Diario del proyecto Taiwan Dragonflies and Damselflies

Archivos de Diario para agosto 2019

10 de agosto de 2019

The 1st member with obs of more than 100 species

fangshuohu (@fangshuohu) accumulated more than 100 species of odonates observed at this project on Aug. 8. In fact, this record should have achieved a wk earlier if I "collected" his obs timely.

100 species, what a significant milestone! Congratulations! And thank fangshuohu for uploading these wonderful observations.
Keep on the good work!

第一位累積超過 100 個物種觀察記錄的成員

於8月8日 fangshuohu (@fangshuohu) 在本專案中累積了超過 100 個蜻蛉目物種的觀察紀錄。事實上,這個紀錄應該在一星期前就達成了,只是我沒能適時地把這些記錄加到專案中。
100 個物種,是一項不小的成就。很令人興奮!恭喜!十分感謝 fangshuohu 上傳這些精采的記錄,也期待以後有更多的蜻蜓與豆娘記錄與眾人分享。謝謝 並祝

El primer miembro con observaciones de más de 100 especies

fangshuohu (@fangshuohu) acumuló más de 100 especies de odonatos observadas en este proyecto el 8 de agosto. De hecho, este récord debería haber alcanzado una semana antes si "recolectara" su obs a tiempo.
100 especies, ¡Qué hazaña! ¡Felicidades! Y gracias a fangshuohu por subir estas maravillosas observaciones.
¡Buen trabajo!

Publicado el 10 de agosto de 2019 a las 12:42 PM por aru aru | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

31 de agosto de 2019

Statistics as of August 31st, 2019

Statistics as of August 31st, 2019
....item......... ....number.... comparing with July
observation: .....7,657........+1,206
species (& ssp): ...132(135)...+0

The number of obs added to the project in August is 2nd highest, 1,206 obs. In these consecutive 2 months, there were more than 1.2K of obs added. Thank you very much for your painstaking observations and generous contributions.
Since it had been 132 species or 135 sp & ssp recorded by the end of July, so it became much difficult to increase the obs of new species after.
Five new members (83rd- 87th) joined in August. Welcome! They are,

  1. @naturalist16758 8/5
  2. @kosty 8/13
  3. @yichinchen 8/20
  4. @cxyz 8/30
  5. @naturalist8102 8/31
Publicado el 31 de agosto de 2019 a las 04:01 PM por aru aru | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario