Trail of Shadows Mt. Ranier

Today (March 31st, 2012) we explored a trail near Mt. Ranier called the trail of shadows. The environment was interesting. Mostly, it was covered in snowpack, but trees and other plant life were visible when they grew above the snow, as well as in dry patches. There were a lot of alders as well as various species of hemlock. The hemlock pines were quite soft compared to others, an important characteristics of hemlock. Various fern species were present but many remain unidentified. Shelf fungus was present in some areas in small patches, growing from trees. Waterways were also interesting, with creeks as well as what looked like a wetland. Bubbles were rising from some of these waterways which seemed to make the water warmer, and had a touch of a sulfuric smell. Mostly throughout this walk it was the snowpack that was visible. Sellal also covered the ground in patches, which was identifiable. Birds were audible but not visible, the only species of animal that was present was a squirrel, either a red squirrel or a douglas squirrel. Most likely it was a douglas squirrel, because although it was reddish and small, it had a light underbelly that was significantly different and noticeable which led me to identify it as a douglas squirrel. Th squirrel and the snow were my favorite parts of the day, bur I also liked the ferns, hemlock, and waterways. I wasn't able to identify as many species as I would have liked to, so I hope to learn more. Then I can identify more in the future.

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2012 a las 08:34 PM por skylarwilkins skylarwilkins


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