Archivos de Diario para marzo 2016

09 de marzo de 2016

Welcome Ken-ichi!

We're very thankful to have Ken-ichi Ueda (@kueda) joining us in person here in Connecticut to help organize and run this bioblitz.

Ken-ichi is a co-founder of iNaturalist, and he'll be helping us grow a very significant iNaturalist component, with both public outreach and a serious team of experienced iNaturalist users. We hope this will be a great experience for all involved, and an opportunity for many East Coast iNaturalist users to meet the man behind the website!

Looking forward to seeing you in June Ken-ichi!

Publicado el 09 de marzo de 2016 a las 09:11 PM por mickley mickley | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario
