaRed-lipped Snake

6 Ceratogomphus pictusCommon Thorntail

6 Crocothemis sanguinolentaLittle Scarlet

6 Orthetrum juliaJulia Skimmer

6 Trithemis annulataViolet Dropwing

6 Trithemis furvaNavy Dropwing

6 Physalia physalisPortuguese Man O' War
6 Gonimbrasia belinaMopane Worm

6 Cheilomenes lunataLunate Lady Beetle

6 Agrius convolvuliConvolvulus Hawkmoth

6 Phalanta phalanthaCommon Leopard

6 Protea cynaroidesKing Protea

6 Scorpaenopsis oxycephalaTassled Scorpionfish

6 Aquila spilogasterAfrican Hawk-Eagle

6 Cecropis semirufaRufous-chested Swallow

6 Cercotrichas quadrivirgataBearded Scrub-Robin

6 Pinacopteryx eriphiaZebra White

6 Accipiter tachiroAfrican Goshawk

6 Cacyreus lingeusCommon Bush Blue

6 Acraea hortaGarden Acraea

6 Hyphaene coriaceaIlala Palm

6 Erythrina livingstonianaAloe Coraltree

6 Turraea niloticaLowveld Honeysuckle-Tree

6 Millettia mossambicensisSangkala

6 Cordyla africanaWild-Mango

6 Stereospermum kunthianumPink-Jacaranda

6 Graphium antheusLarger Striped Swordtail

6 Charaxes varanesKarkloof Emperor

6 Eupodotis rueppeliiRüppell's Korhaan

6 Microcarbo coronatusCrowned Cormorant

6 Cercotrichas coryphoeusKaroo Scrub-Robin

6 Crithagra flaviventrisYellow Canary

6 Matobosaurus validusGiant Plated Lizard

5 Neotis denhamiDenham's Bustard

5 Neotis ludwigiiLudwig's Bustard

5 Merops persicusBlue-cheeked Bee-Eater

5 Halcyon leucocephalaGrey-headed Kingfisher

5 Columba liviaRock Dove

5 Calidris albaSanderling

5 Polihierax semitorquatusPygmy Falcon

5 Charadrius hiaticulaCommon Ringed Plover

5 Charadrius pallidusChestnut-banded Plover

5 Vanellus crassirostrisLong-toed Lapwing

5 Egretta ardesiacaBlack Heron

5 Ardeola rufiventrisRufous-bellied Heron

5 Accipiter minullusLittle Sparrowhawk

5 Stephanoaetus coronatusCrowned Eagle

5 Tadorna canaSouth African Shelduck

5 Mirafra africanaRufous-naped Lark

5 Apalis flavidaYellow-breasted Apalis

5 Telophorus sulfureopectusSulphur-breasted Bushshrike

5 Laniarius bicolorSwamp Boubou

5 Monticola rupestrisCape Rock-Thrush

5 Estrilda astrildCommon Waxbill

5 Estrilda erythronotosBlack-faced Waxbill

5 Ploceus xanthopsHolub's Golden-Weaver

5 Euplectes capensisYellow Bishop

5 Euplectes ardensRed-collared Widowbird

5 Macronyx capensisCape Longclaw

5 Macronyx croceusYellow-throated Longclaw

5 Phyllastrephus terrestrisTerrestrial Brownbul

5 Campethera abingoniGolden-tailed Woodpecker

5 Geocolaptes olivaceusGround Woodpecker

5 Apaloderma narinaNarina Trogon

5 Rhinopomastus cyanomelasCommon Scimitarbill

5 Pyxicephalus edulisEdible Bullfrog

5 Dasypeltis scabraEgg-eating Snake

5 Psammophis notostictusKaroo Sand Snake

5 Agama anchietaeAnchieta's Agama

5 Bradypodion pumilumCape Dwarf Chameleon

December 2015




100 Loxodonta africana Savannah Elephant FIRST MAMMAL
76 Giraffa camelopardalis Giraffe SECOND MAMMAL
71 Equus quagga Plains Zebra THIRD MAMMAL
63 Panthera leo Lion

59 Hippopotamus amphibius Hippopotamus

59 Aepyceros melampusImpala

59 Tragelaphus strepsicerosGreater Kudu

58 Phacochoerus africanusCommon Warthog

48 Struthio camelusCommon Ostrich FIRST BIRD
47 Ceratotherium simumWhite Rhinoceros

46 Papio ursinusChacma Baboon

44 Connochaetes taurinusCommon Wildebeest

43 Syncerus cafferAfrican Buffalo

41 Acinonyx jubatusCheetah

39 Crocodylus niloticusNile Crocodile FIRST REPTILE
38 Chlorocebus pygerythrusVervet Monkey

37 Oryx gazellaGemsbok

36 Tockus leucomelasSouthern Yellow-billed Hornbill SECOND BIRD
33 Numida meleagrisHelmeted Guineafowl THIRD BIRD
33 Haliaeetus vociferAfrican Fish-Eagle

33 Crocuta crocutaSpotted Hyena

33 Lycaon pictusAfrican Wild Dog
32 Alopochen aegyptiacaEgyptian Goose

31 Spheniscus demersusAfrican Penguin

31 Panthera pardusLeopard

30 Canis mesomelasBlack-backed Jackal

30 Kobus ellipsiprymnusWaterbuck

30 Procavia capensisRock Hyrax

29 Ploceus velatusSouthern Masked-Weaver

29 Tragelaphus angasiiNyala

28 Stigmochelys pardalisLeopard Tortoise SECOND REPTILE
27 Halcyon albiventrisBrown-hooded Kingfisher

27 Antidorcas marsupialisSpringbok

26 Coracias caudatusLilac-breasted Roller

26 Bostrychia hagedashHadada Ibis

24 Terathopius ecaudatusBateleur

23 Arctocephalus pusillusBrown Fur Seal

22 Damaliscus pygargusBontebok/Blesbok

21 Merops pusillusLittle Bee-Eater

21 Merops bullockoidesWhite-fronted Bee-Eater

21 Actophilornis africanusAfrican Jacana

21 Gyps africanusWhite-backed Vulture

21 Corythaixoides concolorGrey Go-Away-Bird

21 Chamaeleo dilepisFlap-necked Chameleon THIRD REPTILE
21 Lygodactylus capensisCape Dwarf Gecko

21 Alcelaphus buselaphusHartebeest

21 Euchrysops malathanaCommon Smoky Blue FIRST INSECT
20 Pycnonotus barbatusCommon Bulbul

20 Trachylepis striataAfrican Striped Skink

20 Varanus niloticusNile Monitor

20 Tragelaphus oryxEland

20 Bucorvus leadbeateriSouthern Ground-Hornbill

20 Onychognathus morioRed-winged Starling

19 Vanellus armatusBlacksmith Lapwing

19 Chiromantis xerampelinaGrey Foam-nest Treefrog

19 Phoenicopterus roseusGreater Flamingo

19 Chroicocephalus hartlaubiiHartlaub's Gull

19 Dicrurus adsimilisFork-tailed Drongo

18 Ceryle rudisPied Kingfisher

18 Ardea cinereaGrey Heron

18 Anhinga rufaAfrican Darter

18 Bitis arietansPuff Adder

18 Raphicerus campestrisSteenbok

18 Merops nubicoidesSouthern Carmine Bee-Eater

17 Scopus umbrettaHamerkop

17 Polemaetus bellicosusMartial Eagle

17 Agama atraSouthern Rock Agama

17 Hippotragus nigerSable Antelope

17 Tragelaphus scriptusBushbuck

16 Ephippiorhynchus senegalensisSaddle-billed Stork

16 Burhinus vermiculatusWater Thick-Knee

16 Melierax canorusPale Chanting-Goshawk

16 Adansonia digitataBaobab FIRST PLANT
16 Lanius collarisSouthern Fiscal

16 Acraea oncaeaWindow Acraea

15 Colius striatusSpeckled Mousebird

15 Chersina angulataAngulate Tortoise

15 Taphozous mauritianusMauritian Tomb Bat
15 Cynictis penicillataYellow Mongoose

15 Equus zebraMountain Zebra

15 Junonia hiertaYellow Pansy SECOND INSECT
15 Junonia oenoneBlue Pansy THIRD INSECT
15 Trithemis arteriosaRed-veined Dropwing

