pepperwood preserve

I finally got motivated--thanks to my energetic daughter--to visit Pepperwood. This magnificent property contains 3200 or so hill acres in the center of Sonoma County; all the more precious in this least-of-all popularly accessible pieces of California. Quite a shock to move up here in 1983 and realize that it's all private, except(thanks to the Coastal Initiative)for a good stretch of coast and bits here and there. You meet oldtimers, who have dozens of favorite spots from the old days when fences were perfunctory and nobody really minded; now you find you can't go there anymore! The citizens actually voted--and then remarkably reupped-- a small sales tax to enlarge the public domain; but not that it's had much effect you can see. i know this is sounds like carping-- as much of that money has wisely gone to purchase development rights from farmers-- but occasionally you'd just like to walk a bit on the old patrimony. Many are the acres outright owned by us which have access jealously guarded by the continuous owners is a manner that is really remarkable when you observe how few people visit our existing parks. Would I be any different? Try me!

Publicado el 19 de marzo de 2011 a las 04:07 PM por icosahedron icosahedron


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