Found out a few new things today.

Learned a few things over at Open Data Stack exchange. And the other fellow said he learned something too. So that's a good thing.

Last night I posted a two-part query to the iNaturalist group forum on google. I got an answer today:
1) Apparently my Luna Moth is in the Lorton area. I just couldn't see it.

2) In even better news the fellow who responded was an iNat developer and he mentioned he could put in the KML, if provided, so I gave a link to what I extracted from the Census Bureau.

I'm not sure, but I think I'm going to delete my "project" as being more of a nuisance than anything. I see why they recommend doing the location search instead. I had not been doing this correctly before. It's a little confusing. I may make a recommendation on that later, after I've had some more practice. The thing about the location search is I get observations in that area regardless of whether any other people are part of a project. And my intuition about how it works is correct - if the GPS of the observation is in the specified region (bounding box or KML) then the observation is automatically reported for the location. No need to add it. Perfect.

Now I'm wondering if I can create a location near where I work! HA! I just checked! They have a bounding box. I think I may be able to scare up a KML from somewhere. This could be very interesting. I could create this other non-project, but point my colleagues to it as a sort of gift to them. Also, this could be part of the annual science night event that my employer lets us put on for the ACPS school system.

Publicado el 18 de enero de 2018 a las 01:53 AM por elbillaf elbillaf


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