15 Lybius torquatusBlack-collared Barbet

15 Sagittarius serpentariusSecretarybird

15 Threskiornis aethiopicusSacred Ibis

14 Ardeotis koriKori Bustard

14 Streptopelia capicolaCape Turtle Dove

14 Phalacrocorax capensisCape Cormorant

14 Larus dominicanusKelp Gull

14 Acanthocercus atricollisBlack-necked Agama

14 Suricata suricattaMeerkat

14 Oreotragus oreotragusKlipspringer

14 Diceros bicornisBlack Rhinoceros

14 Buphagus erythrorhynchusRed-billed Oxpecker

14 Trachyphonus vaillantiiCrested Barbet

14 Streptopelia senegalensisLaughing Dove

14 Leptoptilos crumeniferMarabou Stork

14 Bubo africanusSpotted Eagle-Owl

13 Haematopus moquiniAfrican Black Oystercatcher

13 Egretta garzettaLittle Egret

13 Aquila rapaxTawny Eagle

13 Corvus albusPied Crow

13 Motacilla capensisCape Wagtail

13 Lamprotornis nitensCape Starling

13 Upupa epopsCommon Hoopoe

13 Hyperolius marmoratusPainted Reed Frog FIRST FROG
13 Varanus albigularisRock Monitor

13 Eidolon helvumStraw-colored Fruit Bat
13 Helogale parvulaCommon Dwarf Mongoose

13 Mungos mungoBanded Mongoose

13 Papilio demodocusCitrus Swallowtail

13 Python natalensisSouthern African Python

13 Anthobaphes violaceaOrange-breasted Sunbird

13 Dendroperdix sephaenaCrested Francolin

12 Turtur chalcospilosEmerald-spotted Wood-Dove

12 Phalacrocorax carboGreat Cormorant

12 Anastomus lamelligerusAfrican Openbill

12 Plectropterus gambensisSpur-winged Goose

12 Cossypha caffraCape Robin-Chat

12 Motacilla aguimpAfrican Pied Wagtail
12 Ploceus capensisCape Weaver

12 Schismaderma carensRed Toad

12 Trachylepis margaritiferaRainbow Skink

12 Paraxerus cepapiSmith's Bush Squirrel

12 Xerus inaurisGround Squirrel

12 Epomophorus crypturusPeters's Epauletted Fruit Bat
12 Danaus chrysippusPlain Tiger

12 Anthropoides paradiseusBlue Crane

12 Hedydipna collarisCollared Sunbird

12 Belenois creonaAfrican Common White

12 Zosterops capensisCape White-Eye

12 Microcarbo africanusReed Cormorant

11 Centropus superciliosusWhite-browed Coucal

11 Lophaetus occipitalisLong-crested Eagle

11 Dendrocygna viduataWhite-faced Whistling-Duck

11 Promerops caferCape Sugarbird

11 Vidua macrouraPin-tailed Whydah

11 Hyperolius parallelusAngolan Reed Frog

11 Dispholidus typusBoomslang

11 Nycteris thebaicaEgyptian Slit-faced Bat
11 Redunca arundinumSouthern Reedbuck

11 Kobus lecheLechwe

11 Eupodotis afraoidesNorthern Black Korhaan
11 Junonia natalicaNatal Pansy

11 Acraea natalicaNatal Acraea

11 Megaceryle maximaGiant Kingfisher

11 Tockus rufirostrisSouthern Red-billed Hornbill

11 Acraea encedonCommon Acraea

10 Fulica cristataRed-knobbed Coot

10 Guttera pucheraniCrested Guineafowl

10 Calidris ferrugineaCurlew Sandpiper

10 Tachybaptus ruficollisLittle Grebe

10 Charadrius marginatusWhite-fronted Plover

10 Vanellus coronatusCrowned Lapwing

10 Ardea goliathGoliath Heron

10 Milvus migransBlack Kite

10 Prinia subflavaTawny-flanked Prinia

10 Lamprotornis chalybaeusGreater Blue-eared Starling

10 Platysaurus intermediusCommon Flat Lizard

10 Sylvicapra grimmiaBush Duiker

10 Cercopithecus mitisBlue Monkey

10 Eupodotis ruficristaRed-crested Korhaan

10 Buteo buteoCommon Buzzard

10 Acraea eponinaOrange Acraea

10 Subfamily Asilinae

10 Millettia stuhlmanniiPanga-Panga

10 Tarucus sybarisDotted Blue

10 Sclerophrys gutturalisGuttural Toad SECOND FROG
9 Merops hirundineusSwallow-tailed Bee-Eater

9 Columba guineaSpeckled Pigeon

9 Mycteria ibisYellow-billed Stork

9 Torgos tracheliotosLappet-faced Vulture

9 Necrosyrtes monachusHooded Vulture

9 Anas undulataYellow-billed Duck

9 Oriolus larvatusBlack-headed Oriole

9 Batis molitorChinspot Batis

9 Ploceus ocularisSpectacled Weaver

9 Philetairus sociusSociable Weaver

9 Euplectes orixSouthern Red Bishop

9 Quelea queleaRed-billed Quelea

9 Uraeginthus angolensisBlue Waxbill

9 Dendropicos fuscescensCardinal Woodpecker

9 Cordylus nigerBlack Girdled Lizard

9 Chondrodactylus turneriTurner's Thick-toed Gecko

9 Trachylepis variaVariable Skink

9 Trachylepis sulcataWestern Rock Skink

9 Hamanumida daedalusGuineafowl

9 Pterocles namaquaNamaqua Sandgrouse

9 Precis archesiaGarden Inspector

9 Gloriosa superbaFlame Lily

9 Bugeranus carunculatusWattled Crane

9 Corvinella melanoleucaMagpie Shrike

9 Chalcomitra senegalensisScarlet-chested Sunbird

9 Cinnyris chalybeusSouthern Double-collared Sunbird
9 Turdus libonyanaKurrichane Thrush

9 Papilio nireusGreen-banded Swallowtail

9 Catopsilia florellaAfrican Migrant

9 Leptotes pirithousCommon Zebra Blue

9 Bicyclus safitzaCommon Bush Brown

9 Afzelia quanzensisPod-Mahogany

9 Byblia anvataraCommon Joker

9 Spermestes cucullataBronze Mannikin

9 Falco rupicolusRock Kestrel

9 Pternistis natalensisNatal Francolin

9 Parahyaena brunneaBrown Hyena

9 Lophoceros alboterminatusCrowned Hornbill

9 Amietia delalandiiCommon River Frog THIRD FROG
8 Coracias garrulusEuropean Roller

8 Halcyon senegalensisWoodland Kingfisher

8 Streptopelia semitorquataRed-eyed Dove

8 Calidris minutaLittle Stint

8 Pelecanus onocrotalusGreat White Pelican
8 Ardeola ralloidesSquacco Heron

8 Kaupifalco monogrammicusLizard Buzzard

8 Sarkidiornis melanotosComb Duck

8 Tauraco porphyreolophusPurple-crested Turaco

8 Terpsiphone viridisAfrican Paradise-Flycatcher

8 Passer melanurusCape Sparrow

8 Plocepasser mahaliWhite-browed Sparrow-Weaver

8 Anaplectes rubricepsRed-headed Weaver

8 Pycnonotus nigricansAfrican Red-eyed Bulbul

8 Chlorocichla flaviventrisYellow-bellied Greenbul

8 Cinnyricinclus leucogasterViolet-backed Starling

8 Turdoides jardineiiArrow-marked Babbler

8 Glaucidium perlatumPearl-spotted Owlet

8 Psammophis subtaeniatusStripe-bellied Sand Snake

8 Damaliscus lunatusTsessebe

8 Saxicola torquatusAfrican Stonechat

8 Passer diffususSouthern Grey-headed Sparrow
8 Herpestes sanguineusSlender Mongoose

8 Charaxes zoolinaClub-tailed Emperor

8 Thalasseus bergiiSwift Tern

8 Corythornis cristatusMalachite Kingfisher

8 Cinnyris talatalaWhite-breasted Sunbird

8 Colotis ioneBushveld Purple Tip
8 Acridotheres tristisCommon Myna

8 Pternistis swainsoniiSwainson's Spurfowl

8 Bycanistes bucinatorTrumpeter Hornbill

8 Zapornia flavirostraBlack Crake

8 Sclerophrys capensisRaucous Toad

8 Crithagra mozambicaYellow-fronted Canary

7 Balearica regulorumGrey Crowned Crane

7 Treron calvusAfrican Green Pigeon

7 Platalea albaAfrican Spoonbill

7 Vanellus senegallusAfrican Wattled Lapwing
7 Recurvirostra avosettaPied Avocet

7 Circaetus cinereusBrown Snake-Eagle

7 Trigonoceps occipitalisWhite-headed Vulture

7 Anas erythrorhynchaRed-billed Teal

7 Emberiza flaviventrisGolden-breasted Bunting

7 Hirundo smithiiWire-tailed Swallow

7 Lanius collurioRed-backed Shrike

7 Andropadus importunusSombre Greenbul

7 Poicephalus meyeriMeyer's Parrot

7 Bubo lacteusVerreaux's Eagle-Owl

7 Phoeniculus purpureusGreen Woodhoopoe

7 Phrynomantis bifasciatusRed-Banded Rubber Frog

7 Xenopus laevisAfrican Clawed Frog

7 Pyxicephalus adspersusAfrican Bullfrog

7 Dendroaspis polylepisBlack Mamba

7 Agama planicepsNamib Rock Agama

7 Chamaeleo namaquensisNamaqua Chameleon

7 Mellivora capensisHoney Badger

7 Otolemur crassicaudatusBrown Greater Galago

7 Vanessa carduiPainted Lady

7 Hypolimnas misippusCommon Diadem

7 Melanitis ledaCommon Evening Brown

7 Ischnura senegalensisCommon Bluetail

7 Mylothris agathinaEastern Dotted Border

7 Agama aculeataGround Agama

7 Hippocampus fuscusSea Pony

7 Prionops plumatusWhite Helmetshrike

7 Belenois aurotaPioneer White

7 Tagiades flesusClouded Skipper

7 Acraea caldarenaBlack Tip Acraea

7 Ardea albaGreat Egret

7 Cecropis abyssinicaLesser Striped Swallow
7 Cinnyris aferGreater Double-collared Sunbird
7 Granatina granatinaViolet-eared Waxbill

