Archivos de Diario para agosto 2017

31 de agosto de 2017

Monday, August 29th 2017

Today we went to the Cedar Canyon Nature park to observe mammal sign and to talk to our groups about questions we would ask young children about mammals. Our group talked about telling children what the idea is behind our study of animals. We were the "why" group. Our group would ask "why do you think we are doing this project?" and "Why do you think this project is important?" Other groups talked about drawing mammals and their tracks and describing the "what" of the project. It was interesting to hear other groups point of views on how they would address this project with kids.
After having a group discussion on that topic, we broke off and looked for animal sign and tracks. I was with Sam and Jennifer as we walked around looking for any kind of mammal sign. We saw some chipmunks, but they were too quick to take a picture of and post on here. I'm pretty sure I saw an elk track, but it wasn't distinct enough to take a picture of. I came upon some possible jackrabbit scat and took a picture of that and decided to post it here. I thought it was jackrabbit scat based off the size of the pellet. Cottontail seems to be smaller and more round and deer is larger and more oblong.
The weather was pretty dang hot, around 95 degrees Fahrenheit and the wind was minimal, around a 1 or 2 on Beaufort's wind scale with minimal cloud coverage.
Highlight of lab: A drunk, shirtless man with yellow hair walked by and yelled some strange words while we were in our groups - never go on that trail alone or at night. It was interesting to say the least.

Publicado el 31 de agosto de 2017 a las 02:13 PM por lyndsayrodriguez lyndsayrodriguez | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
