Diario del proyecto Butterflies of China 中国蝶类

Archivos de Diario para abril 2019

06 de abril de 2019

Summary for the 20000 records - 20000记录小结

Dear friends,

Thanks to @thelittleman 's kind reminder, we have hit the 20,000 records of butterflies representing 666 species in the past few weeks. It is really an exciting moment for the butterfly community on iNaturalist as we continue to bring up new records and surprises to this platform. In what to be followed, I will briefly summarize some interesting facts of the records, and please comment here for any suggestions and ideas to help us expand our observers and identifiers group!

谢谢 @thelittleman 先生的提醒,我们的中国蝴蝶版块最近达到了两万观测记录,总共代表了666个蝴蝶物种。这是一个令人兴奋的消息!这篇总结会简要地展示一下这些观测记录的数据。欢迎大家在评论区发表意见或提供建议,改进iNat中国区的观测!

Up to March 29th, 2019/截止2019年3月29日

Observations/观测记录总数: 20648

Species/物种总数: 666

Identifiers/鉴定人总数: 745

Observers/观测人总数: 1866

====Records by families====蝴蝶各科总结====
Papilionidae: 3098 records, 65 species
Pieridae: 2517 records, 62 species
Nymphalidae: 8812 records, 279 species
Riodinidae: 536 records, 12 species
Lycaenidae: 3498 records, 133 species
Hesperiidae: 2129 records, 115 species

====Records by observation regions====观测区域总结====
Hong Kong: 11515 observations, 223 species
Taiwan: 6390 observations, 263 species
Mainland China: 2737 observations, 526 species

**Remark: please stay away from any comments related to political issues. iNaturalist is a platform for nature observations only. 请避免发表有关政治的评论。

Publicado el 06 de abril de 2019 a las 01:28 AM por yixianshuiesuan yixianshuiesuan | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario