Archivos de Diario para agosto 2022

24 de agosto de 2022

New paper revises genus Trillium

A recent paper recognizes four subgenera in genus Trillium:

Lampley, Jayne A.; Gereau, Roy; Floden, Aaron; Schilling, Edward E. (2022-07-05). "A revised subgeneric classification of Trillium (Parideae, Melanthiaceae)". Phytotaxa. 552 (5): 278–286. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.552.5.1

This paper provides the basis for a much-needed revision of genus Trillium on iNaturalist.

Publicado el 24 de agosto de 2022 a las 12:41 PM por trscavo trscavo | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Proposal to revise Trillium on iNat

Proposed revision of genus Trillium on iNaturalist:

  1. Create genus Trillidium in (Parideae, Melanthiaceae), sister to genus Trillium
  2. Move taxa Trillium govanianum and Trillium undulatum to genus Trillidium

    • The latter will touch more than 10,000 observations
  3. Rename Trillium subgenus Sessilium to Trillium subgenus Sessilia

    • The latter will touch many observations
  4. Create three new subgenera:

    • Trillium subgenus Trillium
    • Trillium subgenus Callipetalon
    • Trillium subgenus Delostylis
  5. Move each species-level taxon (and its children, if any) into the appropriate subgenus

As of August 2022, genus Trillium on iNaturalist contains 55 species-level taxa (including named hybrids). As a result of the previous actions, those taxa will be partitioned as follows:

  • Genus Trillidium (2): T. govanianum; T. undulatum.
  • Trillium subgenus Trillium (16): T. apetalon; T. camschatcense; T. cernuum; T. channellii; T. erectum; T. flexipes; T. × hagae; T. hibbersonii; T. × miyabeanum; T. rugelii; T. simile; T. smallii; T. sulcatum; T. tschonoskii; T. vaseyi; T. × yezoense.
  • Trillium subgenus Callipetalon (5): T. crassifolium; T. grandiflorum; T. nivale; T. ovatum; T. scouleri.
  • Trillium subgenus Delostylis (4): T. catesbaei; T. georgianum; T. persistens; T. pusillum.
  • Trillium subgenus Sessilia (25): no change
  • Ungrouped (3): T. × crockerianum; T. × komarovii; T. taiwanense.


Notes for iNaturalist curators:

  1. The authors of [Lampley et al. 2022] note that Trillium apetalon hybridizes with T. tschonoskii and T. camschatcense to form two sterile hybrids, T. × miyabeanum and T. × yezoense, respectively. However, the authors do not explicitly include these hybrids in subgenus Trillium. That said, they have been included above since their parents are members of subgenus Trillium.
  2. The authors of [Lampley et al. 2022] do not mention Trillium × komarovii. One of its parents is known to be T. camschatcense but the other parent is unknown. It remains ungrouped above.
  3. The authors of [Lampley et al. 2022] do not mention Trillium × crockerianum. As originally described, its parents are Trillium ovatum and Trillium rivale but the latter is now a member of genus Pseudotrillium, and so T. × crockerianum has become an intergeneric hybrid. It remains ungrouped above.
  4. Trillium taiwanense is explicitly not recognized by the authors of [Lampley et al. 2022] based on DNA evidence and morphological similarities to genus Paris. It remains ungrouped above.


  • [Weakley et al. 2018] Weakley, A. S.; Sorrie, B. A.; LeBlond, R. J.; Poindexter, D. B.; Floden, A. J.; Schilling, E. E.; Franck, A. R.; Kees, J. C. (2018). “New combinations, rank changes, and nomenclatural and taxonomic comments in the vascular flora of the southeastern United States. IV.” Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 12 (2), 461–480.
  • [Lampley 2021] Lampley, Jayne A. (2021). A systematic and biogeographic study of Trillium (Melanthiaceae) (PhD). University of Tennessee.
  • [Lampley et al. 2022] ​​Lampley, Jayne A.; Gereau, Roy; Floden, Aaron; Schilling, Edward E. (2022). "A revised subgeneric classification of Trillium (Parideae, Melanthiaceae)". Phytotaxa. 552 (5): 278–286.

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Publicado el 24 de agosto de 2022 a las 11:50 PM por trscavo trscavo | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario