Archivos de Diario para marzo 2013

18 de marzo de 2013

California Lichens is now Ask a Lichenologist

I wanted to let you all know that the name and ownership of this project has changed: it's now Ask a Lichenologist (it was California Lichens) and it'll be run by the California Lichen Society, aka CALS (I'm a member, even though I'm still learning about lichens). I originally started this project with the hopes of getting CALS involved, so I'm happy to see them embracing this platform.

Ask a Lichenologist will focus on helping people out with lichen identifications, so if you have a mystery lichen that you'd like to learn more about, please add it to the project! CALS members will periodically get together to identify as many contributions as they can. We may also try to use this project as a venue for announcing lichen-related events. We're still testing the waters!

Looking forward to all of your contributions. Remember that lichens are tough to ID from photos, so be sure to take lots of pics from multiple angles. The closer the beter!

Publicado el 18 de marzo de 2013 a las 09:18 PM por kueda kueda | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
