20. iNaturalist haalt soorten of Encyclopedia of Life, en die komen uit Wikidata

Google started with FreeBase
De soorten gaan van WikiData naar Encyclopedia of Life..en van EOL naar iNaturalist.
EOL took 291,000 common names in 279 languages from WikiData (20)
Language Support
Language support in EOL v3 is in continuous development, but many features are internationalized. Here's where things stand at the moment:

The interface- navigating EOL in different languages:

Thanks to our collaborators at translatewiki and their corps of volunteer translators, the full EOL basic interface navigation is available in Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, English, Finnish, French, Macedonian, Piedmontese, Traditional Chinese and Turkish. Read more about becoming a volunteer translator.

Common or vernacular names for taxa:

We have harvested the common names holdings of the wikidata, which include just over 291,000 names in 279 languages. We also have >93,000 common names in 130 languages added by valiant EOL members to fill gaps they observed over the past ten years. You can search EOL by any of these names and find them in the names tab of any taxon page.

We have articles in many languages. The article tab has a language filter, which is set to English by default. We hope soon to make that default setting configurable in your EOL profile.

Structured data:
Our valiant translatewiki community

One of the great advantages of structured attribute and interaction data is that it is very efficient to translate. Commonly used data terms like "body length" and "predator" in our taxon page summaries are translated by the translatewiki community, and many place names have translations available from our geographic terms providers, geonames and wikidata. We have harvested the common names holdings of the wikidata, which include just over 291,000 names in 279 languages. We also have >93,000 common names in 130 languages added by valiant EOL members to fill gaps they observed over the past ten years. You can search EOL by any of these names and find them in the names tab of any taxon page.

From Freebase to Wikidata: The Great Migration


iNaturalist (Q16958215) is a citizen science project focused on biodiversity. It has a large community of enthusiasts, of which some are also active in the various Wikimedia communities. This wikiproject aims at improving the cross-pollination between iNaturalist and Wikimedia communities. Wikimedia Commons is an ideal platform to source iNaturalist with observations while iNaturalist with its high-grade annotations of observations provides valuable references to Wikidata statements. "Research grade" observations are incorporated into other online databases such as Global Biodiversity Information Facility (Q1531570). iNaturalist supports many Wikimedia-compatible licensing options, including CC0 (Q6938433), Creative Commons Attribution (Q6905323) and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (Q6905942). Snippets from Wikipedia are also used on iNaturalist to describe individual taxa.

EOL took 291,000 common names in 279 languages from WikiData
EOL took 291,000 common names in 279 languages from WikiData (20)

Google started with FreeBase

Language Support
Language support in EOL v3 is in continuous development, but many features are internationalized. Here's where things stand at the moment:

The interface- navigating EOL in different languages:

Thanks to our collaborators at translatewiki and their corps of volunteer translators, the full EOL basic interface navigation is available in Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, English, Finnish, French, Macedonian, Piedmontese, Traditional Chinese and Turkish. Read more about becoming a volunteer translator.

Common or vernacular names for taxa:

We have harvested the common names holdings of the wikidata, which include just over 291,000 names in 279 languages. We also have >93,000 common names in 130 languages added by valiant EOL members to fill gaps they observed over the past ten years. You can search EOL by any of these names and find them in the names tab of any taxon page.

We have articles in many languages. The article tab has a language filter, which is set to English by default. We hope soon to make that default setting configurable in your EOL profile.

Structured data:
Our valiant translatewiki community

One of the great advantages of structured attribute and interaction data is that it is very efficient to translate. Commonly used data terms like "body length" and "predator" in our taxon page summaries are translated by the translatewiki community, and many place names have translations available from our geographic terms providers, geonames and wikidata. We have harvested the common names holdings of the wikidata, which include just over 291,000 names in 279 languages. We also have >93,000 common names in 130 languages added by valiant EOL members to fill gaps they observed over the past ten years. You can search EOL by any of these names and find them in the names tab of any taxon page.

From Freebase to Wikidata: The Great Migration


iNaturalist (Q16958215) is a citizen science project focused on biodiversity. It has a large community of enthusiasts, of which some are also active in the various Wikimedia communities. This wikiproject aims at improving the cross-pollination between iNaturalist and Wikimedia communities. Wikimedia Commons is an ideal platform to source iNaturalist with observations while iNaturalist with its high-grade annotations of observations provides valuable references to Wikidata statements. "Research grade" observations are incorporated into other online databases such as Global Biodiversity Information Facility (Q1531570). iNaturalist supports many Wikimedia-compatible licensing options, including CC0 (Q6938433), Creative Commons Attribution (Q6905323) and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (Q6905942). Snippets from Wikipedia are also used on iNaturalist to describe individual taxa.

EOL took 291,000 common names in 279 languages from WikiData
EOL took 291,000 common names in 279 languages from WikiData (20)

Mmatching iNat taxa to Wikidata items would not rely on strings, as suggested earlier in this thread, but on Wikidata’s and iNat’s IDs. Every Wikidata item has a free-form label in multiple languages. While the text label is subject to change, the numeric ID of the item (what Wikidata calls a “QID”) is persistent. E.g. item Q630829 2 represents Larus occidentalis and it has labels in 47 different languages. Each Wikidata item also contains links to the corresponding Wikipedia articles, when they exist. There are currently Wikipedia articles about Larus occidentalis in 28 language editions, from English to Navajo or Hungarian. Finally, each Wikidata item also contains links to many external databases in the Identifiers section, for example the item about Larus occidentalis links to 21 other databases, from NCBI to eBird etc.

Now, one of these identifiers is the iNaturalist Taxon ID. We created this property a while ago for the purpose of reconciling iNat taxa and Wikidata items and, as far as I can tell, it has been extensively populated in Wikidata (it’s currently used by over half a million Wikidata items 1). The first batch of iNat IDs mapped to Wikidata via Mix’n’Match got imported by a script (since the property didn’t exist at that time), but future edits made in Mix’N’Match should go live on Wikidata immediately. I don’t know how often Magnus Manske refreshes the Mix’N’Match catalog with new data dumps from iNat but we can ask him :)
So why does this all matter? Having an iNat ID—>Wikidata QID mapping means that it’s straightforward to automatically retrieve all the associated Wikipedia articles for a given iNat taxon, irrespective of spelling or variation in the title. How to best ingest these links depends on what works best for iNaturalist, but this is by far the best mechanism to have correct matches from iNat to Wikipedia instead of relying on heuristics that match labels.
Finally, I’d like to make a case for adding a Wikidata link directly in the “More info” list. There’s a lot of information about taxa in Wikidata that would be valuable to iNat users, if the link were displayed alongside GBIF, BOLD, Google Scholar and others.

Bron, Source, Referentie


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Publicado el 24 de octubre de 2020 a las 01:14 PM por ahospers ahospers


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