Diario del proyecto Pollinators Around the World

24 de junio de 2022

How Do You Help The Powerful Pollinators You Observe?

Part 4 is ready to go!

We are well on our way with the Pollinators Around the World Project!

Part 4 Focus: How do we help pollinators?

Pollinators need our help! As you enjoy the beauty of the pollinators around you, think about what you can do to help them.

To Start...
Think about what pollinators need to do their best work.
They need a habitat complete with food, water, and space.

Pollinators around the world are losing their habitats and food sources.
What can you do to help give back to the pollinators we rely on?

To learn more about how you can take action for pollinators visit the Pollinators Around the World Project Page and complete Part 4 of the challenge (https://www.butterbee.org/pollinators-around-the-world-project).

Remember...there are 2 ways to participate in the Pollinators Around the World Project.

Part 1 is the iNaturalist challenge.
Part 2 is the YUNGA Pollinator Badge Challenge.

Visit the project page (https://www.butterbee.org/pollinators-around-the-world-project) daily for updates and resources.

Publicado el 24 de junio de 2022 a las 02:30 AM por butterbeefoundation butterbeefoundation | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de junio de 2022

Why Are Pollinators Important?

Keep Going With Part 3!

We are well on our way with the Pollinators Around the World Project!

Part 3 Focus: What challenges do pollinators face?

As you enjoy collecting data on pollinators, try to identify what might be causing them to struggle.

Try this...
Observe and collect data on pollinators in a meadow or garden area.
Then walk around a more urban area, do you notice a difference in the number of pollinators you see?
What could be causing that difference?
Snap pics and share the pollinators you see in both habitats.

To learn more about the challenges pollinators are facing visit the Pollinators Around the World Project Page and complete Part 3 of the challenge (https://www.butterbee.org/pollinators-around-the-world-project).

Remember...there are 2 ways to participate in the Pollinators Around the World Project.

Part 1 is the iNaturalist challenge.
Part 2 is the YUNGA Pollinator Badge Challenge.

Visit the project page (https://www.butterbee.org/pollinators-around-the-world-project) daily for updates and resources.

Publicado el 23 de junio de 2022 a las 12:15 AM por butterbeefoundation butterbeefoundation | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

22 de junio de 2022

Time for Part 2!

We are well on our way with the Pollinators Around the World Project!

Part 2 Focus: Why are pollinators important?

For this part of the challenge, let's focus on the connection between pollinators and our food.

As you explore the natural world around you, keep snapping and sharing those powerful pollinator pics!
And...Snap some pics of the wonderful work pollinators do as they help our food systems grow.

Visit a vegetable garden or fruit tree. Look carefully for the pollinators that are helping that plant thrive, allowing it to produce the food you need.

Remember...there are 2 ways to participate in the Pollinators Around the World Project.

Part 1 is the iNaturalist challenge.
Part 2 is the YUNGA Pollinator Badge Challenge.

Visit the project page (https://www.butterbee.org/pollinators-around-the-world-project) daily for updates and resources.

Publicado el 22 de junio de 2022 a las 01:31 AM por butterbeefoundation butterbeefoundation | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de junio de 2022

Welcome! Let's Get Started!

Welcome to the Pollinators Around the World Project!

Project Webpage: https://www.butterbee.org/pollinators-around-the-world-project

Pollinators are vital to the food and agriculture communities around the world depend on. In many areas of the world, pollinators are threatened by the expansion of modern society. The more we know about these powerful organisms the easier it is to take action and create spaces where people and pollinators thrive.

New to iNaturalist? No problem. Click on the directions below to view how to get started.
Directions for accessing iNaturalist from a laptop or PC
Directions for accessing iNaturalist from a mobile device

Who can participate in the Pollinators Around the World Project?
Anyone! We welcome pollinator enthusiasts, explorers, and scientists of all ages. The broader our audience is the more diverse our data will be. This means we can learn more and help more! Share this project with your friends, family, classmates, and colleagues.

What pictures should you take? All pollinator pictures are accepted! Take a pic of your favorite pollinator as they feed on a flower, construct a nest or just fly by. Grab every image you can, and then take an extra just in case.

How is the data collected used? Great question.
The data and images collected are very valuable. You can view the data to learn more about powerful pollinators around the world. Maybe you will see a pattern in the plants pollinators like, which will help you plan a new garden. You might notice a habitat or nesting location pollinators prefer, use that information to create a pollinator hotel or safe nesting space. Every bit of data and each image shared will help many people make small decisions that lead to big impacts in the lives of pollinators.

When is the best time to observe pollinators? Anytime. Pollinating our world’s agricultural crops and ecosystems is a non-stop job. Pollinators work day and night. Bees, butterflies, and many others take the day shift. While bats and moths handle the night shift. Observe when you can. You might be surprised what you see if you observe at different times for varying lengths of time. If you choose a time but don’t observe much pollinator activity, no problem, come back at a different time the next day.

How do I observe pollinators? Carefully. You want to catch pollinators while they are doing the vital work of pollinating our world. Choose a space where you can observe the pollinators naturally and collect useful images while giving them space to do their work uninterrupted. Pick a time when you can be patient to wait for the pollinators and enjoy the show they share.

Contact Us At:

Publicado el 16 de junio de 2022 a las 11:54 AM por butterbeefoundation butterbeefoundation | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
