09 de septiembre de 2020

Turkey Vultures Feeding on Deer Remains in Smoky, September Heat in Livermore California 2020

As we reach unprecedented records for smoke and heat in the San Francisco Bay Area, the animals are suffering these man-caused changes. I took pictures of turkey vultures feeding on the remains of a Mule Deer which passed away last week. I think that as a community of nature-minded folks it is our responsibility to be an advocate for animals in terms of planting shade trees in our yards, providing sources of water for grazing deer and to use our resources consciously.

Sharing some pictures I took of the birds -- thankful at least the Turkey Vultures were fed from the deer's remains and grateful to see them (their expressive black eyes up close)...

Thank you for your time, and for reading this post.

Victoria Tishman Kamerzell

Publicado el 09 de septiembre de 2020 a las 04:00 PM por livermorevalleymicrogreens livermorevalleymicrogreens | 9 observaciones
