Dandelion Aspectators

Did you know that scientists use data about when and where dandelions bloom to study climate change patterns? We want to learn whether earlier springs mean earlier blooms, for example. Now you can be the scientist!

This time of year dandelions are everywhere, seeking sun. The direction a plant faces is called its aspect. Are there more blooming on the (sunny) north side or (shady) south side of your street? (Fun tip: house numbers on the north side of Toronto streets are even, south side are odd.)

EcoSpark challenges you to submit dated photos of blooming dandelions to iNaturalist!

Add these notes:
Plant is facing (aspect): North - South - East - West
Exposure to light: sunny and open area - in half shade - shaded all day
Plants are found: on flat land - on a gentle slope - on a steep slope

Project adapted from PlantWatch: https://www.naturewatch.ca/plantwatch/dandelion/

Publicado el 30 de abril de 2020 a las 03:28 PM por ecospark ecospark


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