March Challenge Costa's Hummingbird and Wolfberry (Lycium exsertum)

Hello Ecoblitzers!
I wanted to keep you all up to date on this months challenge. Of course we want you to continue to document all species but we also want to make it fun!! Below is some identification information about the highlighted species:
Costa’s hummingbird can be found feeding on nectar of wolfberry and other desert upland species. A small and compact hummingbird with hunched posture and a short tail, wings barely extends past tail. Adult males have an iridescent purple throat patch flares along the sides of the neck. Females are greenish above, whitish below and white eyebrow strip, a grayish and eyebrow stripe, and a grayish cheek patch. (smaller than the Anna’a Hummingbird)
Wolfberry- The region has several wolfberry species, blooming in in February the Arizona Desert- Thorn (Lycium exsertum) is blooming generally upright, openly branched 3-13 ft tall, dark gray to brown twigs densely pubescent (hairy), alternate leaves on petioles 3-5 mm long, solitary-2-3 clustered bell shaped flowers. The flowers are white or purple and the berries are a distinctive red or orange.

You can find the flyer with the challenge info on social media pages copy and paste link below in your web browser. webpage

Publicado el 01 de marzo de 2021 a las 05:25 PM por juanitajn5 juanitajn5


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