4.5 Days till MIIDGE!

As I write this, it's only four and a half days till MIIDGE! You all have mapped out your MIIDGE days, yes? Friday: midnight to dawn - moths; dawn to the heat of the day - wandering through fields and forests; about 2 PM to 5 PM - cooling off in the nearest waterbody while investigating odes, crayfish, and larval caddisflies; 5 PM - ice cream, followed shortly by real food and a beverage of your choice accompanying uploading all your observations to iNaturalist; repeat for Saturday and Sunday. [What, you're not doing this already???] Cram in some confirmations while you're waiting for batteries to recharge, too, come to think of it.

Goals, for those who are a bit competitive: Last year from June 19th to 21st in Massachusetts, iNaturalist observers made 459 observations of about 221 invertebrate species, assuming I've used the iNat filters correctly. I think we can easily beat that this year, if the weather's decent, and if it rains hard all three days, well, we need the rain. What's your guess on how many invert species could possibly be found in three days in late June in Massachusetts? Thousands, I suspect, but we need the data to know for sure.

Moth webinar: Dave Small is giving a Zoom webinar Wednesday, June 17th, starting at 7 PM EDT om an Introduction to Moth Watching: Welcome to the Dark Side. Please register in advance for this, so Dave has an idea of attendance, at this link: https://eur05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fus02web.zoom.us%2Fwebinar%2Fregister%2FWN_uvBZwY_RSj6H63dBfK-cDw&data=02%7C01%7C%7Ce75b354ff7b740b46c3a08d80ee42486%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637275720323066817&sdata=qCFKtR8MQ%2FhCv3lq4MKxIyw%2Bkq3%2Ffvi7HQKAS%2Fxsj1Q%3D&reserved=0 Dave always gives a great talk and I'm looking forward to learning a lot.

I hope you enjoy yourselves!

Lynn Harper

Publicado el 14 de junio de 2020 a las 01:57 PM por lynnharper lynnharper


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