Archivos de Diario para septiembre 2017

18 de septiembre de 2017

Mountain Goat scat

Date: September 4, 2017

Locality: Near Delano Peak, Tushar Mountain range, Beaver County UT

Directions: I followed a trail that started up Beaver canyon near the Big John Flat camp ground. I found the scat on the final ascent to the peak of the Tushar Mountain Range.

Habitat: The scat was on a steep slope surrounded by thin, short yellowing grass and weeds, as well as a lot of rocks.

Fellow Observers: Despite being with other people on the hike, I made the observation myself and was not near enough to the others to collaborate with others.

Time of day: The observation was made at approximately 13:00.

Amount of time: The observation took only several minutes, although similar observations were made throughout the afternoon.

Wind: The beaufort number was estimated at 3

Temperature: approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit

Sky conditions and precipitation: The sky was partly cloudy, but mostly clear and blue. It had rained a little bit the night before the observation was made, but the ground was dry at the time of elevation.

Elevation: The elevation was around 12,000 feet. I was on the final ascent to the summit and the peak of the mountain is marked as being 12, 169 feet.

Species list: Oreamnos americanus. Estimated at around 5 individuals. The observation itself was of scat. We did perhaps observe the actual animals, but they were much too far away to photograph and confirm, much less determine sex.

Comments: No further comments at this time.

Publicado el 18 de septiembre de 2017 a las 06:49 PM por jakepowell jakepowell | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

25 de septiembre de 2017

Deer tracks at Cedar Canyon Nature Park

Date: September 18, 2017
Locality: Cedar Canyon Nature Park
Area 1 (directions): Cedar Canyon Nature Park is near the entrance to Cedar Canyon near Cedar City Utah. The tracks were near the trail that runs through the park.
Area 2 (habitat): The tracks were in a patch of dirt that had recently been muddy. There was sage brush and patches of long grass. Very slight slope leading toward the river.
Fellow observers: Katie Tanner
Time of day: 15:00
Amount of time: 5 minutes
Wind: 3
Temperature: 72 F
Sky conditions and precipitation: Clear sky, It had rained the night before
Elevation: 5850 ft
Species list: The tracks seem to belong to 1 Odocoileus hemionus. Sex is unidentifiable by the track.
Comments: No comments at this time.

Publicado el 25 de septiembre de 2017 a las 06:42 PM por jakepowell jakepowell | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
