20,000 Observations!

Hi all,

It looks like we just hit 20,000 feather observations in the Found Feathers project! I am just absolutely stunned by the amount of enthusiasm for feather finding and identification that I have encountered on iNaturalist, and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you observers and identifiers who support this project with your time, expertise, and feathers. We've certainly come a long way together since I created this project back in 2017--I have personally grown so much in my identification ability from having all your observations to practice with, and I know that many of you have been able to do the same :)

I won't write this too long, but I just want to establish that while I may have started this project, every single one of you is responsible for getting us to where we are today. I can only hope that this project is as much of a boon to you as it has been to me.

Thank you to everyone, and happy feather finding!

Publicado el 28 de abril de 2020 a las 04:47 PM por featherenthusiast featherenthusiast


Hooray! 20,000+ feathers! Thank you so much, Amanda, for starting this project. It has been lots of fun to collect feathers and guess who they belong to (and have experts verify or correct the species IDs). It has been a wonderous, educational, and adventurous project. Looking forward to the next 20,000.

Anotado por truthseqr hace cerca de 4 años

Congrats! I have another one of ya today! :)

Anotado por ken-potter hace cerca de 4 años

@karakaxa you did it! :)

Anotado por twan3253 hace cerca de 4 años

@twan3253 Credit goes to everyone! ;)

Anotado por karakaxa hace cerca de 4 años

Not a month later, and we've already added another thousand! I love the pace of growth in this little community. :)

Anotado por featherenthusiast hace casi 4 años

More to come on the 23rd May ;)

Anotado por twan3253 hace casi 4 años

I'm a little late in congratulating you on the 20,000 milestone, but I want to thank the Feather Fanciers who have helped ID some Observations I've added to this project.

As someone whose data wrangling skills exceed my naturalist knowledge (but I'm learning!) I've found a niche doing very general IDs to get other people's Observations out of Unknown limbo. When I came upon a mention of this project a while back I joined and added some feathers to it. Your members have kindly IDed several of those, and a few have gone from Unknown to Research Grade!

Anotado por karen5lund hace casi 4 años

This project has been a boon to me and my friends. It focuses our birder attention in a different way than usual, and has actually helped us to document rarely observed species (especially nocturnal ones) in our county. The 'names' @karakaxa and @featherenthusiast are often invoked as goddesses on our longer treks through the forest, as in "Oh can we set them a puzzle with this feather? Are we worthy?"

Anotado por gyrrlfalcon hace casi 4 años

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