NO other observers?

I have been way too busy to post the numerous pictures I have taken in San Diego, Santa Cruz and San Diego again, since 12/15/13 which was an outing with BJ "Finatic" in San Diego County, looking for rare birds.

I must say that I am disappointed to see that there seem to be NO OTHER observers than me, considering how much this place is frequented by locals and finally, information about this over 2 years old project of mine, was included in a newsletter. Oh well...

I am not local and on a limited budget so, the project remains fully mine until other show some interest in participating.

I still thank BJ who has tought me so much about birds in general.
BJ, you rock! :-)


Publicado el 26 de enero de 2014 a las 06:33 AM por microm microm


I've posted observations! And I've gotten feedback. I posted an image of Clarkia delicata (which doesn't show up, so I'll have to try again?) and brittlebush—I got several comments on that posting because I wasn't sure what Asteraceae species it was at first. Not much I know, but things are just starting to happen. Wish I could spend more time at Crestridge, it's an awesome place.

Anotado por marzduffy hace mas de 10 años

Hi Marzduffy, ;-)

Indeed Crestridge is an awesome place!

I did not see any notifications of your posts so, I'll look again and remember you can call me, usually after sundown and I might be able to walk you through the process. (I'll send you a private message with my phone number, through iNat.

You can also contact the Google group and ask there if you have technical difficulties, as I have mentioned before. Ken-ichi and Scott Loarie are very helpful and so is the rest of the group and curators!

I cannot even remember when my last obs. at CER were but I was really hoping your article in the Newsletter would generate some people pushing buttons on their cameras but then again, did the Newsletter get really published and did the Facebook site get updated???
Those would be my questions! What happened with the new guy from the Bay Area? Did he learn our plants yet? No one has tried to contact me and... again... I am tired of begging for help. :-(

I could not attend the Rangers' meeting since I was out of town. :-(

Carpe Diem and...Enjoy!

Anotado por microm hace mas de 10 años

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