Flora in Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal

24 July 2017
Today I continued my research into the Flora mentioned in Dorothy Wordsworth’s journal at the Jerwood Center. At noon I met Dr. R. K. R. Thornton, with whom I have been collaborating on volume six of The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Professor Thornton very generously drove over from Newcastle to meet with me. We had lunch and four hours of delightful conversation about Gerard Manley Hopkins, John Clare, poetry, nature, flowers, and the Lake District. He gave me A John Clare Flora by M. M. Mahood, which I think may be quite helpful in determining the scientific names of some of the flowers in Dorothy’s journal. In the evening the group met with the Grasmere Historical Society and introduced them to the projects we are working on. Several members expressed an interest in helping with the identification of the flora of Grasmere. I am very thankful and appreciative of their offer to help.

Publicado el 27 de julio de 2017 a las 06:16 AM por melindacreech melindacreech


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