14 de julio de 2017

Wildlife Species of Special Interest to Glacier National Park

Thank you for your interest in documenting species of interest to Glacier National Park. The following species are of particular interest:

Birds: American Pipit, Bald Eagle, Black Swift, Black-backed Woodpecker, Black Tern, Boreal Chickadee, Brewer’s (Timberline) Sparrow, Cassin's Finch, Clark’s Nutcracker, Common Loon, Common Nighthawk, Cooper’s Hawk, Golden Eagle, Gray-crowned Rosy Finch, Harlequin Duck, Lewis' Woodpecker, Merlin, Northern Goshawk, Osprey, Owls (all species), Peregrine Falcon, Prairie Falcon, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Trumpeter Swan, Veery, White-tailed Ptarmigan

Mammals: Badger, Bats (all species), Beaver (or beaver lodges), Bighorn Sheep, Black Bear, Bobcat, Bog Lemming, Canada Lynx, Chipmunks (if black/melanistic), Coyote, Elk (in summer), Fisher, Grizzly Bear, Mink, Moose, Mountain Goat, Mountain Lion, Pika, Pine Marten, Porcupine, Raccoon, Red Fox, River Otter, Striped Skunk, Swift Fox, Weasels (all species), Yellow-bellied Marmot, Wolf, Wolverine

Reptiles & Amphibians (Herptiles): Common Garter Snake (has red stripe), Rubber Boa, Terrestrial Garter Snake, Western Painted Turtle, Chorus Frog, Leopard Frog, Salamanders (all species), Spotted Frog, Tailed Frog, Western (Boreal) Toad

Invertebrates: Good photos that might be used to identify any invertebrate species are of interest.

In addition, we are interested in all bird species on the park checklist that are rare, uncommon, or accidental, nests of any bird, animal carcasses, unusual concentrations of a species, or species in unusual locations or situations, such as predator-prey interactions or elk-calving. As a general rule, any wildlife observation deemed interesting enough to tell your friends is probably worth recording.

Publicado el 14 de julio de 2017 a las 10:17 PM por glac_citizen_science glac_citizen_science | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
