New Ontario Moths Checklist available

A surprising number (to me) of new moths are added to the list of Ontario species regularly - including at least three new species in the last month or so. To help keep track of developments, David Beadle and Mike King have teamed up with Phill Holder to publish an updated provincial checklist. Here are the details from the publisher:

"As more and more naturalists discover the enjoyment of identifying and appreciating moths, comes the inevitable urge to put together a personal list, but first there has to be a definitive provincial list. The authors have researched all published records and private collections to publish the first complete, and most up to date checklist of the 3187 verified moth species recorded in Ontario.

The main checklist includes photographic plates with examples of the family of each species. Separate sections include photographic additions to the list and a few records awaiting verification. All these records include dates, locations, and finders’ names.

With more than 230 photographs, we believe this checklist will be invaluable to all moth enthusiasts from beginner to expert and is spiral bound for easy use."

The checklist will be available August 1, and it is available for pre-order here.

Publicado el 22 de julio de 2020 a las 12:09 PM por dkaposi dkaposi


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