Archivos de Diario para agosto 2014

29 de agosto de 2014

We've reached 2000 observations!

Thanks to your help, we recently topped 2000 observations in the Natural North Carolina project! You all are doing an amazing job helping the NC Museum of Natural Sciences document all the plants, animals, and fungi in North Carolina. I, for one, really enjoy getting to see what your have been finding throughout the state! It's great fun seeing bears in Pocosin or salamanders from the Smokies, the things I rarely get to see in person myself. I am living vicariously through your sightings!

I have started showing off a collection of photos from miscellanous sightings you all have made when I promote citizen science at events throughout North Carolina. I wish you could see the way people pore over your sightings and ooh and ahh over the amazing things you've documented. I wish you could see all the kids who point to a photo and breathlessly say, "Wow... We have those here?!" Thanks to your efforts, these people are getting to see, sometimes for the first time, just how incredibly diverse our wonderful state is. YOU are making that happen, and it's am amazing thing.

Thank you all so much for your help with this project so far. I hope you'll continue adding your observations well into the future so that we can build something amazing - together!

Publicado el 29 de agosto de 2014 a las 05:32 PM por chrisgoforth chrisgoforth | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario