Archivos de Diario para mayo 2015

03 de mayo de 2015

East Texas Natural History Collection An exciting opportunity to help fund some important research

Today we are launching our Project at

Visit the Project:

We have been studying a population of magnificent black and white Buck Moths in Calhoun County since 2003 when they were first brought to our attention by 2 local naturalists - Brush Freeman and Petra Hockey. In October of 2014, we were thrilled to learn that The Powderhorn Ranch - a 17,351 acre tract of land in Calhoun County, Texas was acquired by The Nature Conservancy and Texas Parks and Wildlife. This property is an amazing and unique coastal oak habitat with grassy prairies, salt marshes and thousands of acres of low oak mottes.

The Nature Conservancy has recently granted us access to this property to continue our studies but we need your help to ensure that we have the necessary resources to complete what we have started.

How you can help:

1) Please visit our project and consider becoming a backer.
2) If you support this science please share it on Facebook, iNaturalist,
LinkedIn, Twitter and any other social media site.
3) We would love to have your endorsement.

We have 30 days from today to complete our fundraising and the key to our success is exposure so please spread the word.

We thank you so much for your time and look forward to your feedback!

Dr. Will Godwin, Robert J. Nuelle, Jr. , Robert Nuelle, III

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2015 a las 03:51 PM por rjnjr rjnjr | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

How has a Hemileuca moth evolved to live in a unique coastal Texas ecosystem?

Dear Friends:

If you are reading this email it is because you have shown an interest in the East Texas Natural History Collection and our ongoing efforts to build partnerships between scientific professionals, citizen scientists, land owners/resource mangers and the amazing wildlife of the great state of Texas. Since its inception in 2012 the East Texas Natural History Collection has worked to build this critical network.

Today we open a new chapter in our development -- crowd funded research - and we invite you to help spread the word - we need crowds of like minded people to visit our project and become backers.

The project is located here:

About the studies:

We have been studying a population of magnificent black and white Buck Moths in Calhoun County since 2003 when they were first brought to our attention by 2 local naturalists - Brush Freeman and Petra Hockey. In October of 2014, we were thrilled to learn that The Powderhorn Ranch - a 17,351 acre tract of land in Calhoun County, Texas was acquired by The Nature Conservancy and Texas Parks and Wildlife. Read more here. This property is an amazing and unique coastal oak habitat with grassy prairies, salt marshes and thousands of acres of low oak mottes. The two primary oaks in this habitat are the larval food plant for the Buck Moth and this is where our studies have been focused since 2005.

The Nature Conservancy has recently granted us access to this property to continue our studies and we need your help to ensure that we have the necessary resources to complete what we have started. Please visit our project and consider becoming a backer. If you support this science please share it on Facebook, iNaturalist, LinkedIn, Twitter and any other social media site. We would love to have your endorsement. We have 30 days from today to complete our fundraising and the key to our success is exposure - .

We thank you so much for your time and look forward to your feedback!

Dr. Will Godwin FICEZS
Mr. Robert Nuelle, Jr. AICEZS
Mr. Robert Nuelle, III

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2015 a las 03:53 PM por rjnjr rjnjr | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

How has a Hemileuca moth evolved to live in a unique coastal Texas ecosystem?

Hello and welcome to Day 2 of our crowd funding project. We have had such an amazing kick off day - 70 Page views and 12% of our target raised! Better than we had hoped, by far. Thank you to everyone who is helping. Please share this post on your Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ - help spread the word. Likes and shares get the word out!

We will be posting a new lab note tomorrow about the amazing caterpillars from Powderhorn ranch that we are rearing.

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Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2015 a las 03:55 PM por rjnjr rjnjr | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de mayo de 2015

We have an important Crowd Funding Campaign

Please visit our project at:

Share it on social media!!!!! -- become a backer -- $10.00 from you will help us realize our research goals!

Publicado el 07 de mayo de 2015 a las 03:36 PM por rjnjr rjnjr | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
