Archivos de Diario para agosto 2016

02 de agosto de 2016


Welcome to the BioBlitz-style iNaturalist project for the Petrified Forest National Park ReptileBlitz! iNaturalist gives us a way to record and share our observations of plants and animals with all other BioBlitzers and with the iNaturalist community. Although this project is focused on surveying the roads and checking traps at night, you can post any observation of any plant or animal you see while you are in the park. We're excited for the event and welcome all participants to the park and the event.

Andy, Katie, Jennifer, Brittany, and Jamie

Publicado el 02 de agosto de 2016 a las 01:57 PM por andybridges andybridges | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

18 de agosto de 2016

The surveys are over, but the research continues

A Big thanks to everyone who came out and helped us survey for reptiles, amphibians, and all other living things in the park for six nights over the last two weeks. We're continuing to get observations as people return home and upload what they saw, so keep checking to see how the numbers end up. We also appreciate the many people who didn't attend, but are helping identify what we saw!

The next step for the park is to review each casual observation to see if we can refine the identification, and summarize the surveys. The things we can learn include: Which survey method was the most effective for diversity or for specific types of animals, how species are distributes along the road, how weather affects animal activity, and many others.

Thanks again, and continue to use iNaturalist to assist scientists around the world to understand nature.,

Publicado el 18 de agosto de 2016 a las 08:38 PM por andybridges andybridges | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
