Diario del proyecto Yuba-Sutter Farm Days 2020 - Gray Lodge Wildllife Area

02 de noviembre de 2020


Thank you for playing! I hope you enjoyed the game and learned a little more about California's diverse wildlife.

Publicado el 02 de noviembre de 2020 a las 07:05 PM por biodiversitydays biodiversitydays

30 de octubre de 2020

Species B – Scavenger Hunt Challenge

Post an image of this bird species: California Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma californica)

Publicado el 30 de octubre de 2020 a las 03:47 PM por biodiversitydays biodiversitydays

2nd Species - Birds

For those that figured it out, "Wildlife B" is a bird. Did you know there are about 10,000 species of birds, worldwide? I bet you've heard of the largest bird in the world - the ostrich. Although all birds have feathers, some don't fly. Other than the ostrich, can you name one? Hint: Some of these live in Antarctica.

Publicado el 30 de octubre de 2020 a las 03:43 PM por biodiversitydays biodiversitydays | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

25 de octubre de 2020

Join Our Scientists – Second Search

For this search, call me, ”B”. Below are a few hints that you’ll use to find me.

  1. I am part of the animal kingdom.
  2. Scientists classify me by physical characteristics, which include feather and hollow bones.
  3. I don’t have a stomach like you, but instead rely on a crop and gizzard to “chew up” my food.
  4. I can be a few inches tall or several feet tall.
  5. I come in many colors, which many people find beautiful.
  6. What am I? Please take my picture.
Publicado el 25 de octubre de 2020 a las 07:03 PM por biodiversitydays biodiversitydays

Species A – Scavenger Hunt Challenge

Post an image of this insect species: Common Greenbottle Fly (Lucilia sericata)

Publicado el 25 de octubre de 2020 a las 07:03 PM por biodiversitydays biodiversitydays | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de octubre de 2020

1st Species - Insects

For those that figured it out, "Wildlife A" is an insect. Did you know that new species of insects are still being discovered? Some experts say there are over 27,000 insect species in California. Wow - What a Class!
List of insects by the Amateur Entomologist' Society: https://www.amentsoc.org/insects/fact-files/a-to-z-of-insects.html

Publicado el 17 de octubre de 2020 a las 06:12 PM por biodiversitydays biodiversitydays | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

13 de octubre de 2020

Join Our Scientists – The First Search

Welcome to the first hunt. In this series of searches in the coming weeks, you can label me, “A”. Below are a few hints that you’ll use to find me.

  1. Did you know wildlife consists of both plants and animals? I am not a plant.
  2. Wildlife moves around in their environment using different modes of travel. Some swim, while others may crawl. Think of the different ways wildlife get from one place to another. I am often called a Hexapod, because I use 6 of these to move from place to place on land. I can’t swim, but rather enjoy a terrestrial life.
  3. As an invertebrate, I have an exoskeleton that protects me.
  4. I have two antennae and can come in many shapes, colors and sizes. I have many different names. I am one animal in a Class of animals. Choose one or several for your find.
  5. In the evening, when I see a porch light is turned on, I will move toward the light. I'm often found near the light, on a wall or other objects nearby.
  6. What am I? Please take my picture.

All of your answers will be different, so don’t try to match another person’s sighting. There are literally thousands of correct answers for the identity of me. Again, in your comments, please call this animal “A”.

Publicado el 13 de octubre de 2020 a las 09:14 PM por biodiversitydays biodiversitydays | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Are You Ready?

Soon I will give hints about the first animal in this scavenger hunt. Remember, physical collection of wildlife without a permit is not allowed by CA state law. Instead, you will be photographing the wildlife, then posting your image on this website. Some images will be better than others. If your pictures turn out fuzzy or in the distance, it’s okay. Post them anyway and leave me a comment about the life you found. We’ll start with an easy one, then progressively get harder through the month. If needed, research the hints to learn more. I look forward to reading comments about your adventure.

Publicado el 13 de octubre de 2020 a las 12:56 AM por biodiversitydays biodiversitydays

05 de septiembre de 2020

Step #1: Sign Up to Join In - Today!

To join into the Scavenger Hunt fun, you'll need to create an iNaturalist account. The “Log In or Sign Up” link is in the upper right corner. This is just a basic email, username and password request. Once complete, log into iNaturalist.

Back to the Scavenger Hunt page... Click the “Join” button, in the upper right corner of the page.

You’re all set! This can be done today, or any day through October 30th.

Log in each time you visit this Scavenger Hunt.

Publicado el 05 de septiembre de 2020 a las 07:29 PM por biodiversitydays biodiversitydays
