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Abeja Melífera Europea (Apis mellifera)




Marzo 29, 2020 a las 03:04 PM EDT


The observation I discovered is a Western Honey Bee, scientifically known as Apis mellifera. This species is a protosome and it is yellow and black in color, with a stinger in the back and yellow fur near its head. It has a cone shaped body with long legs and it is approximately 0.5 inches in length. The Western Honey Bee was located in Pompano Beach, Florida, in a grassy area of flowers. This climate is a subtropical location which is very warm and in close distance to the coastline. This organism is capable of reproducing sexually being that it includes two individuals with sperm and egg cells. An interesting fact regarding the Western Honey Bee is that it is commonly found worldwide, in every single continent except for Antarctica. These creatures can be observed on flowering plants, in gardens, meadows or orchards and they belong to the kingdom of Animalia. This organism is not captive or cultivated due to the fact that it survives freely in an open area and is not taken as pets by humans. The references below have expressed a substantial amount of new information about the Western Honey Bee and their honey production.

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Marzo 29, 2020 a las 11:20 AM EDT


The observation I discovered is a Rusty Millipede, which is scientifically known as Trigoniulus corallinus. This species is a protostome containing a red/maroon color and black on the sides as it is long and skinny. The Rusty Millipede is approximately 5 centimeters long and its body consists of over one hundred legs but can range from four to four hundred depending on the type of millipede. This organism was located in Pompano Beach, Florida, which is a subtropical area that is warm and wet. The Rusty Millipede is able to reproduce sexually with the use of their numerous leg segments and meiosis. These interesting creature can be found across the world, most commonly in India, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and now are recognized more in North and South America. This species can be viewed on walls, mulch, dirt, piles of wood, driveways or sidewalks and it belongs to the kingdom of Animalia. This millipede is not captive or cultivated due to the fact that it is found in the wild and humans do not place them in their homes as pets. The references below are very constructive as they include new, factual information and details regarding the Rusty Millipede, as well as statistics about general millipedes.

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Lagarto Cola Rizada de Las Antillas (Leiocephalus carinatus)




Marzo 29, 2020 a las 12:02 PM EDT


The observation I discovered is a Northern Curly-tailed Lizard which is scientifically known as Leiocephalus carinatus. This organism is green, orange and brown containing a unique tail that is curled with an orange and brown pattern. It also consists of four legs with very long and slender fingers. This lizard was difficult to capture an image of being that it is very fast, shy and fearful. The Northern Curly-tailed lizard is approximately 4 inches in length and was located in Pompano Beach, Florida. This organism was located in a subtropical area, which is hot and wet in differing areas. The Northern Curly-tailed Lizard can adjust well to diverse temperatures which is why it is found in unique places. These images are not the best therefore it is hard to observe any reproductive structures, however, based on information I have studied, this species reproduces sexually. This type of Lizard can be commonly found in South America, Cuba, Peru and in the Caribbean islands. They may be positioned on tree trunks, bushes, mulch or on hard surfaces and they belong to the kingdom of Animalia. This is a deuterostome, and it is not captive or cultivated because they are observed in the wild commonly, although some individuals may attempt to keep them as pets. The references below are extremely useful as they include descriptive information regarding the Northern Curly-tailed Lizard, as well as rare facts.

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Iguana Verde (Iguana iguana)




Marzo 28, 2020 a las 03:59 PM EDT


The observation I discovered is an Iguana, which is a known reptile, that is very commonly found in Florida. This organism is green on top and orange underneath, with a unique tail that is orange and black in a pattern formation. They have a very long tail and large spikes on their backs, which will make them appear to be a threat to predators. If you look at the picture closely, you may also see a green iguana underneath the big one just for fun! Typical iguanas range in size being that they are the largest species of lizards in the United States. This iguana is approximately 4.5 feet in length and will weigh in around 7-8 pounds. This organism was located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which is a tropical habitat near the coastline of the ocean. This species is capable of reproducing sexually as they contain eggs and sperm while producing diverse genetic traits from two individuals. Iguanas are very popular across the United States and may also be located in the Caribbean. This organism is a deuterostome and only consumes plants, fruits and flowers in order to survive. The iguana belongs to the kingdom of Animalia and it is not captive or cultivated as they reside in the wild, although many individuals attempt to keep green iguanas as pets. The references below are very beneficial as they provide factual information regarding iguanas and new statistics I was unaware of.