7 Heteropsis perspicuaEyed Bush Brown

7 Euphaedra neophronGold Banded Forester

7 Senna petersianaEared Senna

7 Pternistis capensisCape Spurfowl

7 Vachellia xanthophloeaFever Tree SECOND PLANT
7 Crudaria leromaSilver-spotted Grey

7 Pternistis adspersusRed-billed Spurfowl

7 Melaenornis silensFiscal Flycatcher

6 Chrysococcyx capriusDideric Cuckoo

6 Merops apiasterEuropean Bee-Eater

6 Oena capensisNamaqua Dove

6 Morus capensisCape Gannet

6 Phoeniconaias minorLesser Flamingo

6 Falco rupicoloidesGreater Kestrel

6 Ciconia episcopusWoolly-necked Stork

6 Himantopus himantopusBlack-winged Stilt

6 Bubulcus ibisCattle Egret

6 Buteo rufofuscusJackal Buzzard

6 Circaetus pectoralisBlack-breasted Snake-Eagle

6 Elanus caeruleusBlack-shouldered Kite

6 Gypohierax angolensisPalm-nut Vulture

6 Anas capensisCape Teal

6 Nettapus auritusAfrican Pygmy-Goose

6 Hirundo albigularisWhite-throated Swallow

6 Cossypha natalensisRed-capped Robin-Chat

6 Cossypha heugliniWhite-browed Robin-Chat

6 Oenanthe monticolaMountain Wheatear

6 Muscicapa adustaAfrican Dusky Flycatcher

6 Cercomela familiarisFamiliar Chat

6 Nectarinia famosaMalachite Sunbird

6 Sporopipes squamifronsScaly-feathered Finch

6 Pytilia melbaMelba Finch

6 Vidua regiaShaft-tailed Whydah

6 Amadina erythrocephalaRed-headed Finch

6 Lamprotornis mevesiiMeves's Starling

6 Turdoides bicolorSouthern Pied-Babbler

6 Breviceps adspersusCommon Rain Frog

6 Telescopus semiannulatusCommon Tiger Snake

6 Homopholis walbergiiWahlberg's Velvet Gecko

6 Pedioplanis lineoocellataSpotted Sand Lizard

6 Pelusios sinuatusSerrated Hinged Terrapin

6 Eubalaena australisSouthern Right Whale

6 Genetta maculataCentral African Large-spotted Genet
6 Otocyon megalotisBat-eared Fox

6 Cephalophus natalensisNatal Red Duiker

6 Hippotragus equinusRoan Antelope

6 Proteles cristataAardwolf

6 Amietia fuscigulaCape River Frog

6 Smutsia temminckiiTemminck's Ground Pangolin

6 Kigelia africanaSausage Tree THIRD PLANT
6 Crotaphopeltis hotamboeiaRed-lipped Snake

6 Crocothemis erythraeaBroad Scarlet

6 Zonocerus elegansElegant Grasshopper

6 Platycypha caligataDancing Jewel

6 Trithemis kirbyiKirby's Dropwing

6 Buphagus africanusYellow-billed Oxpecker

6 Pterocles bicinctusDouble-banded Sandgrouse

6 Dictyophorus spumansKoppie Foam Grasshopper
6 Lampides boeticusPea Blue

6 Agrius convolvuliConvolvulus Hawkmoth

6 Brunsvigia orientalisCandelabra Lily

6 Hieraaetus wahlbergiWahlberg's Eagle

6 Lissotis melanogasterBlack-bellied Bustard

6 Calendulauda africanoidesFawn-colored Lark

6 Precis octaviaGaudy Commodore

6 Tuxentius caliceWhite Pie

6 Emberiza capensisCape Bunting

6 Bromophila caffra

6 Leucospermum conocarpodendronTree Pincushion

6 Erythrina livingstonianaAloe Coraltree

6 Turraea niloticaLowveld Honeysuckle-Tree

6 Millettia mossambicensisSangkala

6 Cordyla africanaWild-Mango

6 Stereospermum kunthianumPink-Jacaranda

6 Charaxes varanesKarkloof Emperor

5 Clamator jacobinusPied Cuckoo

5 Cuculus solitariusRed-chested Cuckoo

5 Eurystomus glaucurusBroad-billed Roller

5 Columba arquatrixAfrican Olive Pigeon

5 Calidris albaSanderling

5 Tringa nebulariaCommon Greenshank

5 Thalassarche chlororhynchosYellow-nosed Albatross

5 Pelecanus rufescensPink-backed Pelican

5 Rynchops flavirostrisAfrican Skimmer

5 Burhinus capensisSpotted Thick-Knee

5 Polyboroides typusAfrican Harrier-Hawk

5 Tadorna canaSouth African Shelduck

5 Apalis flavidaYellow-breasted Apalis

5 Telophorus zeylonusBokmakierie

5 Laniarius atrococcineusCrimson-breasted Shrike

5 Dryoscopus cublaBlack-backed Puffback

5 Serinus canicollisCape Canary

5 Myrmecocichla formicivoraSouthern Anteater-Chat

5 Estrilda erythronotosBlack-faced Waxbill

5 Ploceus intermediusLesser Masked-Weaver

5 Euplectes progneLong-tailed Widowbird

5 Petronia superciliarisYellow-throated Petronia

5 Macronyx croceusYellow-throated Longclaw

5 Bubalornis nigerRed-billed Buffalo-Weaver

5 Lamprotornis australisBurchell's Starling

5 Onychognathus nabouroupPale-winged Starling

5 Campethera abingoniGolden-tailed Woodpecker

5 Poicephalus cryptoxanthusBrown-headed Parrot

5 Scotopelia peliPel's Fishing-Owl

5 Apaloderma narinaNarina Trogon

5 Rhinopomastus cyanomelasCommon Scimitarbill

5 Pyxicephalus edulisEdible Bullfrog

5 Philothamnus semivariegatusSpotted Bush Snake

5 Naja niveaCape Cobra

5 Naja mossambicaMozambique Spitting Cobra

5 Karusasaurus polyzonusKaroo Girdled Lizard

5 Mochlus sundevalliSundevall's Writhing Skink

5 Caracal caracalCaracal

5 Vulpes chamaCape Fox

5 Welwitschia mirabilisWelwitschia

5 Butorides striataStriated Heron

