January 27, 2023 - North Segment

I surveyed alone from 11:00 am to 1:48 pm. Temperature was pretty warm, 58° F, though there was a frost warning in effect. Gentle winds of 3-4 mph from the E/SE.

Zero live newts, 106 dead newts. 67 newts on the upslope side of the road, 39 newts reservoir side. All adults, no juveniles this time.

There were 86 cars, 8 trucks, 22 bicyclists, and 4 pedestrians. Two pedestrians stopped to chat about the project. The rowing club didn't seem like it was open, as there were only 3 cars on club grounds.

Not a lot of other roadkill today, just one darkling beetle.

Publicado el 28 de enero de 2023 a las 06:06 PM por molly2 molly2


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