Spent a few minutes walking the trail along the stream today.

A few things.

When I was walking to the path, I notice a lot of trees and brush had been cut down along the sidewalk. I hope they didn't chase off the ground hog.

I saw a cut tree down at the creek crossing - the beaver has been busy.

I saw a huge area where the grass had been pushed down. I'm thinking the family of deer I haven't seen for months has been sleeping there.

I noticed some fungus growing on a lot of the dead trees. I've seen that same stuff before. It's a bluish gray or greenish gray. I'm wondering if that's different varieties on the same stuff.

I looked in the stream at several points and never saw any fish.

Lotta garbage. I may take a bag with me next time.

On the way back I got a few snaps of a vulture of some kind. I thought it was a black vulture, but I think there was too much white on the underside of the wings. I've been wondering for some time whether the location means the location I was standing ... which can vary as I approach the plant or animal, or the animal, such as this bird, which is some distance from my GPS coordinates.

Publicado el 28 de enero de 2018 a las 04:13 AM por elbillaf elbillaf


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