5 Hemidactylus mabouiaTropical House Gecko

5 Nesotragus moschatusSuni

5 Pelomedusa subrufaHelmeted Turtle

5 Hippocampus capensisKnysna Seahorse

5 Nesciothemis farinosaEastern Blacktail

5 Trithemis annulataViolet Dropwing

5 Tricholaema leucomelasAcacia Pied Barbet

5 Hyobanche sanguineaScarlet Catsnails

5 Cheilomenes lunataLunate Lady Beetle

5 Charaxes jasiusTwo-tailed Pasha

5 Phalanta phalanthaCommon Leopard

5 Sterculia appendiculataTall-boy Star-Chestnut

5 Scorpaenopsis oxycephalaTassled Scorpionfish

5 Libythea labdacaAfrican Snout Butterfly

5 Micronisus gabarGabar Goshawk

5 Smutsornis africanusDouble-banded Courser

5 Ispidina pictaAfrican Pygmy-Kingfisher

5 Cercotrichas quadrivirgataBearded Scrub-Robin

5 Cercotrichas paenaKalahari Scrub-Robin

5 Cercotrichas leucophrysWhite-browed Scrub Robin

5 Coccopygia melanotisSwee Waxbill

5 Pinacopteryx eriphiaZebra White

5 Axiocerses tjoaneEastern Scarlet

5 Holarrhena pubescens

5 Turdus olivaceusOlive Thrush

5 Accipiter tachiroAfrican Goshawk

5 Calandrella cinereaRed-capped Lark

5 Cacyreus lingeusCommon Bush Blue

5 Combretum hereroenseRusset Bushwillow

5 Cleistanthus schlechteriFalse-Tamboti

5 Xylotheca tettensisNorthern African Dogrose
5 Balanites maughamiiGreenthorn

5 Ficus busseiZambezi Fig

5 Eurytela dryopeGolden Piper

5 Eupodotis rueppeliiRüppell's Korhaan

5 Saltera sarcocollaSalter

5 Broadleysaurus majorRough-scaled Plated Lizard

5 Lophoceros nasutusAfrican Grey Hornbill

5 Aloidendron dichotomumQuiver Tree

5 Matobosaurus validusGiant Plated Lizard

December 2014




65 Loxodonta africana Savannah Elephant FIRST MAMMAL
49 Equus quagga Plains Zebra SECOND MAMMAL
48 Giraffa camelopardalis Giraffe THIRD MAMMAL
46 Panthera leoLion

42 Phacochoerus africanus Common Warthog

42 Aepyceros melampusImpala

41 Tragelaphus strepsicerosGreater Kudu

40 Hippopotamus amphibiusHippopotamus

36 Papio ursinusChacma Baboon

35 Ceratotherium simumWhite Rhinoceros

34 Struthio camelusCommon Ostrich FIRST BIRD
33 Syncerus cafferAfrican Buffalo

30 Connochaetes taurinusCommon Wildebeest

27 Numida meleagrisHelmeted Guineafowl SECOND BIRD
26 Crocodylus niloticusNile Crocodile FIRST REPTILE
25 Spheniscus demersusAfrican Penguin

24 Haliaeetus vociferAfrican Fish-Eagle

24 Tockus leucomelasSouthern Yellow-billed Hornbill

24 Chlorocebus pygerythrusVervet Monkey

23 Oryx gazellaGemsbok

22 Bostrychia hagedashHadada Ibis THIRD BIRD
22 Alopochen aegyptiacaEgyptian Goose

21 Crocuta crocutaSpotted Hyena

20 Coracias caudatusLilac-breasted Roller

20 Terathopius ecaudatusBateleur

20 Chamaeleo dilepisFlap-necked Chameleon SECOND/ THIRD REPTILE
20 Stigmochelys pardalisLeopard Tortoise SECOND/ THIRD REPTILE
19 Halcyon albiventrisBrown-hooded Kingfisher

19 Lycaon pictusAfrican Wild Dog
19 Antidorcas marsupialisSpringbok

18 Merops bullockoidesWhite-fronted Bee-Eater

18 Ploceus velatusSouthern Masked-Weaver

18 Lygodactylus capensisCape Dwarf Gecko

18 Kobus ellipsiprymnusWaterbuck

17 Panthera pardusLeopard

17 Procavia capensisRock Hyrax

16 Actophilornis africanusAfrican Jacana

16 Bitis arietansPuff Adder

16 Canis mesomelasBlack-backed Jackal

16 Alcelaphus buselaphusHartebeest

15 Ceryle rudisPied Kingfisher

15 Anhinga rufaAfrican Darter

15 Polemaetus bellicosusMartial Eagle

15 Corythaixoides concolorGrey Go-Away-Bird

15 Chiromantis xerampelinaGrey Foam-nest Treefrog FIRST FROG
15 Agama atraSouthern Rock Agama

15 Tragelaphus angasiiNyala

15 Merops nubicoidesSouthern Carmine Bee-Eater

15 Varanus niloticusNile Monitor

15 Phoenicopterus roseusGreater Flamingo

14 Merops pusillusLittle Bee-Eater

14 Vanellus armatusBlacksmith Lapwing

14 Gyps africanusWhite-backed Vulture

14 Arctocephalus pusillusBrown Fur Seal

14 Diceros bicornisBlack Rhinoceros

14 Junonia oenoneBlue Pansy FIRST INSECT
14 Adansonia digitataBaobab FIRST PLANT
14 Chroicocephalus hartlaubiiHartlaub's Gull

13 Acinonyx jubatusCheetah

13 Damaliscus pygargusBontebok/Blesbok

12 Melierax canorusPale Chanting-Goshawk

12 Pycnonotus barbatusCommon Bulbul

12 Taphozous mauritianusMauritian Tomb Bat
12 Suricata suricattaMeerkat

12 Hippotragus nigerSable Antelope

12 Raphicerus campestrisSteenbok

12 Tragelaphus oryxEland

12 Lybius torquatusBlack-collared Barbet

12 Onychognathus morioRed-winged Starling

11 Ephippiorhynchus senegalensisSaddle-billed Stork

11 Burhinus vermiculatusWater Thick-Knee

11 Upupa epopsCommon Hoopoe

11 Acanthocercus atricollisBlack-necked Agama

11 Trachylepis striataAfrican Striped Skink

11 Eidolon helvumStraw-colored Fruit Bat
11 Epomophorus crypturusPeters's Epauletted Fruit Bat
11 Junonia hiertaYellow Pansy

