Archivos de Diario para octubre 2021

09 de octubre de 2021

Prizewinner in CFW's Observation Nation Project

Funtastic surprise arrived October 1st, 2021!! Happy to recieve a package of "outdoor gear to wear while out on the trail" for observations with
Many thanks to CWF and inaturalist for all the work & support! Love the app!! Love the Hat/scarf/lens!!!

Publicado el 09 de octubre de 2021 a las 05:43 PM por annem4g annem4g | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

September conclusions for 2021

This month is valuable in many ways for Observation of Bees in the local greenspaces and cultivated Gardens. Am proud to contribute what I can, to learn about what insects/bees/wasps that are presently active or not. It can feel so child-like many times over when I observe new species or a new situation.
For example when I found the Halictus species of Bees, observation September 3rd- Poey's Furrow Bee. While maintaining the garden 5pm cut one rudbeckia stem- turned it over checking for mold? NO! Saw three furrow bees holding onto the flower! What a grand discovery. One larger, 2 smalls next to each other. It was close to end of the day light/grey/wet day. It was a hopefull moment to see how some can endure the rainy weather or even just overnight.
Have also found many species of bees/wasps/earwigs/ants spending rest time or overnight time in a shrub- Rose of Sharon's fluffy-tufted blooms. Small Green bees in particular, then striped bi-coloured, and Sweat bees. Easy to see on the white petals. Nature providing it's own resource for fellow species - Symbiotic relationship?

Publicado el 09 de octubre de 2021 a las 08:54 PM por annem4g annem4g | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
