Journal Week 5 October 7, 2021

I wasn't able to go to Los Banos but I planned on going to Oso de Oro park anyway which is much closer.

Here are pictures of squirrels , flowers and the lake. It's a flood control district so they have a lake and tall trees all over to reduce flooding. There are bees on the flowers, big spiders, lots of webs and big ants on the bushes but my phone camera couldn't take good pictures.

I'll try to go to Los Banos next week because there are a lot of wildlife preservation areas there, but it's quite far.

Publicado el 11 de octubre de 2021 a las 09:32 PM por stem77 stem77


Around Oso de Oro Park area, Fresno, CA

Anotado por stem77 hace mas de 2 años

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