11 Junonia natalicaNatal Pansy

11 Trithemis arteriosaRed-veined Dropwing

11 Leptoptilos crumeniferMarabou Stork

11 Dicrurus adsimilisFork-tailed Drongo

10 Streptopelia capicolaCape Turtle Dove

10 Colius striatusSpeckled Mousebird

10 Haematopus moquiniAfrican Black Oystercatcher

10 Ardea cinereaGrey Heron

10 Lophaetus occipitalisLong-crested Eagle

10 Motacilla aguimpAfrican Pied Wagtail
10 Vidua macrouraPin-tailed Whydah

10 Hyperolius parallelusAngolan Reed Frog

10 Platysaurus intermediusCommon Flat Lizard

10 Chersina angulataAngulate Tortoise

10 Tragelaphus scriptusBushbuck

10 Sagittarius serpentariusSecretarybird

10 Bucorvus leadbeateriSouthern Ground-Hornbill

10 Hedydipna collarisCollared Sunbird

10 Anthobaphes violaceaOrange-breasted Sunbird

10 Acraea encedonCommon Acraea

10 Dendroperdix sephaenaCrested Francolin

10 Bubo africanusSpotted Eagle-Owl

10 Lanius collarisSouthern Fiscal

10 Millettia stuhlmanniiPanga-Panga

10 Euchrysops malathanaCommon Smoky Blue SECOND INSECT
10 Microcarbo africanusReed Cormorant

10 Threskiornis aethiopicusSacred Ibis

9 Ardeotis koriKori Bustard

9 Turtur chalcospilosEmerald-spotted Wood-Dove

9 Phalacrocorax capensisCape Cormorant

9 Egretta garzettaLittle Egret

9 Milvus migransBlack Kite

9 Cossypha caffraCape Robin-Chat

9 Motacilla capensisCape Wagtail

9 Euplectes orixSouthern Red Bishop

9 Lamprotornis nitensCape Starling

9 Schismaderma carensRed Toad THIRD FROG
9 Chondrodactylus turneriTurner's Thick-toed Gecko

9 Trachylepis margaritiferaRainbow Skink

9 Varanus albigularisRock Monitor

9 Megaceryle maximaGiant Kingfisher

9 Python natalensisSouthern African Python

9 Buphagus erythrorhynchusRed-billed Oxpecker

9 Streptopelia senegalensisLaughing Dove

9 Leptotes pirithousCommon Zebra Blue THIRD INSECT
9 Belenois creonaAfrican Common White

9 Bicyclus safitzaCommon Bush Brown

9 Afzelia quanzensisPod-Mahogany

9 Zosterops capensisCape White-Eye

8 Guttera pucheraniCrested Guineafowl

8 Scopus umbrettaHamerkop

8 Larus dominicanusKelp Gull

8 Anastomus lamelligerusAfrican Openbill

8 Vanellus coronatusCrowned Lapwing

8 Aquila rapaxTawny Eagle

8 Plectropterus gambensisSpur-winged Goose

8 Quelea queleaRed-billed Quelea

8 Dispholidus typusBoomslang

8 Cordylus nigerBlack Girdled Lizard

8 Trachylepis sulcataWestern Rock Skink

8 Cynictis penicillataYellow Mongoose

8 Redunca arundinumSouthern Reedbuck

8 Equus zebraMountain Zebra

8 Paraxerus cepapiSmith's Bush Squirrel

8 Eupodotis afraoidesNorthern Black Korhaan
8 Danaus chrysippusPlain Tiger

8 Hamanumida daedalusGuineafowl

8 Papilio demodocusCitrus Swallowtail

8 Acraea natalicaNatal Acraea

8 Trachyphonus vaillantiiCrested Barbet

8 Charaxes zoolinaClub-tailed Emperor

8 Gloriosa superbaFlame Lily

8 Anthropoides paradiseusBlue Crane

8 Cinnyris chalybeusSouthern Double-collared Sunbird
8 Papilio nireusGreen-banded Swallowtail

8 Buteo buteoCommon Buzzard

8 Acraea eponinaOrange Acraea

8 Lophoceros alboterminatusCrowned Hornbill

8 Sclerophrys gutturalisGuttural Toad

7 Centropus superciliosusWhite-browed Coucal

7 Columba guineaSpeckled Pigeon

7 Phalacrocorax carboGreat Cormorant

7 Mycteria ibisYellow-billed Stork

7 Vanellus senegallusAfrican Wattled Lapwing
7 Ardea goliathGoliath Heron

7 Necrosyrtes monachusHooded Vulture

7 Kaupifalco monogrammicusLizard Buzzard

7 Sarkidiornis melanotosComb Duck

7 Oriolus larvatusBlack-headed Oriole

7 Ploceus capensisCape Weaver

7 Chlorocichla flaviventrisYellow-bellied Greenbul

7 Glaucidium perlatumPearl-spotted Owlet

7 Pyxicephalus adspersusAfrican Bullfrog

7 Psammophis subtaeniatusStripe-bellied Sand Snake

7 Chamaeleo namaquensisNamaqua Chameleon

7 Nycteris thebaicaEgyptian Slit-faced Bat
7 Mungos mungoBanded Mongoose

7 Sylvicapra grimmiaBush Duiker

7 Melanitis ledaCommon Evening Brown

7 Saxicola torquatusAfrican Stonechat

7 Belenois aurotaPioneer White

7 Acraea caldarenaBlack Tip Acraea

7 Chalcomitra senegalensisScarlet-chested Sunbird

7 Heteropsis perspicuaEyed Bush Brown

7 Catopsilia florellaAfrican Migrant

7 Euphaedra neophronGold Banded Forester

7 Acraea oncaeaWindow Acraea

7 Senna petersianaEared Senna

7 Vachellia xanthophloeaFever Tree SECOND PLANT
7 Byblia anvataraCommon Joker

7 Pternistis natalensisNatal Francolin

7 Parahyaena brunneaBrown Hyena

7 Bycanistes bucinatorTrumpeter Hornbill

6 Balearica regulorumGrey Crowned Crane

6 Merops hirundineusSwallow-tailed Bee-Eater

6 Platalea albaAfrican Spoonbill

6 Tachybaptus ruficollisLittle Grebe

6 Pelecanus onocrotalusGreat White Pelican
6 Ciconia episcopusWoolly-necked Stork

6 Ardeola ralloidesSquacco Heron

6 Trigonoceps occipitalisWhite-headed Vulture

6 Torgos tracheliotosLappet-faced Vulture

6 Dendrocygna viduataWhite-faced Whistling-Duck

6 Anas undulataYellow-billed Duck

6 Anas erythrorhynchaRed-billed Teal

6 Corvus albusPied Crow

6 Cossypha heugliniWhite-browed Robin-Chat

6 Passer melanurusCape Sparrow

6 Philetairus sociusSociable Weaver

6 Vidua regiaShaft-tailed Whydah

6 Plocepasser mahaliWhite-browed Sparrow-Weaver

6 Pycnonotus nigricansAfrican Red-eyed Bulbul

6 Lamprotornis chalybaeusGreater Blue-eared Starling

6 Cinnyricinclus leucogasterViolet-backed Starling

6 Turdoides jardineiiArrow-marked Babbler

6 Dendropicos fuscescensCardinal Woodpecker

6 Bubo lacteusVerreaux's Eagle-Owl

6 Hyperolius marmoratusPainted Reed Frog

6 Phrynomantis bifasciatusRed-Banded Rubber Frog

6 Breviceps adspersusCommon Rain Frog

6 Xenopus laevisAfrican Clawed Frog

6 Agama planicepsNamib Rock Agama

6 Trachylepis variaVariable Skink

6 Helogale parvulaCommon Dwarf Mongoose

6 Damaliscus lunatusTsessebe

6 Cercopithecus mitisBlue Monkey

6 Vanessa carduiPainted Lady

6 Genus XylocopaCarpenter Bees

6 Hypolimnas misippusCommon Diadem

6 Mylothris agathinaEastern Dotted Border

6 Eupodotis ruficristaRed-crested Korhaan

6 Platycypha caligataDancing Jewel

6 Trithemis kirbyiKirby's Dropwing

6 Lampides boeticusPea Blue

