Archivos de Diario para agosto 2013

12 de agosto de 2013

Ask a Lichenologist August 13 (tomorrow) night!

Tomorrow CALS members are going to get together online to look over some of your contributions to this project. We're going to try and use Google Hangouts agin, so check out the Society's Google Plus page tomorrow (Aug 13) at 7:30pm PDT. Last time we had at least a few folks watching live.

Publicado el 12 de agosto de 2013 a las 08:32 PM por kueda kueda | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de agosto de 2013

Ask a Lichenologist video, August 2013

Here's the recording of our August 2013 session. We actually got everyone connected this time!

Publicado el 14 de agosto de 2013 a las 07:17 AM por kueda kueda | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario
