Diario del proyecto Mammalia Luxembourg

Archivos de Diario para abril 2020

28 de abril de 2020

Conversion of the "Mammalia Luxembourg" project to a collection project


Due to the availability of new features for iNaturalist projects we have now converted this project (Mammalia Luxembourg) from a “traditional” to a “collection” project. This to make sure that the project automatically includes all relevant observations without needing a high amount of maintenance.
This means that now you no longer need to add your observations actively to this project, any observation matching the project's criteria will now be added automatically.


  • Belongs to Mammalia
  • Is not “captive or cultivated”
  • Has been observed in Luxembourg

Adding annotations

This change, however means that you no longer have the possibility to add the annotation fields “dead or alive” and “number of individuals” while adding the observation to the project.
Both fields (and more) can however easily be added using iNaturalist‘s web platform.
The field “dead or alive” can also be added using the app! After creating the original observation it is possible to add annotations to the observation,. The choice of annotation fields is adapted to the taxonomy of the observation (ex. “dead or alive”, “life stage” and “sex” for animals).

Publicado el 28 de abril de 2020 a las 02:25 PM por paul_luap paul_luap | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