6 Tagiades flesusClouded Skipper

6 Corythornis cristatusMalachite Kingfisher

6 Corvinella melanoleucaMagpie Shrike

6 Tuxentius caliceWhite Pie

6 Bromophila caffra

6 Turraea niloticaLowveld Honeysuckle-Tree

6 Millettia mossambicensisSangkala

6 Cordyla africanaWild-Mango

6 Stereospermum kunthianumPink-Jacaranda

6 Pternistis capensisCape Spurfowl

6 Charaxes varanesKarkloof Emperor

6 Spermestes cucullataBronze Mannikin

6 Pternistis adspersusRed-billed Spurfowl

6 Sclerophrys capensisRaucous Toad

6 Melaenornis silensFiscal Flycatcher

5 Coracias garrulusEuropean Roller

5 Eurystomus glaucurusBroad-billed Roller

5 Streptopelia semitorquataRed-eyed Dove

5 Oena capensisNamaqua Dove

5 Pelecanus rufescensPink-backed Pelican

5 Rynchops flavirostrisAfrican Skimmer

5 Falco rupicoloidesGreater Kestrel

5 Charadrius marginatusWhite-fronted Plover

5 Recurvirostra avosettaPied Avocet

5 Burhinus capensisSpotted Thick-Knee

5 Circaetus cinereusBrown Snake-Eagle

5 Elanus caeruleusBlack-shouldered Kite

5 Tauraco porphyreolophusPurple-crested Turaco

5 Prinia subflavaTawny-flanked Prinia

5 Terpsiphone viridisAfrican Paradise-Flycatcher

5 Emberiza flaviventrisGolden-breasted Bunting

5 Hirundo smithiiWire-tailed Swallow

5 Hirundo albigularisWhite-throated Swallow

5 Nectarinia famosaMalachite Sunbird

5 Promerops caferCape Sugarbird

5 Ploceus ocularisSpectacled Weaver

5 Sporopipes squamifronsScaly-feathered Finch

5 Pytilia melbaMelba Finch

5 Uraeginthus angolensisBlue Waxbill

5 Amadina erythrocephalaRed-headed Finch

5 Anaplectes rubricepsRed-headed Weaver

5 Andropadus importunusSombre Greenbul

5 Lamprotornis australisBurchell's Starling

5 Phoeniculus purpureusGreen Woodhoopoe

5 Dendroaspis polylepisBlack Mamba

5 Karusasaurus polyzonusKaroo Girdled Lizard

5 Pedioplanis lineoocellataSpotted Sand Lizard

5 Mochlus sundevalliSundevall's Writhing Skink

5 Eubalaena australisSouthern Right Whale

5 Cephalophus natalensisNatal Red Duiker

5 Kobus lecheLechwe

5 Oreotragus oreotragusKlipspringer

5 Xerus inaurisGround Squirrel

5 Butorides striataStriated Heron

5 Amietia fuscigulaCape River Frog

5 Agama aculeataGround Agama

5 Crotaphopeltis hotamboeiaRed-lipped Snake

5 Buphagus africanusYellow-billed Oxpecker

5 Pterocles bicinctusDouble-banded Sandgrouse

5 Pterocles namaquaNamaqua Sandgrouse

5 Precis archesiaGarden Inspector

5 Sterculia appendiculataTall-boy Star-Chestnut THIRD PLANT
5 Bugeranus carunculatusWattled Crane

5 Hieraaetus wahlbergiWahlberg's Eagle

5 Thalasseus bergiiSwift Tern

5 Tockus rufirostrisSouthern Red-billed Hornbill

5 Axiocerses tjoaneEastern Scarlet

5 Precis octaviaGaudy Commodore

5 Colotis ioneBushveld Purple Tip
5 Holarrhena pubescens

5 Turdus libonyanaKurrichane Thrush

5 Erythrina livingstonianaAloe Coraltree

5 Combretum hereroenseRusset Bushwillow

5 Cleistanthus schlechteriFalse-Tamboti

5 Xylotheca tettensisNorthern African Dogrose
5 Balanites maughamiiGreenthorn

5 Ficus busseiZambezi Fig

5 Tarucus sybarisDotted Blue

5 Crudaria leromaSilver-spotted Grey

5 Amietia delalandiiCommon River Frog

5 Matobosaurus validusGiant Plated Lizard

December 2013




44 Loxodonta africana Savannah Elephant FIRST MAMMAL
37 Giraffa camelopardalis Giraffe SECOND MAMMAL
29 Equus quagga Plains Zebra THIRD MAMMAL
28 Panthera leoLion

27 Phacochoerus africanusCommon Warthog

26 Aepyceros melampusImpala

24 Struthio camelusCommon Ostrich FIRST BIRD
22 Hippopotamus amphibiusHippopotamus

22 Tragelaphus strepsicerosGreater Kudu

22 Ceratotherium simumWhite Rhinoceros

21 Papio ursinusChacma Baboon

18 Connochaetes taurinusCommon Wildebeest

18 Oryx gazellaGemsbok

18 Crocodylus niloticusNile Crocodile FIRST REPTILE
16 Tockus leucomelasSouthern Yellow-billed Hornbill SECOND BIRD
16 Antidorcas marsupialisSpringbok

16 Syncerus cafferAfrican Buffalo

15 Haliaeetus vociferAfrican Fish-Eagle THIRD BIRD
14 Spheniscus demersusAfrican Penguin

14 Lycaon pictusAfrican Wild Dog
14 Chlorocebus pygerythrusVervet Monkey

13 Numida meleagrisHelmeted Guineafowl

13 Coracias caudatusLilac-breasted Roller

13 Alcelaphus buselaphusHartebeest

12 Panthera pardusLeopard

12 Canis mesomelasBlack-backed Jackal

11 Actophilornis africanusAfrican Jacana

11 Crocuta crocutaSpotted Hyena

11 Suricata suricattaMeerkat

11 Procavia capensisRock Hyrax

11 Alopochen aegyptiacaEgyptian Goose

10 Merops bullockoidesWhite-fronted Bee-Eater

10 Ceryle rudisPied Kingfisher

10 Chamaeleo dilepisFlap-necked Chameleon SECOND REPTILE
10 Acinonyx jubatusCheetah

10 Merops nubicoidesSouthern Carmine Bee-Eater

9 Merops pusillusLittle Bee-Eater

9 Bostrychia hagedashHadada Ibis

9 Anhinga rufaAfrican Darter

9 Stigmochelys pardalisLeopard Tortoise THIRD REPTILE
9 Raphicerus campestrisSteenbok

9 Varanus niloticusNile Monitor

8 Terathopius ecaudatusBateleur

8 Corythaixoides concolorGrey Go-Away-Bird

8 Arctocephalus pusillusBrown Fur Seal

8 Kobus ellipsiprymnusWaterbuck

7 Halcyon albiventrisBrown-hooded Kingfisher

7 Streptopelia capicolaCape Turtle Dove

7 Vanellus armatusBlacksmith Lapwing

7 Melierax canorusPale Chanting-Goshawk

7 Gyps africanusWhite-backed Vulture

7 Euplectes orixSouthern Red Bishop

7 Lamprotornis nitensCape Starling

7 Agama atraSouthern Rock Agama

7 Varanus albigularisRock Monitor

7 Damaliscus pygargusBontebok/Blesbok

7 Hippotragus nigerSable Antelope

7 Equus zebraMountain Zebra

7 Diceros bicornisBlack Rhinoceros

7 Eupodotis afraoidesNorthern Black Korhaan
7 Phoenicopterus roseusGreater Flamingo

7 Tragelaphus oryxEland

7 Sagittarius serpentariusSecretarybird

7 Lanius collarisSouthern Fiscal

7 Onychognathus morioRed-winged Starling

6 Ardeotis koriKori Bustard

6 Ploceus velatusSouthern Masked-Weaver

6 Quelea queleaRed-billed Quelea

6 Turdoides jardineiiArrow-marked Babbler

6 Hyperolius parallelusAngolan Reed Frog FIRST/ SECOND FROG
6 Chiromantis xerampelinaGrey Foam-nest Treefrog FIRST/ SECOND FROG
6 Bitis arietansPuff Adder

