Quick update & stickers!

Hi everyone,
Thanks to everyone who continues to add their weekend observations!
Even bigger thanks to those who are helping to identify everything as it comes in...
If you are in doubt about a species ID, it is best to classify at a higher level (one you are fairly sure about - even if that is something very general like plants or flies etc), so that someone with more expertise can then assist with narrowing it down. This will help us get an accurate species list.
By this coming weekend we hope to start compiling initial reports, so it would be fantastic if you could aim to get the bulk of your remaining observations uploaded before the end of the week!
Thanks again everyone!
Team Bioblitz T&T
PS If you haven't yet requested your Bioblitz stickers, please do so using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScAJXNbmahmQvs0srtBFxQlmFufWhQ9wxefRAZoSBaW0TNUvg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&fbclid=IwAR2GWRj5XzIlMbPVlcV5NufJWHyTamFZYzkZukt_t6lut35AlkBwoOQkSz4

Publicado el 24 de noviembre de 2020 a las 06:04 PM por amydeacontt amydeacontt


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