Archivos de Diario para mayo 2017

05 de mayo de 2017

Centennial Woods Excursion Part 2

On May 5th, 2017, at 10:45 a.m., I went on a birding excursion at the University of Vermont’s Centennial Woods in Burlington Vermont. The temperature was 50°F and it was raining. The wind was blowing Southeast at 8 mph. Centennial Woods consists of areas of shrubland, maintained forest edge, swamps, thin woodlands, and dense woodlands. Most of my observations took place at the forest edge, to ascertain which species do well on fragmented landscapes. I decided to visit Centennial Woods for the second time to see if there was a difference in bird activity during the spring, in comparison with the winter. I found that there were more bird species present during the spring, compared to the winter.

Publicado el 05 de mayo de 2017 a las 03:47 PM por mrgorton mrgorton | 10 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