6 Acanthocercus atricollisBlack-necked Agama

6 Nycteris thebaicaEgyptian Slit-faced Bat
6 Taphozous mauritianusMauritian Tomb Bat
6 Cynictis penicillataYellow Mongoose

6 Redunca arundinumSouthern Reedbuck

6 Epomophorus crypturusPeters's Epauletted Fruit Bat
6 Megaceryle maximaGiant Kingfisher

6 Lybius torquatusBlack-collared Barbet

6 Acraea encedonCommon Acraea

6 Leptoptilos crumeniferMarabou Stork

6 Dicrurus adsimilisFork-tailed Drongo

6 Parahyaena brunneaBrown Hyena

6 Microcarbo africanusReed Cormorant

6 Threskiornis aethiopicusSacred Ibis

5 Colius striatusSpeckled Mousebird

5 Phalacrocorax capensisCape Cormorant

5 Ephippiorhynchus senegalensisSaddle-billed Stork

5 Haematopus moquiniAfrican Black Oystercatcher

5 Vanellus coronatusCrowned Lapwing

5 Egretta garzettaLittle Egret

5 Elanus caeruleusBlack-shouldered Kite

5 Cossypha caffraCape Robin-Chat

5 Cossypha heugliniWhite-browed Robin-Chat

5 Pycnonotus barbatusCommon Bulbul

5 Bubo lacteusVerreaux's Eagle-Owl

5 Dispholidus typusBoomslang

5 Agama planicepsNamib Rock Agama

5 Chondrodactylus turneriTurner's Thick-toed Gecko

5 Lygodactylus capensisCape Dwarf Gecko

5 Chersina angulataAngulate Tortoise

5 Eidolon helvumStraw-colored Fruit Bat
5 Mungos mungoBanded Mongoose

5 Kobus lecheLechwe

5 Tragelaphus scriptusBushbuck

5 Sylvicapra grimmiaBush Duiker

5 Paraxerus cepapiSmith's Bush Squirrel

5 Adansonia digitataBaobab FIRST PLANT
5 Python natalensisSouthern African Python

5 Acraea caldarenaBlack Tip Acraea

5 Chroicocephalus hartlaubiiHartlaub's Gull

5 Corythornis cristatusMalachite Kingfisher

5 Bubo africanusSpotted Eagle-Owl

5 Pternistis natalensisNatal Francolin

5 Lophoceros alboterminatusCrowned Hornbill

December 2012
1,869 observations

20 Loxodonta africana Savannah Elephant FIRST MAMMAL
17 Giraffa camelopardalis Giraffe SECOND MAMMAL
16 Oryx gazella Gemsbok THIRD MAMMAL
15 Panthera leo Lion
15 Phacochoerus africanus Common Warthog
14 Aepyceros melampus Impala
13 Struthio camelus Common Ostrich FIRST BIRD
13 Antidorcas marsupialisSpringbok
13 Tragelaphus strepsicerosGreater Kudu
12 Hippopotamus amphibiusHippopotamus
12 Connochaetes taurinusCommon Wildebeest
11 Canis mesomelasBlack-backed Jackal
11 Equus quaggaPlains Zebra
11 Crocodylus niloticusNile Crocodile FIRST REPTILE
10 Tockus leucomelasSouthern Yellow-billed Hornbill SECOND BIRD
10 Alcelaphus buselaphusHartebeest
10 Papio ursinusChacma Baboon
9 Coracias caudatusLilac-breasted Roller THIRD/4TH BIRD
9 Actophilornis africanusAfrican Jacana THIRD/4TH BIRD
9 Raphicerus campestrisSteenbok
8 Chamaeleo dilepisFlap-necked Chameleon SECOND REPTILE
8 Arctocephalus pusillusBrown Fur Seal
8 Acinonyx jubatusCheetah
8 Syncerus cafferAfrican Buffalo
7 Bostrychia hagedashHadada Ibis

7 Haliaeetus vociferAfrican Fish-Eagle
7 Stigmochelys pardalisLeopard Tortoise THIRD REPTILE
7 Panthera pardusLeopard
7 Lycaon pictusAfrican Wild Dog
7 Procavia capensisRock Hyrax
7 Ceratotherium simumWhite Rhinoceros
7 Chlorocebus pygerythrusVervet Monkey
7 Varanus niloticusNile Monitor
6 Numida meleagrisHelmeted Guineafowl
6 Merops bullockoidesWhite-fronted Bee-Eater
6 Halcyon albiventrisBrown-hooded Kingfisher
6 Ceryle rudisPied Kingfisher
6 Anhinga rufaAfrican Darter
6 Melierax canorusPale Chanting-Goshawk
6 Euplectes orixSouthern Red Bishop
6 Chiromantis xerampelinaGrey Foam-nest Treefrog FIRST FROG
6 Bitis arietansPuff Adder
6 Varanus albigularisRock Monitor
6 Crocuta crocutaSpotted Hyena
6 Cynictis penicillataYellow Mongoose
6 Suricata suricattaMeerkat
6 Eupodotis afraoidesNorthern Black Korhaan
6 Merops nubicoidesSouthern Carmine Bee-Eater
6 Alopochen aegyptiacaEgyptian Goose
6 Tragelaphus oryxEland
6 Sagittarius serpentariusSecretarybird
6 Acraea encedonCommon Acraea FIRST INSECT
6 Parahyaena brunneaBrown Hyena
5 Ardeotis koriKori Bustard
5 Merops pusillusLittle Bee-Eater
5 Spheniscus demersusAfrican Penguin
5 Vanellus armatusBlacksmith Lapwing
5 Terathopius ecaudatusBateleur
5 Ploceus velatusSouthern Masked-Weaver
5 Quelea queleaRed-billed Quelea
5 Hyperolius parallelusAngolan Reed Frog SECOND FROG
5 Agama atraSouthern Rock Agama
5 Chondrodactylus turneriTurner's Thick-toed Gecko
5 Genus RhinolophusHorseshoe Bats
5 Python natalensisSouthern African Python
5 Lybius torquatusBlack-collared Barbet
5 Acraea caldarenaBlack Tip Acraea SECOND INSECT
5 Lanius collarisSouthern Fiscal

December 2011
FIRSTS:(listed in order):

FIRST OBSERVATION & FIRST BIRD: Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur
SECOND BIRD: Merops pusillus Little Bee-Eater (over 20 more birds before:)
FIRST MAMMAL: Panthera leo melanochaita Southern Lion

SECOND MAMMAL: Loxodonta africana Savannah Elephant
FIRST FROG: Hyperolius parallelus Angolan Reed Frog
FIRST REPTILE: Crocodylus niloticus nile Crocodile (all these above by godutchbaby)
SECOND REPTILE: Kinixys spekii Speke's Hinge-back Tortoise
FIRST INSECT: Genus Glossina Tsetse Flies
SECOND INSECT: Family Cicadidae Typical Cicadas (all these above by loarie)
FIRST PLANT: Welwitschia mirabilis Welwitschia
FIRST ROADKILL: Falco subbuteo Eurasian Hobby
SECOND FROG: Kassina senegalensis Senegal Kassina
FIRST FISH: Order Scorpaeniformes Mail-cheeked Fishes (all these above by johnybirder)
FIRST SNAIL: Lissachatina fulica African Giant Snail (check ID?)
SECOND PLANT (& FIRST ALIEN): Cosmos bipinnatus Garden Cosmos

Publicado el 10 de abril de 2018 a las 09:32 AM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario

13 de abril de 2018

iSpot migration issues.