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Hongos de Saco, Levaduras Y Parientes (Filo Ascomycota)




Marzo 29, 2020 a las 11:23 AM EDT


The observation I discovered is a common green-shield lichen, scientifically known as Flavoparmelia caperata. This species is green and circular with curved edges as it kind of looks similar to a flower around the outer part. If you zoom into the pictures, you can observe this lichen most clearly near the bottom and top of the tree. This common green-shield lichen is roughly 8-9 millimeters in width and was located in Pompano Beach, Florida. This organism was located in a subtropical area, where it is very warm and wet close to the ocean. I believe this species may reproduce asexually or sexually being that they contain spores (tiny, circular cells). The common green-shield lichen can be found across the United states, Canada and Mexico as it is a very widespread species. This species can be observed on trunks and branches of all unique trees and it belongs to the kingdom of Fungi. This lichen is also not cultivated or captive as it belongs in the wild and can be found freely. The references below have helped me understand more information regarding this organism and how important they are for the environment.

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Pinos Duros Y Ocotes (Sección Trifoliae)




Febrero 23, 2020 a las 12:55 PM EST


The pictures above display a longleaf pine, scientifically known as Pinus palustris, which is considered a seeded vascular plant. The longleaf pine is brown, with short, rough layers of branch sticking out in a presented order. The pine is approximately 7 inches long and roughly 2 inches wide. This species is known as a gymnosperm and the tree it was developed from is tall with skinny green leaves, which is approximately 70 feet tall. The habitat this plant was found at was Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa, Florida, near a flat, grassy area. The pine is shaped similar to an oval, and the tree is tall and skinny with pointy leaves. This gymnosperm reproduces sexually, being that it contains seeds, therefore, ovulation is possible through the female pine containing eggs and a gametophyte. This plant is not captive or cultivated as it was located in the wild, while growing freely in nature. This organism belongs to the Pinaceae family and is commonly located in Southeastern areas of the United states. The references below contain very beneficial data and unique characteristics regarding the longleaf pine!

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Helecho Palma (Phlebodium aureum)




Febrero 23, 2020 a las 12:58 PM EST


The pictures shown above display a golden polypody, scientifically known as Phlebodium aureum, which is considered a seedless vascular plant. This species is a green leafy fern that contains orange dots across each petal, known as sori. The habitat where this organism was observed was at Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa, Florida, connected to a large tree trunk. The overall fern in length was approximately 24 inches, the width was approximately 11 inches and the stem to the fern was roughly 30 inches. This fern contains true stems, branches and pointy, curvy leaves which is how it can be distinguished as a seedless vascular plant. These ferns are capable of reproducing asexually which is through the circles on their leaves (sori), as well as the rhizomes, which is the bottom stem of the leaf. This plant belongs to the Polypodiaceae family and is commonly found in tropical and subtropical areas in America. It can also be found in Paraguay and the Caribbean in specific locations. This organism is not captive or cultivated as it was located in the wild, in a nature park, growing freely. The references below present factual information regarding the golden polypody, and have helped me identify this species successfully!

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Febrero 23, 2020 a las 12:52 PM EST


The pictures above display white moss (Leucobryum albidum), a seedless non-vascular plant. This species is green with very little specs of white petals as it grows on the tree bark. The habitat of this plant was located at Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa, Florida, which was very moist. The white moss I observed was approximately 37 inches long across the tree bark, that are in large, odd-shaped green patches. When observing up close, the moss contains small “finger-like” leaves or petals, however, they do not have seeds or any true branches. This species may reproduce asexually or sexually depending on its condition, with the use of Antheridia and Archegonia, or they will reproduce on their own by creating more spores with the same genetic information. The white moss belongs to the class of Bryopsida and is commonly found in different areas of the northern and southern hemispheres. This plant was not captive or cultivated, it was completely free and wild in its own habitat. The references below include accurate statistics and details regarding the white moss I observed and helped me learn a lot more information about this organism!

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Aceitilla Blanca (Bidens alba)




Enero 29, 2020 a las 11:16 AM EST


This flowering plant is known as Black-Jack Bidens Pilosa. These pictures display a flowering plant, which contains 3-5 white, winged pedals with a yellow, circular flower head. The size of the black-jack flower across the top is approximately 2 centimeters & the weed connected to it is approximately 25 centimeters tall. This species is a tall, skinny branch with several weeds connected to the bottom and sides. The top of the plant contains the small flower, which usually includes a garden of the same flower nearby. This flowering plant belongs to the family, Asteraceae, which is accurate due to the large flower head and weedy environment within the cluster of Bidens pilosas. This species was found on the campus of University of South Florida, near Juniper-Poplar building, in a grassy field. Geographically, this species resides in tropical America but may also be found in Africa, Australia, Eurasia, and the Pacific Islands.
The references I have chosen is very precise and beneficial as it explores this species in depth, with a vivid description and more factual characteristics. For example, it states the maximum height that this plant will reach which is 1.5 meters.

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