Diario del proyecto Aurora Kert Biodiversity

29 de marzo de 2021

March 29, 2021 - informal survey

This week we've received our first extended period without nighttime negative temps. The days have been mixed ranging from highs of 8°C to a couple days at 18°C.
Today I had a chance to survey the biodiversity, mainly the insects, and although I couldn't catch them with my camera, I'd like to make a list for posterity and interest of what I saw.
Since the first resident of our bee hotel escaped his confinement last Wednesday, I began looking for BEES: I caught sight of a number of O. cornuta (or O. bicornis) of different sizes and colors checking and rechecking the few hyacinth and daffodil bulbs in bloom, and also noticed one that landed on our broccoli flowers and rocket flowers. There are plenty of chickweed(stellarium) around and a few violets, but not much more has bloomed yet for food. The orchard bees landed on our multicolor painted sign regularly to warm themselves in the sun. Some paler bees (possibly males, possibly another species) were chasing each other around some of the blooms. I also caught sight of a yellow and black wasp, medium sized, maybe a v. germanica or a polistes. We also had a short visit from a Bombus (lucorum group, probably)
Tiny ANTS on the newly planted apple,
For BUGS there were tiny black and orange lygus? bugs on the mustard, , and a european firebug making his way across the mulch.
BEETLES have appeared. Small black pastille shaped ones in the mulch that I've been trying to identify for years but are too fast for my camera. I followed a brown chafer with white speckles into the leaf mulch And a Harlequin Ladybug landed on my bike as I was leaving.
FLIES have been the only inhabitants for the last couple colder weeks, now in growing numbers especially around the compost: black flies, houseflies, blue-bottle flies. I also spotted some tiny black ones with wider heads than bodies. I caught site of a Marmelade Hoverfly near the herbs. Also, small numbers of those flies, similar to slow mosquitoes that swarm in small vortexes in the sun (midges?)
BIRDS are the usual: the blackbird pair, 3 great tits (2 more than usual), the pidgeons.
We had a large wolf spider last week, but I didn't check for others today.
For volunteer PLANTS, I couldn't identify so many at the young growth stage. Chickweed a-plenty, dead nettle, that dog violet, stinging nettle and the grass has grown a bunch. A surge of Bohemian Knotweed by the wall.

Publicado el 29 de marzo de 2021 a las 11:04 PM por ikomposzt ikomposzt | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de noviembre de 2020

Welcome to the Aurora Climate Garden urban biodiversity parade!

In March 2019 we were given the opportunity to convert a gravel parking lot into a green space for future community events, work and access. During our first year we documented a diverse range of local flora and fauna here in the heart of the VIII. District of downtown Budapest. It was so exciting to find such biodiversity that we think it important to make our observations public. We hope this will increase interest in the natural world and raise awareness of what is surviving and thriving in our urban environment, both for local residents and the world at large. We'd also like to make this a public repository of the species spotted as we remediate a degraded landscape so we might track our progress in some way.

If you've been to the garden and have a photo observation you'd like to include, simply sign up to iNaturalist and place mark it to within the garden grounds and it will automatically appear. Make sure the radius of your mark is less than 4 meters and none of it is outside the garden borders on the map.

2018 márciusában lehetőséget kaptunk arra, hogy átalakítsunk egy murvával felszórt parkolót zöld közösségi területté, amit együtt művelhetünk és ahol programokat, eseményeket tarthatunk. Az első évben a helyi növény-és állatvilág számos képviselőjét fedeztük fel itt a kertben, Budapest belvárosában, a VIII. kerület szívében. Olyan izgalmas volt látni ezt a biodiverzitást, hogy úgy éreztük, fontos közzétennünk a megfigyeléseinket. Abban reménykedünk, hogy ezáltal többen fognak érdeklődni a természet világa iránt, valamint szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet arra, mit is jelent a túlélés és növekedés a városi környezetben, mind a helyi lakosoknak és a világ kutatóinak.

Mindemellett egy mindenki számára elérhető gyűjteményt szeretnénk itt létrehozni a kertben fellelhető fajokból, ami dokumentálja a romtalajt zöld oázissá alakító közösségi kert-projektünk haladását.

Ha jártál már nálunk a kertben és készítettél fényképeket amiket szívesen megosztanál, jelentkezz be az iNaturalist fiókodba és jelöld be a kertben, hol készült a kép, ami így automatikusan meg fog jelenni. Kérjük vigyázz, hogy a jelölési pont négy méternél kisebb kör legyen és a térképen ne lógjon ki a kert határain kívülre.'

Publicado el 21 de noviembre de 2020 a las 07:48 PM por ikomposzt ikomposzt | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