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We will fix these in the mop up!

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  • Projects (those that worked by tags! - NOT those by area: create a place for those)
  • Observation Fields (e.g. Habitats, interactions, project fields).

Please DONT post:

  • Pictures to be rotated.
  • Pictures in the wrong order.
    (But please do fix them if you can).

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To see observations that migrated without pictures please see:

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Publicado el 13 de abril de 2018 a las 04:37 PM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 59 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de abril de 2018

Entering Phase II

We are about to enter the identification phase of Karoo BioGaps.

The taxonomical experts at SANBI are ready to start identification of the major plant groups that are parts of the Karoo BioGaps Blitzes.

These are the Asteraceae, Aizoaceae, Crassulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Iridaceae, Poaceae

You too can help. Select the ID tool and choose the Place "BioGaps" and your favourite taxon.

e.g. for orchids
(OR: to get to your group, click the link and add a different taxon).

The ID tool manages the curation of your identifications. It is most useful. Click on any observation to begin identifying.

We currently have 2201 observations in need of ID: please help if you can - click here:

Publicado el 23 de abril de 2018 a las 09:31 AM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario


No other arboretum can match the splendid stand of Karri or the magnificent groves of Scribbly Gum, Jarra and Western Australian Blackbutt that the Tokai Arboretum boasts: possibly the finest in existence anywhere outside Australia. Similarly the stands of Canary, Aleppo and Stone Pines are beautiful. No other arboretum can rival the assemblage of big trees found in the Main Arboretum, an estimated 28 of which are record heights for South Africa. The collection represents an unsurpassed arboreal heritage.
The Tokai Arboretum is, however, a hotchpotch of big and small trees, established without a plan and without sylvicultural or arboricultural finesse. There is a lack of open vistas, swards, shrubberies and beds of flowers to show off the trees. The composition and lay-out is unsatisfactory in that there is repetition of some species in plots and singly. Thus far fewer species are contained than is potentially the case. It is also sadly neglected, infested with invasive species, and without a dedicated maintenance staff.

The Main Arboretum at Tokai is the oldest wholly government financed arboretum in South Africa. The Main Arboretum contains mainly hundreds of single trees and groups of trees as well as numerous small plots and a few larger stands. Some of these comprise the celebrated “Eucalyptium”. Following the establishment of the Main Arboretum, three lesser arboreta were brought into being at Tokai Plantation, namely the Paddock Arboretum (on infertile sands of the flats), the Spekboom Belt Arboretum (on fertile granite slopes) and the Flagstaff Arboretum. The last was soon abandoned.

The area of the Main Arboretum is 14 ha. Several adjacent compartments extend the area to 26 ha.
The first exotic plantings at Tokai were made in 1694, when 4379 English Oaks were established there by Simon van der Stel. The earliest attempt at commercial afforestation at Tokai was in 1884 when Joseph Storr Lister planted Monterey Pines. In 1886 an arboretum was laid out adjoining the nursery at Tokai, and 150 species were established, including a few indigenous and some national-indigenous species. There was already a small copse and scattered trees of Stone Pine. During the year 1902 some 43 plant species were established in the arboretum.

These trees were planted singly in a park-like formation. Specimens of other exotic trees were added from time to time as new introductions became available. This is ideal for displaying a large variety of different trees. However, this mixture of species, as well as the discrepancies between the ages of the trees, precludes a sylvicultural evaluation of the trees. A systematic effort was thus made to introduce other exotic species for plantation trial and, it was decided to obtain species from countries with similar climates. Trees from Australia, India, the southern states of North America and Mexico consequently received attention.

A large number of gums, pines and conifers were imported and planted in small trial plots of various sizes, with new plots added as species became available. However, these were sometimes so small that less rapidly-growing species were influenced by faster-growing neighbours. Nevertheless, general health and acclimatization could be judged, and it was concluded that conifers were more suited to the area than broad-leaf trees, although Gums did well on deep, rich soils. Single trees were still planted for demonstration, including in 1916 Mexican pines and other American trees such as Oaks.
From 1906-1911 Tokai hosted The South African Forestry School “for training men for the higher grades of the Forest Service.” Two students, J.D.M. Keet and A.J. O’Conner, became later directors of Forestry. This was replaced school for training men for the forester grade from 1912-1932. This school was moved to Saasveld, near George, in 1932.

In 1933 the director of forestry, Mr. J.D.M. Keet, requested the conservator of Forestry to devote more attention to the arboretum’s upkeep, and provided specific instructions, aimed at making the area more attractive to visitors and at improving its educative and scientific value. Perhaps because of the war, the arboretum lapsed steadily into a state of greater neglect. During 1951, Mr. Paul Sauer, as minister of Forestry, also remarked unfavourably on the unkempt appearance and the absence of labels. His instructions were apparently barely acted upon.
In the 1970s several dyeing, mammoth Stone Pines had to be brought down limb by limb so as to minimize damage to smaller trees beneath them. Many of the latter had become badly misshapen by shade. Some trees were, unfortunately, no longer healthy, and others had been thrown by wind. In the small plots less robust species have been suppressed or forced to grow sideways.

Although many of the trees are healthy and attractive, many dead, moribund, broken or misshapen individuals exist. Attention to this was given from 1984 to 1986, but more work is still needed. Dangerous, defective and unsightly trees have to be felled or shaped both to render the area safe for the public and to improve its aesthetic quality: not least by opening up vistas which will bring some of the finer specimens into greater prominence, and gaps need to be filled with trees, shrubs, flower beds and lawns.
Heavy invasions by Long-leaf Wattle, Blackwood and also by Cypresses, Gums and Australian Cheesewood need to be continuously controlled. Black Locust and English Elm are coppicing particularly badly. Very heavy invasions by Outeniqua and Real Yellowwood are also evident: dense thickets of these species need to be thinned out or removed. Some areas are heavily infested with Kikuyu and Buffalo Grass: these should be mowed or eliminated.

The roads through the Main Arboretum are generally in a poor condition. They should be resurfaced and properly drained. Footpaths should be laid out in the “Eucalyptium” and repaired elsewhere. Benches, logs and rubbish bins must be provided. Additional toilets and ablution facilities should be provided. A proper water reticulation system should be installed to the main concentrations of shrubberies, herbaceous borders and lawns.

The Main Arboretum was declared a National Monument in August 1985, on its 100th anniversary.
In the 1990s an attempt was made to establish a Gondwana Garden to show off the plants typical of Gondwana, many of which were present at the Cape 60 million years ago. However, competition with existing trees resulted in poor establishment and the plantings were abandoned.

Sources: Our Green Heritage 1973, p. 25-28; S.A. Biografiese Woordeboek, III, HSRC, 1977, p. 541; HB Rycroft & RJ Poynton, Status of Forestry Arboreta, 1983; H. Mauve, Under the Elephant's Eye, a short history of Tokai, p. 9; Standard Encyclopaedia of S.A., p. 447; Chris Botes, TMNP

Tony Rebelo cc by-sa 3.0 (originally prepared for Tokai Manner 1 - newsletter of Friends of Tokai Park, with a view to posting as a Wiki page, but posted here due to copyright delays)

Publicado el 23 de abril de 2018 a las 07:16 PM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 6 comentarios | Deja un comentario