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Abril 23, 2019


Common Name: Sea Lace
Location Found: Grimes Cove, East Boothbay, ME
Habitat Types: Can grow on almost anything, low tide line to shallow water
Physical: Lacy crusts with irregular shapes, spread several inches on various substrate. White in color
Fun Fact: Common on kelp
Source: Martinez guide

Membranipora - Photo (c) Casey Dunn, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA)
de sahanasimo: Género Membranipora, un miembro de Animales Musgo (Filo Bryozoa)
Añadido el 26 de abril de 2019

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Tunicado Marino Asiático (Botrylloides violaceus)




Abril 16, 2019


Common Name: Violet Tunicate/Orange Sheath Tunicate

Location Found: Found submerged off of the dive site Pump House Beach on the East Point of Nahant, MA. Approximately 10 feet of water, many other individuals were abundant in the surrounding area.

Habitat Types: It is found in shallow bays/estuaries, most commonly protected areas, attached to hard substrates.

Physical Description: It is a colonial tunicate that can form a thin flesh covering that can be bulbous in shape, or flat across a substrate. Usually a vibrant yellow-orange coloring.

Fun Fact: Although this specie is now common along the Atlantic coast, it is considered an invasive species as it's native range is only the Pacific Northwest.

Reference: Martinez, "Marine Life of the North Atlantic"

Tunicado Marino Asiático - Photo (c) Robin Gwen Agarwal, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Robin Gwen Agarwal
de sahanasimo: Tunicado Marino Asiático (Botrylloides violaceus)
Añadido el 26 de abril de 2019
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Cacerola de Mar (Limulus polyphemus)




Marzo 29, 2019 a las 12:16 PM EDT


Common Name: Atlantic Horseshoe Crab

Location Found: Far up on a sandy beach in Ipswich, MA

Habitat Type: Sandy ocean floor at shallow or deep depths

Physical Description: Shell is brown and shaped like a horseshoe, typically 24 inches long from the middle of the horseshoe to the tip of the telson. Have a set of bookgills on its underside.

Fun Fact: Horseshoe crabs are actually related more closely to spiders than true crabs.

References: The Uncommon Guide to Common Life on Narragansett Bay -
National Wildlife Federation -

Cangrejos Cacerola Atlánticos - Photo (c) leafgreeny, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
de sahanasimo: Cangrejos Cacerola Atlánticos (Subfamilia Limulinae)
Añadido el 26 de abril de 2019
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Abril 23, 2019 a las 11:26 AM EDT
Modiolus modiolus - Photo (c) Kim, Hyun-tae, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA), subido por Kim, Hyun-tae
de sahanasimo: Modiolus modiolus, un miembro de Mejillones, Choros Y Choritos (Familia Mytilidae)
Añadido el 26 de abril de 2019
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Abril 23, 2019 a las 12:42 PM EDT
Styela clava - Photo (c) Robin Gwen Agarwal, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Robin Gwen Agarwal
de sahanasimo: Styela clava, un miembro de Ascidias (Clase Ascidiacea)
Añadido el 26 de abril de 2019
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Marzo 26, 2019 a las 09:29 AM EDT


Common name: Green Sea Urchin

Location: Tidepool in a crevice

Habitat Type: Rocky intertidal on rocky bottoms and in kelp beds.

Physical Description: spines that are not more than one-third the width of its test. test - greenish brown, spines - green, tube feet - brown

Fun Fact: The roe is a delicacy in Japan.

Marine Life of the Northern Atlantic - Martinez

Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis - Photo (c) Carolyn Belak, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Carolyn Belak
de sahanasimo: Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, un miembro de Erizos de Mar (Subclase Euechinoidea)
Añadido el 26 de abril de 2019
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Marzo 26, 2019 a las 09:39 AM EDT


Species name: Aulactinia stella

Common name: Silver Spotted Anemone

Location Found: Canoe Beach, Nahant, MA

Physical description: The specimen pictured is very little (approx. 1" wide) with spots at the end of its tentacles

Fun fact: This is a naturally small species of anemone.

Aulactinia stella - Photo (c) Nicholas Soucy, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Nicholas Soucy
de sahanasimo: Aulactinia stella, un miembro de Anémonas Marinas (Familia Actiniidae)
Añadido el 26 de abril de 2019

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Abril 19, 2019 a las 10:22 AM EDT


Species name: Asterias forbesi

Common name: Forbes' Sea Star

Location Found: Canoe Beach, Nahant, MA

Physical description: This sea star ranges form pink to purple in color typically. It's madroporite is a defining characteristic and typically appears orange.

Fun Fact: Sea stars move by using a water vascular system that fills their feet with water to extend the tiny tubes.

Asterias forbesi - Photo (c) alex_shure, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por alex_shure
de sahanasimo: Asterias forbesi, un miembro de Estrellas de Mar (Familia Asteriidae)
Añadido el 26 de abril de 2019
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Cangrejo de Rocas del Atlantico (Cancer irroratus)




Abril 16, 2019 a las 03:49 PM EDT


Common name: Jonah Crab
Location found: Pumphouse Beach, Nahant, MA
Habitat found: Rocky substrate beneath water.
Physical Description: Oval-shaped carapace with a rough texture and light colored spots, claws with dark brown or black tips.
Fun fact: Jonah crabs can be differentiated from rock crabs by the black tips of their claws.

Cancer borealis - Photo (c) Ian Manning, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY), subido por Ian Manning
de sahanasimo: Cancer borealis, un miembro de Cangrejos Verdaderos (Infraorden Brachyura)
Añadido el 26 de abril de 2019

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Enero 25, 2019 a las 09:02 AM EST


Common name: Flat Periwinkle
Location found: Canoe Beach, Nahant, MA
Habitat type: Found on algae and rocks in rocky intertidal and below.
Physical description: Snail species with a flat and smooth, shiny yellow (with sometimes brown stripes) shell.
Fun fact: Flat periwinkles lay their eggs on seaweed so that when the young hatch, they can immediately start feeding.
Source: Marine Life of the North Atlantic: Canada to Cape May, Andrew J. Martinez

Littorina obtusata - Photo (c) Masumi Palhof, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Masumi Palhof
de sahanasimo: Littorina obtusata, un miembro de Caracoles Bígaros (Familia Littorinidae)
Añadido el 26 de abril de 2019
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