Archivos de Diario para octubre 2019

01 de octubre de 2019

ERS 346 outing #1

Time & Date: 19/09/30; 1600
Duration: 30 mins
Location: a lake on the east of Columbia lake(Laurel Trail)
Weather: Sunny, 19 degree
Habitat: wetland, lake.
Vegetation: Goldenrod, Cattail, Willow, Sage, Grass.
I observed a large group of a blackbird (possibly: Song Sparrow or chimney swift [rare] ), they travel from television tower to the tree, they may feed on the tree and nest on the tower which provided protection to them. That area is likely the home range for those birds, so they feed and live there. I observed four brown duck on the surface of the lake, they may eat insect and small animals ( there are many insects present in that area), they may be American Black Duck which lives in this area with food and nest, they can also be some human-introduced species (The sunlight is very bright during the afternoon, so I cannot see the color of the duck, I can only tell they have dark color and Duck's sound) . Also, some Sea Gull (Herring Gull) present on the sky, they are too high to see, they might be able to find fishes from Columbia Lake, and they are found because it is their breeding season, and they migrated to Waterloo. The lake has many insect species that provided good food sources for birds. I did not find any mammals, this might be caused by the inference of humans. There is an ION railway, parking lot, and some buildings around that lake, the sound of the train and human activities might influence their behavior, so I cannot find them. Grassland has surrounded by the lake, and many wildflowers can be found such as asters and Elaeagnus sp., those grasslands provide a good habitat for insects (gross hopper, etc.) that birds can eat.

Publicado el 01 de octubre de 2019 a las 01:29 AM por alexhe alexhe | 8 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
