I saw a beaver near my house this morning!

I went walking this morning through a trail to the creek behind the house. On the way back I saw this fellow - barely 200 feet behind my yard. When I went out I saw a few cut saplings and immediately thought, "That looks like a beaver...but...up here? naaaah" then I came to a clearing at the end of my walk where a dozen or more smaller trees had been cut. I still thought, "....naaaaah?" Then I started coming in and this fat fellow and I startled each other! We both paused. There's a lot of bramble back there and it's hard to walk - I mean - really, really hard to walk (for me). I know they're not that dangerous, but you never know how animals will act when they feel threatened...so I composed myself and just walked a dozen or so steps down the path to let him pass....then I remember..."Crap! I got my camera right in my dang hands!" so I got a couple as he hustled his chubby self to the water and swam away. I think he may have his home in a couple logs fallen along the edge of the creek near where he entered the creek.


Publicado el 20 de enero de 2018 a las 05:47 PM por elbillaf elbillaf


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