Diario del proyecto MNSEED Native Plant Community Science Project

Archivos de Diario para julio 2021

24 de julio de 2021

Scouting for collection sites is underway; Fall event schedule is coming soon.

MnSeed organizers have been scouting for locations for seed collecting and harvesting this fall! A series of gatherings will be offered allowing us all to learn from each other. Meanwhile, if you have not yet done so, you can sign up to get notified for the dates via the Minnesota State Horticulture website https://northerngardener.org/native-plant-community-science-project/ .

We are noticing that seeds are ripening earlier this season. Keep scouting your plants for ready seeds, they may be ready 2 or 3 weeks early!

Publicado el 24 de julio de 2021 a las 04:48 PM por sckh sckh | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

27 de julio de 2021

21 Roots Farm Scouting.

MNSEED collaborators were out to 21 Roots Farm to scout out what was blooming on a Sunday afternoon. Check out the photos here (https://photos.app.goo.gl/rbWYHikTuDe9mZh28). Stay tuned for the MNSEED gathering date and time! We're so excited that we'll be here!

Publicado el 27 de julio de 2021 a las 05:16 PM por dmlamm dmlamm | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Seeds To Be Collecting Now

This year with the drought it seems like many native plants are putting energy in to flowering and setting seed early. Are you seeing this? Plants like violets, golden alexanders, fox sedge, Canada vetch, baptisia, and Willowherbs all have maturing seed pods that are about ready if not ready for harvest so check your plants often. Fringed Willowherb dispersing seed can be seen here https://photos.app.goo.gl/GyB34gmcxdfu3rs28.

Publicado el 27 de julio de 2021 a las 05:25 PM por dmlamm dmlamm | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario